It would, however, open up the doors to even more cyber stalking, discrimination, and various other unsavory practices that come from people just plain not liking other people.
This right here is probably the best reason.
Put aside for a moment the possibility that people will treat your
traffic differently based on content. Criticism, as a whole, will practically dry up. Defamation and libel lawsuits will proliferate like mosquitoes after a rainstorm. "Gangs" of loudmouths (they will band together for strength) will drown intelligent discourse under a torrent of ALL CAPS ZOMG U SHUD DIE. The ability to have a serious conversation about anything controversial will all but vanish.
The proponents of Real_ID or other mandatory deanonymization plans make the claim that if everyone is forced to display their real name/ID/info along with every comment, then this will likewise force/shame everyone into proper behavior. But, as anyone who has had to work with the public/retail/food service/law enforcement will tell you, it is exceedingly (and unfortunately) common, and even
usual for someone to sign up for an appointment with an email/phone number, give you their credit card or other form of ID, or let you look them up in your frequent customer database, and then
immediately begin to complain and treat you like absolute shit even though you now have access to their address, phone number, name, purchase history, prison records, or even the food they are about to eat. Merely forcing everyone to use their own name absolutely will do
nothing to keep people from being assholes. The only people who will truly suffer from deanonymization are those people who
require that anonymity lest they suffer retaliation or the chance of drowning under the flood of idiots.
I would be willing to lay money that the only reason anyone
ever suggests "We should all give up our anonymity!" is because they wanted to retaliate against someone at some point but couldn't.