How the Internet beat up an 11 year old girl, and how her father became a meme.

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Via Gawker:

How the Internet Beat Up an 11-Year-Old Girl

Ok, there's a rich and controversial story behind the tale of this 11 year old girl and her run-in with anonymous. We can debate the malignancy of /b/tards, we can debate the parental wisdom of allowing an 11 year old unfettered internet access.

But I just can't stop laughing about how her father channeled some kind of "Macho Man/Ultimate Warrior" and declared that CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!!
Wow. Just wow.

My dad was down right paranoid about my sisterand mine internet usage. The cimputer was right in the middle of the family area so he could always check on us. feel bad for this girl...but where were her parents BEFORE this shit storm started?
What a well picked out outfit for an 11yr old.
Theres this line in King of the Hill where Peggy and Nancy walk by a couple of 10-11 year old girls all tarted up and Peggy says, "Can you believe how girls are dressed these days?" and Nancy says, "We call them 'Prosti-tots' suge."
Okay, I felt bad for her until I saw the other video.


This is why 11 year old's should be seen and not heard.


Hey, don't forget, this is a sexually repressed nation! Apparently.
Okay, I felt bad for her until I saw the other video.


This is why 11 year old's should be seen and not heard.

I didn't really feel bad during the breakdown video cause she looked like she is a punk but after seeing that video any pity I could have possibly had is long gone.


Okay, I felt bad for her until I saw the other video.


This is why 11 year old's should be seen and not heard.

I didn't really feel bad during the breakdown video cause she looked like she is a punk but after seeing that video any pity I could have possibly had is long gone.[/QUOTE]

"If you can't stop hating, you know what? I'll pop a glock in your mouth and make a brain slushy.""
hopefully this is a life lesson that will stick
Yeah. I won't go so far as to say she deserved it, but she certainly brought a lot of this grief upon herself. And her family only made it worse. This is a perfect example of how parents need to be involved with their child's internet usage.
You just KNOW that after this is all said and done, it's going to turn out that she DID sleep with the guy. It's the only way this could become even more tragically hilarious.

I looked up some of this supposed bands music.

I was immediately intrigued.

What does this Dahvie Vanity character look like, I wondered.

What in the hell of shit.

That... is one of the worst "songs" I've ever heard in my life. I would think it a parody or part of a comedy skit if I didn't know better. WHAT THE FUCK.

I... I listen to some pretty mind-numbing music... But this shit is straight out poison.
Yeah. I won't go so far as to say she deserved it, but she certainly brought a lot of this grief upon herself. And her family only made it worse. This is a perfect example of how parents need to be involved with their child's internet usage.
This, plus I laughed when she'd stop to check her hair in the webcam as she was 'being torn apart emotionally.'
Huh. You know, I'm not surprised that an 11 year old would listen to something so wholly vacuous, but I am somewhat bemused to learn that a 25 year old would proudly put forth such dreck. I mean seriously, why would an adult male aim to make music for tween girls?

Also, is it just me, or does that dude's voice sound like he should be doing voice work for crappy anime?
The more I read and hear the more I am terrified.

I don't advocate people making 11 year old girls cry but... but what the hell?
One of the most important things about staying safe is to not go around picking fights. That applies to the Internet too. Her parents should've taught her that.

Also, I have some pretty bad taste in music, but even I thought that song's horrible. Seriously, I now feel physically nauseated and dizzy after listening to 1:04 of it.


And the moral of this story?

'Internet privacy doesn't exist, so play nice'.
When I read the story and found out that her last name was Slaughter I couldn't stop laughing.

Damn not her real name. Yes I should read the whole thing before posting. No I won't in the future.
If, at age 11, I made a video like her original foul mouthed rant the followup would not have been my father telling the world "consequences will never be the same" it would have been my father beating my ass with his leather belt.
Same here. If my parents heard me using that kind of language they probably would have full on BEAT me and thrown me out of the house!
And the moral of this story?

'Internet privacy doesn't exist, so play nice'.
It's more like internet privacy only exists until you give people a reason to find out more. If you don't DO anything stupid online, people aren't going to harass you. Simple as that.
1) That band reminds me of Brokencyde.
2) I usually do not side with 4Chan against 11 year olds. I usually avoid and fear /b/ because of stuff like this (my friend's little sister is channer...she terrifies me without having met her). However...her parents give her unfettered web access, let her dress like a prostitot, allow her a webcam, and allow her to listen to a band with fairly explicit lyrics. Obviously, they have failed to teach her the proper lessons about the world. While I do not approve of the methods...4Chan learned that girl but good.


Same here. If my parents heard me using that kind of language they probably would have full on BEAT me and thrown me out of the house!
time has change I guess. My parents would have kicked my butt if I was using that kind of language at that age.
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