I think I may be turning into Dave

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It's true. I had my first crotchety old man moment at the tender age of 23 today.

I was sitting on a park bench, eating lunch when a group of teenagers walked by, being loud, obnoxious and generally turning the area they were in into a filthy mess.

My response? To loudly yell "Goddamn kids! You haven't got any respect for I would have killed to have had when I was your age!" This sentiment was immediately echoed.....by the 73 yearold man sitting next to me doing crossword puzzles.


Staff member
You're not alone, Wolf. I consider teens obnoxious as well. And feel out of place since I think I belong to the last generation that didn't know how to use the Internet before learning to read. It's a little creepy, actually, realizing that I've been about the 'net for a good fifteen years now.


you're crazy young if teenagers upset you. You're only old when the teens and kids don't upset you, but the idiot punks in their 20s'50's who SHOULD KNOW BETTER are being IDIOT PUNKS and shaming their parents with their stupid cars and their stupid midlife crisises and their stupid lattes.
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