Thanks, everyone. You guys are awesome. I appreciate you taking the time to give your insight. Here is some commentary:
1. Wether you are religious or not, you come from the Universe. There is a great expanse of sciency vibrations and nether, wibbly wobbly stuff that composes all of the universe. Everything you perceive, know, touch, feel, think. All of it. It is part of something. And that something, is not here to make us feel unpleasant.
Not convinced of this point. I mean, obviously I come from the universe, but to me the universe is sort of empty and chaotic so while it may not be here to make us feel badly it doesn't mean it's here to bolster our mood or life either.
I wish I could help you but I have (what I'm told is) a very flawed view on trust.
When I meet someone, I tend to believe them almost 100%. I am a blunt, honest person. So somehow I feel the world should be too and by presenting myself in this manner I hope to elicit the same response from others.
However, I'm a very black or white person on this. Lie to me once, you've lost my trust for good. I've ended relationships after a single (serious) lie, I cannot regain trust for someone after that and will always second guess anything they do or say after that.
I used to be very quick to cull someone who betrayed my trust, but I am no longer. I am currently working very hard on forgiveness and patience, since I know your path just doesn't work for me. However, I'm not a blunt person, so I perceive the world differently.
You now know that you can survive on your own. That will always be a solid fallback position, so don't sweat taking some small steps towards giving people your trust.
I liked hearing this, thanks. It is a reassuring point.
Don't befriend women that you have romantic feelings for or might have romantic feelings for. Don't hold on to a nugget of hope that she might one day love you. Either be strictly platonic friends or lovers. Keep it straight in your head.
Yeah no I made that mistake in high school, did my emo teen pining thing and got it out of my system. We're good on that note.
It sounds like you want to play the long game - you want to find a long term partner, not just someone to fill a gap or a need for a little while.
Whoa, no, I may have given the opposite impression than I wanted to. I am working to start slowly. I definitely want someone to fill a gap for a little while. I'm not even sure a relationship is something I want. I think it is but no, this is something I am definitely approaching in a slower, casual way.
So, look for women with high standards, and work hard to live up to their expectations.
Damn, I'm awesome, there aren't standards high enough. I exceed them all!
I actually am in therapy right now, and I have brought up my trust issues, which I considered mentioning in my post