I don't know what to say

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Zen said, "Cool story bro."

Really, what's the point of discussion here? Humanity is horrible? It's not news, it's not debate, it's just trying to drown a saturday night in vinegar.
Since I won't click the link as I have no desire to listen to it at least tell me the invaders were caught.
It did start with the actual gunshots first for about 1 1/2 mins but then it was a audio of a woman who sounded pretty much like the girl from Blair Witch fliming herself crying for the last 16mins (Yes I realize it's real, but I'm just describing what it sounded like) Oh and Gurpel, it was 18:51mins.


Shegokigo said:
It did start with the actual gunshots first for about 1 1/2 mins but then it was a audio of a woman who sounded pretty much like the girl from Blair Witch fliming herself crying for the last 16mins (Yes I realize it's real, but I'm just describing what it sounded like) Oh and Gurpel, it was 18:51mins.
Dude, what do you expect her to do. Her husband and daughter were just brutally murdered?
Again, I realize what it was, but the entire audio that's all I could picture while listening to her. I'm heartless, not stupid.
Shegokigo said:
Again, I realize what it was, but the entire audio that's all I could picture while listening to her. I'm heartless, not stupid.
I have this weird ongoing backstory going on in my head where Shego is actually, in real life, a flowers and ponies straight girl who just enjoys screwing with people on the forum.

If you are not sure if it would add anything to the boards, it probably won't. Had it not been so graphic I might have left it, but my goodness.
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