This movie actually made me angry. I mean, full blown nerd rage.
I had a dream after seeing it that it turned out to be an awesome movie the I woke up and was faced with the cold, hard reality that it was not awesome. I sat there in the my bed, surrounded by darkness, shivering with a rage that no one could understand. What little faith I had in movies slipped away as I I realized, for the first time, that movies are not art anymore...they are cash cows, bent on destroying all that was good in my childhood.
It was then I realized both Transformers 2 and GI Joe would suck...yet I would see them anyway, becoming part of the problem and also becoming a willing participant in my inner childs loss of innocence.
In short?
God DAMN, I hated the smurfing movie.
-- Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:47 pm --
You are entitled to your opinion though.