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How would you want to be buried?




Say money was no object how would you want to be buried? Or at the very least what would you want done with your remains?

For me I would like my corpse shot into the sun. They could put me into a coffin shaped like a photon torpedo tube from Star Trek and play the bagpipes in the background as they launch me towards the sun.


Not. I want to be cremated, ashes spread wherever my loved ones want (since it's their deal), and maybe a tree planted for me somewhere.




Donated to science (but NOT for just med students to practice on).




In a small pine box with a few of my books and toys tossed it.



Never given much thought but not leaving a trace behind sounds good so cremated so far.


Philosopher B.

Stars I can't abide by the thought of my corpse rotting away underground. I know I'm not gonna give a shit afterward but I want to die happy, you know? I want my ashes to thrown up into the air someplace, free on the wind. Like a bird.


Steven Soderburgin

You could legit shit in my mouth then throw me in a ditch and it wouldn't matter nothin to me.




Dead preferably.


Wasabi Poptart

I want to be cremated and have the ashes turned into a diamond.




My body is being donated to science upon my death. So no burial for me.


Le Quack

Frozen, then smashed to dust by huge sonic waves.




ZenMonkey said:
Not. I want to be cremated, ashes spread wherever my loved ones want (since it's their deal), and maybe a tree planted for me somewhere.
I like it.
Put me down for one of these.




Another cool way would be to minus the car from the following GIF and insert my dead body in its place.




I would want my body incinerated by a lightning bolt at 10,000 ft.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What happens after I die ain't my problem.



I'm simple- parcel out the parts that can be used by other people and burn up the rest and toss me in the ocean. Nuthin' fancy :D




hylian said:
Another cool way would be to minus the car from the following GIF and insert my dead body in its place.

Hehe, yeah I want my body to be the new Buster for Mythbusters for one horrifying episode.


MindDetective said:
Donated to science (but NOT for just med students to practice on).
Oh yeah, before the cremation I forgot about this part. At the moment they need more cadavers of people fucked up like me, to learn more about my illnesses, so if that's still the case when I croak I'd like to help out that way.




WildSoul said:
I want to be cremated and have the ashes turned into a diamond.
What color? The yellow are cheapest, and I think blue costs the most.



I've already told my wife to stuff my body full of dynamite, put me in a boat, set me adrift to sea, and remote detonate.



Laurelai said:
I'm simple- parcel out the parts that can be used by other people and burn up the rest and toss me in the ocean. Nuthin' fancy :D

Hadn't considered this. Organ donation, for what can be of use to others, is a good idea.



If money was no object? I'd either like my remains placed in a long distance space probe (I've already seen the sun, send me somewhere interesting, eh?). Or used in Frankensteinesque experiments. You could probably stick me into a haunted house somewhere as well. But only if the house were made from bodies, like Davy Jone's ship from Pirates of the Caribbean.


Rob King

Rob King

I'd like to be brought into orbit, preferably uncremated, and have my casket re-enter the atmosphere.

If it could be scheduled/timed properly, it'd be awesome for my friends and family to be able to look up and see the shooting star.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Cremate, mix ashes with soil, plant tree, call it a day.



All this talk about being used to fertilize a tree reminds me of the enders game sequels.



Chazwozel said:
Have my ex-wife stuff my body full of dynamite and roofing nails, put me in a boat, go out to sea, and light the fuse.

Rob King said:
I'd like to be brought into orbit, preferably uncremated, and have my casket re-enter the atmosphere.

If it could be scheduled/timed properly, it'd be awesome for my friends and family to be able to look up and see the shooting star.

Either one of these sound great.



1. Donate organs.
2. Cremate.
3. .... ?
4. Profit.


escushion said:
Cremate, mix ashes with soil, plant tree, call it a day.
^ This.




Huh. Money no object you say?

Well, originally I'd have my body cremated and spread somewhere. But if I could be as extravagant as I wanted, I would demand that my ashes be crushed into a diamond (I hear they do that), and have a 40 ft. statue of me made in as most a exaggeratedly triumphant pose as possible, with my fist in the air. Then, on this hand, there would be a ring made of solid diamond. My diamondized remains would be placed on the very tip of this ring-- the highest point on the statue. The statue itself would be placed high upon a cliff, outside some kind of coloseum or other important grandiose building.

Only the worthiest and most foolhardy of criminals would attempt to retrieve the diamond that I rested upon. I'm happy with anyone capable of taking the diamond having it.


My mom wants to be made into a diamond and put into a ring, -or- her ashes used in a painting.

My dad wants his ashes to be planted with a new tree, so he can "live on" as the tree. The Dad Tree.



Dusty668 said:
Chazwozel said:
Have my ex-wife stuff my body full of dynamite and roofing nails, put me in a boat, go out to sea, and light the fuse.

Rob King said:
I'd like to be brought into orbit, preferably uncremated, and have my casket re-enter the atmosphere.

If it could be scheduled/timed properly, it'd be awesome for my friends and family to be able to look up and see the shooting star.

Either one of these sound great.
Huh. I missed chazwozel's. That does sound awesome. Like a modernized viking...thing. I'd some how want "the weapons of my vanquashed enemies" piled in there with me. I'm sure chazwozel would have the Rna sequences of the diseases he'd cured in the boat along with him....if...if that correlates I'm afraid I'm woefully ignorant when it comes to micro-biology.


Le Quack

Well if money is no object......

I want to be chopped up into body parts after being full body tatoo'd with the location of a 40 billion dollar treasure. I'd have people send one body part to a random person with a letter attached. I'd make them find each other to get the treasure. This act would sure to be riddle with treachery and backstabbings. Then, when they finally find the treasure, the money is so old it disintigrates upon exposure to air.




Reanimated with a zombie virus.

Failing that, a Tibetan sky burial sounds good too.


Chad Sexington


Seriously? I mean, if money is no object? Geez you people are not creative.

"Oh I'll just be cremated..." Yeah, me too, but if money is no object, weeeeeell...

I'm going to buy a tropical island and the majority of it will be covered with the largest, tallest pyramid known to man. Deep beneath it, my corpse will be entombed in a room that can only be reached through a booby-trapped maze. Each section will be built by different contractors, who will never speak to each other and be killed after construction is finished (Their bodies will be donated to science, or the fishes). Throughout the pyramid, in elaborate pictorial codes, will be messages to my loved ones for people to try and decipher for centuries. The island and ocean surrounding it will be a protected site, maintained with the funds of "money is no object" (which is my favourite source of money) with all types of animals brought in exclusively to make my resting place more awesome. There will be no snakes or worms there, however, because those things give me the creeps. I will have staff whose sole job it is to traverse the island, ensuring no snakes or worms have made their way onto it, and ridding them if they do.

I will also genetically engineer a giant dragon and store him in a chamber that can only be accessed with a key that can only be obtained if you have the correct item, which you can only get to if you've beaten my previous three [strike:2nz0epwv]dungeons[/strike:2nz0epwv] tombs, and then once you get to the dragon, you must use your wits and that item to defeat him and get my heart (which will be kept on ice, otherwise it will be useless after the boss battle. Also I'm not sure people with heart conditions bad enough to need a transplant should be fighting dragons). After you take my heart, the pyramid will collapse.


Le Quack


With my no object money, I will construct a moon station UNDER THE MOONS Surface. An UNDERGROUND MOON BASE TOMB will have been built to store my body. There will be 998 doors and the door will only open once you have answered the question, or guessed the trick. After getting to the last door, the tomb requires you to write a 89 page thesis on "why is blue." When the tomb opens, a gas will be emited that changes the DNA of the one that opened the sarcophagas into my exact DNA at age 21. When this has occured, computer preformed magick spells will transfer my lingering soul into the body with no resembles mine. After a long battle for dominance, I will destroy the tumor which is the original soul and walk the Earth/Moon again.


Wasabi Poptart

figmentPez said:
WildSoul said:
I want to be cremated and have the ashes turned into a diamond.
What color? The yellow are cheapest, and I think blue costs the most.
Until I read this post I had no idea that it could actually be done. :redface:



As I don't plan on dying, rather, having my consciousness transferred to a much more suitable vassal, such a robotic shell, I will have complete control over my body's future. As such it will receive a an unassuming send off. Left in the middle of a prairie, where the animals or the earth can decide what to do with it.

Remember kids, the body is not a temple, it is a vessel to be shed in place of a more suitable and more durable metal husk at our earliest convenience.



Singularity.EXE said:
As I don't plan on dying, rather, having my consciousness transferred to a much more suitable vassal, such a robotic shell, I will have complete control over my body's future. As such it will receive a an unassuming send off. Left in the middle of a prairie, where the animals or the earth can decide what to do with it.

Remember kids, the body is not a temple, it is a vessel to be shed in place of a more suitable and more durable metal husk at our earliest convenience.
Ra's all ghuld? Is that you?


Just Me

Just Me

I'm simple,so no fancy booby trapped stuff for me.

Either a large burial mound or preferably a viking burial where I float out to the horizon in a giant blaze.




I'd send my half rotten corpse to whoever's in charge of PETA at that moment with a note: Eat this!


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Wahad said:
I'd send my half rotten corpse to whoever's in charge of PETA at that moment with a note: Eat this!
I like it!


Rob King

Rob King

Just Me said:
I'm simple,so no fancy booby trapped stuff for me.

Either a large burial mound or preferably a viking burial where I float out to the horizon in a giant blaze.
Make your pyre-boat the decommissioned Queen Mary 2, and I approve.




Got a horrible fear of being buried alive and I'm not taking chances.




Shawnacy said:
Got a horrible fear of being buried alive and I'm not taking chances.
And burning alive is better?




In real life: Let the docs pick up the pieces they can stuff into other people, cremate the rest, plant a tree. Or maybe saw off one of my hands post-mortem, and have it mummified into a permanent "flipping the bird" position, plated in gold and put under a tasteful, bullet-proof glass. And make it so in my will that the least favourite descendant gets diddly unless he keeps my mummified hand on his mantle or another prominent location until he himself kicks the bucket.

If money were no object: Hmm... I'll get back to you on that.




Well, if money is no object:

Bronzed, standing atop a chair, looking triumphant, with several naked women looking up at me while I'm throwing the horns. The statue must rotate with the sun to always face it, and the base will have motion sensors with a voice recording that randomly compliments passers by. Last, a slight current will flow through the statue to keep birds from crapping on it.




Wahad said:
Shawnacy said:
Got a horrible fear of being buried alive and I'm not taking chances.
And burning alive is better?

Plus there's also that nagging concern that I'm just another bit of trash that isn't properly going to be redistributed into the ecosystem.
And why the hell would I want my family burdened with making sure my expensive funeral is paid for and dedicating time/money to keeping my gravesite well cared for?
The problem with the whole thing is that some people have the misconception that respect for the dead requires keeping a body preserved. If they feel I deserve a tombstone or something with my name on it that's fine and understandable. Just make sure I'm not buried underneath it.




I don't have anything against cremating, personally, if it came off as that.

Just wanted to see how you preferred burning alive over buried alive. Fair enough, I suppose.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shawnacy said:
Wahad said:
Shawnacy said:
Got a horrible fear of being buried alive and I'm not taking chances.
And burning alive is better?

Plus there's also that nagging concern that I'm just another bit of trash that isn't properly going to be redistributed into the ecosystem.
And why the hell would I want my family burdened with making sure my expensive funeral is paid for and dedicating time/money to keeping my gravesite well cared for?
The problem with the whole thing is that some people have the misconception that respect for the dead requires keeping a body preserved. If they feel I deserve a tombstone or something with my name on it that's fine and understandable. Just make sure I'm not buried underneath it.
Partly it's a religious thing. Some see it as sacreligious to burn the body. Then there are some who feel the soul will sleep in the body until the second coming. And then there are those who feel the way of the body will affect the soul, so like getting shot in the face is going to scar you in the afterlife, completely ignoring decomposition and such.

"My God! He's become a skeleton! This is grave is currrrrrrsed!"




Well, once I'm dead I'm sure I won't have much care for what happens to my body, so I can't really bring myself to care much about it before I'm dead either. I'd prefer my survivors spend as little as possible dealing with my corpse and save the bulk of my life insurance for themselves.



I´d love to have my body lost in some jungle while travelling.

Im dead, I dont want my loved ones to waste their time crying over me, but I want them to move on and live their lives, for life´s too short already, and there´s no real guarantee that there will be a next one.




To extravagant?

In honesty though I have not thought about it though. Maybe being turned to ash or having my body be buried in a container that will biodregae relatively quickly and plant a tree over the grave?




I told my wife I always wanted to be more artistic, and so if I don't learn to paint by the time I die, I told her to put my ashes inside a huge thing of paint mix and just make a whole bunch of paintings with it. Told her not to do a portrait though, that would just be creepy. :toocool:



I'd like my head to be electrically animated via brain stimulation so my eyes move and such, then mounted in a bullet proof case and sent to my grandparents, with the legal obligation that they can never get rid of it and must have it placed on their dinner table.


Rob King

Rob King

WolfOfOdin said:
I'd like my head to be electrically animated via brain stimulation so my eyes move and such, then mounted in a bullet proof case and sent to my grandparents, with the legal obligation that they can never get rid of it and must have it placed on their dinner table.
From the other thread, I judge your cause just. Now I just wish I had the technology, legal powers, or funds to make it so for you.

Maybe all three will be solved by the time you die.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I was going to start a thread for this, but in here seems the appropriate place:

What about putting your ashes into a lifelike plastic replica of your own head?

The more I think about this, the more I like it. You could go on frightening neighborhood kids for years after your death.




Shallow grave deep in the National Forest.


General Fuzzy McBitty

General Fuzzy McBitty

I've already told my NOK that I want my body burned and put in a coffee can a la The Big Lebowski as to better fulfill my request that they "burn the body; spend the money."




General Fuzzy McBitty said:
I've already told my NOK that I want my body burned and put in a coffee can a la The Big Lebowski as to better fulfill my request that they "burn the body; spend the money."
I'm sorry sir, but $180 is our most modest receptacle.

Honestly, I haven't really thought much about how I want to be buried. The idea of having a tree planted in soil mixed with the ashes is a very intriguing one though. If I ever become wealthy enough to have a large family property, it might be neat for that to become a tradition amonst the family. That way there would eventually be a whole grove of ancestors for the generations to come.




If I had my druthers, I'd have them heave my fat, bloated, smelly unembalmed carcass off the roof of a downtown skyscraper at 12:15pm.

Or, if that won't work, shot out of a cannon aimed to hit the capitol dome in Washington D.C.


If money were not an issue, Frozen in Carbonite! :D

More realistically, donate any useable organs, then cremated and ashes spread wherever my loved ones cared to. I would NOT want to sit on a shelf somewhere. That's always struck me as a bit creepy.




Realistically: harvest the useful organs, plastinate the rest, let med srudents use what's left.

Unrealistically: Robocop, dude.




Baerdog7 said:
Honestly, I haven't really thought much about how I want to be buried. The idea of having a tree planted in soil mixed with the ashes is a very intriguing one though. If I ever become wealthy enough to have a large family property, it might be neat for that to become a tradition amonst the family. That way there would eventually be a whole grove of ancestors for the generations to come.
Sounds like a good idea to me!



I've already planned out something extravagant, minus the 'money is no object' bit! I want to be cremated, and have whatever relative I least like be legally obligated to fly, personally, to every single country in the world and leave a single ash there. They have to do it themselves, no mailing the ash to someone in the country. And they have to fly first class where possible.

Going broke from doing that will be my eternal gift to them.


I actually want my body donated to one of the forensics farms for scientific study and training of police but my wife won't let me. I'll probably be buried. So boring. Put me in a field to rot for a couple weeks and then let some students try and figure out what REALLY killed me!


Edrondol said:
I actually want my body donated to one of the forensics farms for scientific study and training of police but my wife won't let me. I'll probably be buried. So boring. Put me in a field to rot for a couple weeks and then let some students try and figure out what REALLY killed me!
"Well, it seems the weight of the flappy old hooties was too much for him to bear..."




If money were no object I'd want to be reanimated.



Who needs to be buried when you live forever?

Should my secret weakness be discovered somehow, though, I'd want anything of use to be removed, the rest cremated then dusted into the same place my grandfather was dusted: Odell Lake in central Oregon.



chakz said:
Singularity.EXE said:
As I don't plan on dying, rather, having my consciousness transferred to a much more suitable vassal, such a robotic shell, I will have complete control over my body's future. As such it will receive a an unassuming send off. Left in the middle of a prairie, where the animals or the earth can decide what to do with it.

Remember kids, the body is not a temple, it is a vessel to be shed in place of a more suitable and more durable metal husk at our earliest convenience.
Ra's all ghuld? Is that you?

Doubt it.

The metal lives...

On-topic, I did rather like one idea mentioned in an earlier incarnation of this thread; to wit, having my body dressed in a Superman costume before being dropped out of a plane over a major city centre.




Pojodan said:
Who needs to be buried when you live forever?

Should my secret weakness be discovered somehow, though,
Roast-duck-flavoured chips. ISNT IT?!




If money were no object...before I die, I'd want to go up into the Earth's orbit and push off/be fired in a trajectory that would bring me back into Earth's atmosphere (while still alive, actually, since I'd like to have the control over my own death). I like the idea of my dreaming of flight and the symbolism of the phoenix, and it'd be pretty cool to be a shooting star for a moment.



Bubble181 said:
Pojodan said:
Who needs to be buried when you live forever?

Should my secret weakness be discovered somehow, though,
Roast-duck-flavoured chips. ISNT IT?!
You're close, and yet so far off, my friend!




I want to be fed to lions






The ghost-in-the-shell idea certainly appealed to me as a teenager but I soon learned how dire a "life" like that would be. Also I would probably end up going the Metallo route and going absolutely fucking nuts, rather than the more productive Brainiac route...

I'm gonna go for having my body obliterated. Why settle for cremation when I can have my atoms systematically destroyed.



hylian said:
How would you want to be buried?

Face down.




Viking Funeral Pyre, preferable on a boat that I have built myself.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Directly underneath the animatronic, rotting zombie version of myself programmed to pop out when it detects motion at night.

Damned kids aren't getting their rocks off on this guy's final resting place. :zombie:




Whatever my loved ones want and need done with it to get closure. Fuck do I care what happens to me? I'm dead.

Although if they desecrate it in any way, I'd recommend cremation, lest I come back as a zombie to claim my revenge. :zombie:




I'd want the earth as my grave and the universe as my tombstone, but I doubt I'll get the power to do that in my lifetime :|




CynicismKills said:
If money were no object I'd want to be reanimated.

One of the reasons I'm personally against donating my organs after my death is so that I will still have them when they find a way to bring [strike:178b7d3s]people[/strike:178b7d3s] me back to life.



Frankie Williamson

I'd want to be cremated, then, all my cabony bits pressed into an artificial diamond. Then I want that diamond shot into the sun.
