I hope you all are having a great tuesday!

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Today's been alright. Shift one at work was slow, about to head back in for shift two. Then it's home for a WoW raid and likely to talk to the gf for a bit. Just want today-Thursday to be done so I can go visit her for a couple days then get on the plane to CA. I hate flying, so the sooner that's done the better.
Work Yesterday was better than work today. Was able to get more done. Most of today was spent wishing I'll have information from meetings that are tomorrow.


Staff member
Hmmm, tomorrow is Taco cervasa night at the bar! Every wednesday all you can eat and drink from 6-9 for 10 bucks. Just a few blocks from my new place, too. I love wednesdays!
Best thing about this Tuesday is my house didn't burn down. A fluorescent light fixture just up and quit on me yesterday. This afternoon I found out why. The ballast had failed. Melted all over the inside of the fixture.


Staff member
Today has sucked monkey balls, and anyone who dares to make some lame quip about "it being all in your head" or some other bull-feces like that will have their sister impregnated by yours truly :mad:
hopefully you cook it right and well done.
chaz, i almost always agree with you, but you are way off the mark here. well done steaks suck.

anyway, regarding my tuesday: it is not going well. my swine flu is pretty much gone, but i stayed home anyway for fear that i would still be infectious. this lead to a fight with my dad, who is uneasy with me ever staying home from school, and culminated with me throwing a broom handle through his door like a javelin.

so i guess he needs a new door now or whatever and he is pretty pissed about that too.


Damn right it is. Get throguh the day today, hit up the gym, then taco cervasa night! wooooo!

Make sure you do taco's after the gym and not before. I only say this for the safety of others around you.
Tuesday's gone, with the wiiiiiiiiiind

How'd your birfday extravaganza go?[/QUOTE]

It was good. DJ Hero was insanely fun, 2012 was great. I postponed the steak since I got a HUGE popcorn and my stomach hurt afterwards. I'm getting weak in my old age :( But I'll probably get a steak tonight or tomorrow. I watched V (for the last time, christ that was bad!), then my roommate and I took turns playing DJ Hero. Then I put on Cliffhanger to watch/fall asleep to. It was a really great birthday!
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