I find [THINGS] hot

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I would. Easily.
Because of the beard or because of the glasses? Because I admit, some members of the fairer sex do look mighty fine in a nice pair of specs :)

Beards, not so much.

I do agree with you on lingerie, though. Beautiful, inviting lingerie can definitely be a turn-on, even more so than full nudity. I guess for me it's the interplay between what you see and what you can't see.

Porn... Yeah, I'd say you're not missing anything. I've perhaps seen maybe one or two porn scenes that were actually beautiful and erotic to watch. Mostly it's just... bleh. If you've seen one porn flick, you've seen about 99% what porn has to offer.


Staff member
I love a sexy voice. Fella whispers in my ear, a little breath on my neck... Ohoho, your wish is my command.
'tude. I'm not in it to rule, and I don't expect to serve, either. There will be a balance or else I'm gettin' off the teeter-totter.
I wanted to touch on this for a moment. Attitude is probably the most attractive thing I find about a woman. Balance is boring, but the shift of power back and forth can be incredibly fun. Though I do like there to be a shift, so the teeter-totter analogy is apt.

Do I want to rule? Do I want to serve? Yes.

This has been another episode of getting to know poe... too well.


Staff member
I wanted to touch on this for a moment. Attitude is probably the most attractive thing I find about a woman. Balance is boring, but the shift of power back and forth can be incredibly fun. Though I do like there to be a shift, so the teeter-totter analogy is apt.

Do I want to rule? Do I want to serve? Yes.


Voice. Dirty talk does nothing, and I'd rather not date Harvey Fierstein.

Friends. Not interested in threesomes. Of any sort. There, I said it.
I was generally keeping it to things I find visually hot not things that I enjoy during sexy times BUT I dig the dirty talk. Especially when it is unexpected.

And yeah I agree on threesomes. I have no interest in it. My opinion is, as the great lyricist and sexual dynamo once said, sex is best when it's ONE ON ONE.
I think I didn't say it before, but regarding voice, I really like low female voices.

(The first time I saw a film with Scarlett Johansson not dubbed? MmmMmMmm!)

If I did say it before, It's still appropiate: I like it that much.
I love a sexy voice. Fella whispers in my ear, a little breath on my neck... Ohoho, your wish is my command.
I agree! My husband doesn't whisper in my ear, but he makes this low purr/growl kind of sound that sends just enough breath on my ear and neck. It makes me weak in the knees even if I am not standing up.
My first couple relationships were mostly long-distance. I became quite adept in using my voice to... push buttons.

That being said, it's also not too hard to jump-start my engine with the right combination of tone and wording. Sometimes something said in an off-hand manner can be just as effective, if not moreso, than intentional dirty talk.

Power struggle? Not so much. You can resist if you want, but that just means you'll end up tired and restrained.
I wanted to touch on this for a moment. Attitude is probably the most attractive thing I find about a woman. Balance is boring, but the shift of power back and forth can be incredibly fun. Though I do like there to be a shift, so the teeter-totter analogy is apt.

Do I want to rule? Do I want to serve? Yes.

This has been another episode of getting to know poe... too well.
Right. Suppose I should've been more clear. I'm not interested in people who ONLY want to drive, or ONLY want to be strapped into the rearward-facing carrier. That's why I mentioned the see-saw. :unibrow:

As for clothes/lingerie and adornments/make-up, I really feel the same. Enhance, not replace. Don't amputate your eyebrows and then draw them back on. Don't blow your lips up so big that you can no longer breathe through your nose. Don't wear so much mascara/lip gloss/eye shadow/spray tan/foundation/hair product/nail acrylic/perfume/eyeliner/contour cream that you need to hand out a MSDS before each date.



Ha ha ha! No, don't twist it around. Take the joke and live with it.


(edit): Don't be a smug relationshipie over it! I fucking hate relationshipies! All smug, like they're BETTER than everyone else cuz they don't like cosmetics and shit!

God damned relationshipies...

(edit edit): Ha haaa, Officer_Charon, you're on a (Pat)roll!


Staff member
I don't know, historically speaking with girls I've always been into the nice legs/nice butt kind of situation, but I feel like my tastes are all over the place.

As for clothes/lingerie and adornments/make-up? Well, I don't know, there comes a point with it all. As long as they're comfortable with themselves and have no issues with going out in public in sweatpants/t-shirts? I don't care what they wear. It's when they start spending hours upon hours to go out and freak out when they're seen without makeup or dressed up that it bothers me.

Tattoos are nice too, I like those sleeves on girls.

Perfume? As long as you don't smell I don't care if you smell like roses or girly shampoo.

Also, in a situation where me and a girl are hoppin' on the good foot and doin' the bad thing? Dirty talk is great. Not like crazy shit, but enough where it's kind of wild. What Cajungal was talking about with the growl thing? Well, girls can do the same with kind of that breathy whisper that gets those hearts in my eyes.

But when it comes to texts or sexts or whatever? I'm just way too awkward to deal with that. I just kind of go along with it, feel weird and then change the subject to something. Or just say "I put on my robe and wizard hat".

In general, I think the biggest thing is just girls (or guys if you're a girl) who are comfortable enough in bed. Like.. "Hey, see that dresser? Let's have sex on it." or "Hm, yeah, let's try THAT but with me upside down."

Seriously, it's two (or more) people rolling around in sheets and making funny faces at eachother. Don't take it seriously.
On the subject of sexts, I'm a little on the fence when it comes to teasing, flirting texts from female friends that I know aren't serious. On the one hand, it is kinda flattering and fun. On the other, it's like woah girl, don't start what you can't finish.
I must confess, I'm a big fan of a good sexting... it's like the modern version of passing spicy notes, but with a more immediate turnaround


But that moment when you think you accidentally sent it to the wrong person... :Leyla:


I'll do (math) to you so (intentionally) that you'll (fish) so (scared)!


u fail at sextlibs.

(I considered it btw, but it felt less madlib-y)
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