I have an announcement to make

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Staff member
Sheeet, I didn't know this was a dating sight. Why didn't anyone tell me?
We thought you knew. Dave has made a big announcement about it every time XenForo updates it's matching algorithms. The 1,000 question profiling quiz is a little intrusive, though. I have no idea how my social security number and mother's maiden name fit into finding my perfect match, but who am I to question science? I know it'll pay off when the system finds me the girl of my dreams.
Weird, I totally had Calleja/GreenLantern and Gusto/Morphine in my Halforums hookup pool. Better get my twitterpated sensors checked.

Good luck you two!
Alright Mex, just as long as the dame knows that when you go out to fight crime as part of the crime-fighting due, "Mex and the Baby, Now on CBS!", things get dangerous and you might not make it home one of these nights.

Not because you got killed by those Columbian drug runners whose boat house we smashed through with our speed boat but because we had WAY to much to drink afterwords and you crashed at my place.
Congrats you two. Calleja, now you have someone to fend off the WoaCA at the local Starbucks. ;)
What the hell is a WoaCA? :confused:

Did you meet at Starbucks?
No, we met at... uh.. Twitter, actually <_<

It looks like they met on the elemental plane of yellow.

The yellomental plane, if you will.


Thanks to everyone else... to be honest although it was a longish time coming, neither of us expected it to happen so fast, it kinda took us by surprise. It's gonna be a bit tough with the long distance and all, but we're committed to giving it a good chance.
Added at: 11:06
Congrats, you two!

Yet another bald headed dude off the market for the ladies!
Wait wait wait wait WAIT!..... this means I'm off the market?! I have to be monogamous?? FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU :Leyla:
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