I heart Pathfinder

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Pathfinder Society is Paizo-only, Golarion-only material. Since I freelance for 3PPs, that would be counterproductive for me.
So, I picked up the hardcover of the Pathfinder comic today. It's not half bad. It's not great mind you, not by a long shot, but it's a fun read and for a 200 page hardcover comic, 20 bucks was definitely worth the price of admission. Now, the neatest part is they include Pathfinder RPG material for the adventure in the comic. Stat blocks, maps, adventure hooks, etc. It's fucking brilliant thing to do with a comic based around a tabletop RPG. The art's...a little 90'ish. The artist seems to be channeling a mixture of Joe Mad and Lenil Yu. Overall, it works. The gems in the artwork are definitely the parody covers.

Stuff like

It's better than any official D&D comic I've ever read and the additional RPG material make this a fantastic little bit of novelty in my opinion.

Amazon link : Amazon product

Funny thing is it's cheaper on Amazon.ca. I don't think I've ever seen that happen.
So, with the new rules from Ultimate Combat, and wanting to build archetypes for Paths of Power 2 off the classes I made in Paths of Power 1, I'm having to go back and completely re-write them to make them work better. The Gladiator was really over-complicated and had too many useless / hindering abilities, so it's requiring the most re-writing. The Samurai wasn't bad, it just didn't get many abilities and felt a little underpowered / overly linear. I've added three new abilities and that's made making the Soukihei - "lancer" - archetype much easier.
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