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I hope you all are having a great tuesday!




Monday has passed, and Tuesday is here! But not gone yet! The week progresses on, and I know I am doing great today!



Monday has passed, and Tuesday is here! But not gone yet! The week progresses on, and I know I am doing great today!



I am having a great Tuesday. I'm going home today early. When my bossed asked me why I'm leaving at 4, I told her because my daughter yelled at me last night for working too much.








So papa's rolling home at 6 today instead of the usual 8. Aww yeah, I'm going to watch Dora the Explorer, play chase around the house, and read Disney books till I drop!




I'm actually having a Kinda Shitty Tuesday™, but seeing this conscientious thread has cheered me up a bit.




Thanks to this thread (and your general attitude), I now read all your posts as William Murderface.




today sucks




Today is okay. It would be better but I really, really didn't want to get out of bed this morning.




Monday has passed, and Tuesday is here! But not gone yet! The week progresses on, and I know I am doing great today!



I am having a great Tuesday. I'm going home today early. When my bossed asked me why I'm leaving at 4, I told her because my daughter yelled at me last night for working too much.[/QUOTE]


---------- Post added at 09:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------

today sucks
Only if you let it.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I'm having a great day because it's my birthday. :) Ya'll can use this thread to say how much you like me if you want :)

I called in to work, and bought DJ Hero. I'm gonna finally go see 2012 early this afternoon with the biggest bowl of popcorn possible :) Then I will probably come home and eat a steak tonight.




Happy Birthday, Chucky D.




!!! Happy birthday, Charlie!

And Chaz, that's awesome. I hope y'all have fun. "Don't be a worker!"

As for me, this Tuesday just blew wide open. My already apathetic Geology lab teacher said "screw it" to the rest of our labs and sent us home 2 and a half hours early. I'm at the library now, half-using my time wisely, half here.




Happy birfday, CDS!!! Have a good one :)

I'm happy today is Tuesday. It's a special day and it means THREE MORE DAYS UNTIL I GET A WEEK OFF!!!!!




I'm having a great day because it's my birthday. :) Ya'll can use this thread to say how much you like me if you want :)

I called in to work, and bought DJ Hero. I'm gonna finally go see 2012 early this afternoon with the biggest bowl of popcorn possible :) Then I will probably come home and eat a steak tonight.
Fucking A! November Birthdays Represent!



I'm having a great day because it's my birthday. :) Ya'll can use this thread to say how much you like me if you want :)

I called in to work, and bought DJ Hero. I'm gonna finally go see 2012 early this afternoon with the biggest bowl of popcorn possible :) Then I will probably come home and eat a steak tonight.
hopefully you cook it right and well done.




I'm having a great day because it's my birthday. :) Ya'll can use this thread to say how much you like me if you want :)

I called in to work, and bought DJ Hero. I'm gonna finally go see 2012 early this afternoon with the biggest bowl of popcorn possible :) Then I will probably come home and eat a steak tonight.
hopefully you cook it right and well done.[/QUOTE]

Oh no you dih-ent!




:flame::target:NUUUUU!!! NOT WELL DONE!!!!:flame::target:




Happy b-day CDS! Enjoy 2012, maybe try drinking heavily beforehand?

Anyway, good Tuesday here so far... I'm about to go get several tacobell burritos, put on This American Life and go pick up orders for work. Always enjoyable.



Frankie Williamson

I am going to eat so much fried chicken today I can already smell the gravy-scented diarrhea that is inevitably going to follow.

Today is going to rule.




Humph. Today's lunch for me is a chicken flavored Maruchan's Instant Lunch. For those of you across the pond or Red Dwarf fans, I'm having a potnoodle.

I love poverty. ;)




I might eat something today.


General Specific

General Specific

My team at work today is setting up their "Holiday luncheon" now. Problem with that is, my shift goes until 8pm, so I'm going to be hungry later on today if I eat now. I can save my food for later, but then it will be all cold. So, yay freeish food, boo timing.



I am going to eat so much fried chicken today I can already smell the gravy-scented diarrhea that is inevitably going to follow.

Today is going to rule.

Now you're talking. Fried chicken for me today too!



In day 4 of my no-food fast. I missed Lent, and am waiting to hear from all my grad school applications, so I figured now was a good time to put my account with God back into the positive.

Of course the fast ends at Thanksgiving because no way am I missing all that awesome home-cooked food. Italian families are the best on holidays. Except for all the shouting.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I am sidestepping that steak discussion very nobly, aaaand whew, there it goes.

And I struck out this weekend stumping for any sort of transport to the movie while I was intoxicated, so I'll go it alone. I think the disaster porn will be worth it.



Happy B day Charlie!

This Tuesday is going pretty okay. Not much to report.




Split pea and ham soup!




Tuesday is off to a weird start. Had a weird and shitty dream to wake up to, but now I'm awake and feeling fine. Had a salad and might go back for some left over chicken fajitas. Tonight is the we did it meeting, and tomorrow is fakesgiving. Hopefully I can get my roommate to pay me back for his half of the electricity bill and things will turn out aces!




Today started out wierd. Got the electric bill and found out that last month's online payment didn't go through (so it was double the normal amount). Been on conference calls the rest of the day. That's about it.




So far today has been pretty meh. Nothing too huge in any one direction.




Are we talking about lunch? I just had a tin of sardines and some strawberries for dessert. Now I have to go brush me teeth so I don't offend my student today. This is our last day of reading and writing tutoring. :waah: I'm gonna miss her!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Had a can of chicken noodle soup for lunch.

Today's going just fine for me. Stayed home from working, killing zombies, editing website, writing... Wish Julie was not feeling bad, but my own day is swell.




I just had some multigrain toast with plum jam.




Gotta head across town after the gym to have the weekly family dinner with the parents. Always good to stop by there and relax for some.

Tonight's glorious meal: slow cooked ribs in my stepfathers homemade bbq sauce, with a side of cut potatoes and corn! woo wooo!


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

DJ Hero is really awesome :) I am leaving for 2012 in about 15 minutes, that's gonna be fun. I'm going to get a big popcorn even though that will make my stomach hurt probably 1/3 into it.



DJ Hero is really awesome :) I am leaving for 2012 in about 15 minutes, that's gonna be fun. I'm going to get a big popcorn even though that will make my stomach hurt probably 1/3 into it.

Just don't get butter and you'll be fine.




I hear Scratch, the Ultimate DJ is better but who knows when that'll be released.



I hear Scratch, the Ultimate DJ is better but who knows when that'll be released.

Is that the one Zen's husband is working on?




I hear Scratch, the Ultimate DJ is better but who knows when that'll be released.

Is that the one Zen's husband is working on?[/QUOTE]

Yup. I think Activision blocked them with scads of lawyers just so they could get theirs released first. Very savvy and fucked up business practice.




Today's been alright. Shift one at work was slow, about to head back in for shift two. Then it's home for a WoW raid and likely to talk to the gf for a bit. Just want today-Thursday to be done so I can go visit her for a couple days then get on the plane to CA. I hate flying, so the sooner that's done the better.




Work Yesterday was better than work today. Was able to get more done. Most of today was spent wishing I'll have information from meetings that are tomorrow.




Hmmm, tomorrow is Taco cervasa night at the bar! Every wednesday all you can eat and drink from 6-9 for 10 bucks. Just a few blocks from my new place, too. I love wednesdays!




Best thing about this Tuesday is my house didn't burn down. A fluorescent light fixture just up and quit on me yesterday. This afternoon I found out why. The ballast had failed. Melted all over the inside of the fixture.




Today has sucked monkey balls, and anyone who dares to make some lame quip about "it being all in your head" or some other bull-feces like that will have their sister impregnated by yours truly :mad:




hopefully you cook it right and well done.
chaz, i almost always agree with you, but you are way off the mark here. well done steaks suck.

anyway, regarding my tuesday: it is not going well. my swine flu is pretty much gone, but i stayed home anyway for fear that i would still be infectious. this lead to a fight with my dad, who is uneasy with me ever staying home from school, and culminated with me throwing a broom handle through his door like a javelin.

so i guess he needs a new door now or whatever and he is pretty pissed about that too.




Goooooooooooooooooooooood Morning halforums!







Frankie Williamson

I came, I saw, I ate an entire chicken and watched a bunch of Sons of Anarchy.




I came, I saw, I ate an entire chicken and watched a bunch of Sons of Anarchy.
You did it all exactly backwards from the way I did it.



It's Wednesday, motherfucker.




Damn right it is. Get throguh the day today, hit up the gym, then taco cervasa night! wooooo!



Damn right it is. Get throguh the day today, hit up the gym, then taco cervasa night! wooooo!

Make sure you do taco's after the gym and not before. I only say this for the safety of others around you.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Tuesday's gone, with the wiiiiiiiiiind



Tuesday's gone, with the wiiiiiiiiiind

How'd your birfday extravaganza go?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Tuesday's gone, with the wiiiiiiiiiind

How'd your birfday extravaganza go?[/QUOTE]

It was good. DJ Hero was insanely fun, 2012 was great. I postponed the steak since I got a HUGE popcorn and my stomach hurt afterwards. I'm getting weak in my old age :( But I'll probably get a steak tonight or tomorrow. I watched V (for the last time, christ that was bad!), then my roommate and I took turns playing DJ Hero. Then I put on Cliffhanger to watch/fall asleep to. It was a really great birthday!
