First thing is to figure out why you feel that way and how strong the feeling is; plus then the follow up of: why did you marry?
I married 2 years ago, wedding party's coming up in a month or two. Wife's pretty stressed out at work and we're having some more difficulties. Still getting married.
having cold feet - either before or after marriage - is normal. Feeling attracted to other people - even "falling in love" for a bit - is fairly normal. Not getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see them is normal. No marriage is all sunshine and roses.
So....Do you think it's fear? Commitment issues? You've fallen for someone else? You don't recognize the feelings you used to have? Got married too soon and discovered you didn't know the person as well as you thought? There are plenty pf possibilities of what you can mean with what you've said, and response might range from "get out now" over "consider talking and couple therapy" along "this'll get better, don't worry" to "you're a shit person, Chad, and you should feel like shit". Elaborate, if you want, can and feel like it, and perhaps there'll be more wisdom to bestow from some of the others here who are long-married. Or, you know, not.