Always have headaches and jawaches. Got myself to a jaw surgeon, who found nothing terribly wrong with me. I can open my mouth too wide, dislocating both jaws every time I yawn. So....Don't open my mouth too much and I should be fine.
I've tried keeping my mouth more closed lately, and now I've been rewarded with an inflammation of the muscles in my left jaw. Every bite, yawn, every word said, hurts like...well, a bad toothache, but a bit higher-up.
Also, wearing glasses now (because of the forementioned constant headaches), and my skin can't handle glasses 24/7, so a rash on my nose it is.
Weightwise, I'm somwhere around 76 kgs now, coming from 84. Not that I mind having lost some weight, but I sort of need to gain muscles and possibly lose a little fat, not just get ganglier and skinny with no apparent muscles and a potbelly.
All in all though, my health's far from terrible, just constant little crap.