I forgot what I was gonna say..

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Kitty Sinatra

Now I'm a little sad to hear it's not going swell. I hope it's just a rough start that smooths out shortly. As I recall, the rough part is getting a decent sized regular clientele going, right?


Now I'm a little sad to hear it's not going swell. I hope it's just a rough start that smooths out shortly. As I recall, the rough part is getting a decent sized regular clientele going, right?
I uhh.. cameltoe... (wipes drool off chin) .. uhh..

Oh yeah! business!

Yeah it's weird.. I'm definitely on a rollercoaster sometimes.. sometimes business booms, sometimes it tanks. I'm in a very unique situation where if I wasn't where I live, I would have been out on the streets by now.. I don't get paid, I just run the business.. two weeks ago I had a unique surplus, so I decided to take advantage of the timing and paid $300 in ads for coupons in the paper, my first real advertising venture, and so far it hasn't paid off.. but it's gotten the word out some.. just kind of a crap shoot I guess and the economy right now stinks to high heaven.. fortunately my office rent is low ($475) and I'm right on a main street.. problem is getting people to come IN. About to have people stand on the corner with my brightly made (professional) signs again, or dress up like a clown and wave at people to come in..

But anyway, I guess the slowdown gives me time to work on my DS9 viewing, my Voyager and TNG viewing.. crap, already watched all those... well, back to making video games I guess then, huh? :D


by the way, thanks all for the welcome backs. Sorry if I haven't responded to everyone, it's not a slight, just attention deficit. ;)
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