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I wish I were Bisexual




For a few years now, one of my drunken tirades.. y'know, those that all your close friends have heard more than once but you LOVE to talk again about with strangers? When you're drunk? Yeah, those.

Well, one of mine is the spiel that, if it were up to me, I'd become a bisexual INSTANTLY. I mean, it would pretty much double my chances to score, or find true love or whatever. yay, right?

But, alas, no matter how hard I've tried, I just don't find men physically attractive. At all. Hell, the male body is ugly as fuck to me, especially when compared against the aesthetics of the beautiful female form. My loss.

It's a drunken tirade, said between laughs, hyperbole, gross language, etc. Not really something I gave too much thought about whilst sober, at least not consciously.

Until recently.

About a year ago, I was at a party and someone heard me talking about this with a small group of people... and just... BLEW. UP. He called me out on being "a repressed gay", of promoting unnatural behavior and that I should be ashamed of myself.

Now, since then, every time the subject comes up for whatever reason, it seems it always sparks up the controversy it never did. I just mentioned it in passing to someone on twitter... and not 20 min later I had 6 or 7 replies, all gasping that I had said I wish I could will myself into bisexuality.

GodDAMN did people get their panties in a bunch over that one. And boxers. And tighty whities, for all I know.

But what surprised me the most were a few responses... from the other side. Bisexuals were getting offended cause "I didn't know what I was talking about" and that if I were to be bisexual, it would bring more difficulties than it solved.

So the point in my making this thread is... am I really being offensive without realizing it? Towards bisexuals, at least. If religious zealots or bigots get offended I don't give half a picometer of shit. But being a fucking insensitive moron without even realizing it DOES bother me.

Is my vocal expressing of "hey, yeah, you know what, if my hormones or whatever weren't preventing it, I'd love to be able to love equally, no matter the gender" an insensitive remark in any way I'm missing?




depends on how you're phrasing it and in what context, really. Are you saying it because you find it a blessing to have the possibility for attraction to anyone? Or are you oversimplifying it to saying you could just fuck anything and not care about it?




The first, obviously.

Only Americans "fuck and not care about it" ;)




I think that sexuality and gender can be a complicated thing that no one completely understands. I understand what you're saying and don't think there's anything offensive about it. Sometimes I wonder if it's more about people than it is the person's sex. What if your perfect person was a man and you didn't even know it--you just somehow clicked and didn't even mean to?

I don't know much about this. I don't pretend to. But I think it's a nice thought that maybe somewhere deep inside, all that matters to all of us is the person. And after that attraction happens, what happens physically is good no matter what you were into before.

But like I said... no clue how things work. Human relationships are interesting.




hey, we care deeply about our fucking. Each candidate has to pass rigorous exams.

Do they do the weird stuff?

Do they do the REALLY weird stuff?

Are they attractive?

ok, but if you were drunk?

Is her friend interested as well?

No? What about the other one, the uggo?

and so on.

---------- Post added at 12:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

I think that sexuality and gender can be a complicated thing that no one completely understands. I understand what you're saying and don't think there's anything offensive about it. Sometimes I wonder if it's more about people than it is the person's sex. What if your perfect person was a man and you didn't even know it--you just somehow clicked and didn't even mean to?

I don't know much about this. I don't pretend to. But I think it's a nice thought that maybe somewhere deep inside, all that matters to all of us is the person. And after that attraction happens, what happens physically is good no matter what you were into before.

But like I said... no clue how things work. Human relationships are interesting.

A friend of my ex's, a girl, dated another girl for about a year even though she would consider herself strait and wasn't typically attracted to girls. She just found this one person who she really enjoyed being with and felt a genuine connection with.




Calleja: I've had exactly the same idea for ages, as well. If everyone was bisexual, it'd be great. If I were bisexual, heck, it'd be a start.




Opposite happened with my sister's best friend in college, phil. I've met the girl, too. She had always been openly gay, but one night, she and her best friend--a guy--had sex. And about a year later they got married. You just never know.




A friend of my ex's, a girl, dated another girl for about a year even though she would consider herself strait and wasn't typically attracted to girls. She just found this one person who she really enjoyed being with and felt a genuine connection with.
See? I'd love to think I could do that... that if I ever met a guy that was so awesome I just frankly fell in love with him that I could *be* with him, in all manners possible, even if I weren't really "gay". But I don't think I could... I can LOVE a man to pieces, but I really have never, ever felt physical attraction for a man.

I've found men ATTRACTIVE, sure, I have no problem with being with a female friend and saying "wow, that dudes a looker". But could I ever fuck him? No :(




Mmmm... Nope. Sorry, can't relate.

While I don't give a damn about whether another person is hetero-, homo-, bi- or omnisexual, I could never imagine myself as a bisexual. While I do have a certain appreciation for the male esthetics, I just can't imagine myself being in any way sexually intimate with a man.

Or you can just blame it on
a) me having grown up in a small rural community where the mystery of the decade was how the local drunk managed to burn himself alive in his shack, or
b) being next-door neighbours to Swedes.




I'd get to strike out with the WHOLE WORLD instead of just 1/2 of it. Awesome.




Dave, you're married. You don't count.

I would have made a "striking out" joke involving marriage, but that would have been just too evil for me. Shego, wanna take this one? :D


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Eh, I have no desire. Men don't appeal to me physically. They also don't appeal to me mentally at a close point either, so all my friends are girls.

And people used to think me gay.




Mmmm... Nope. Sorry, can't relate.

While I don't give a damn about whether another person is hetero-, homo-, bi- or omnisexual, I could never imagine myself as a bisexual. While I do have a certain appreciation for the male esthetics, I just can't imagine myself being in any way sexually intimate with a man.

Or you can just blame it on
a) me having grown up in a small rural community where the mystery of the decade was how the local drunk managed to burn himself alive in his shack, or
b) being next-door neighbours to Swedes.
Don't leave us hanging, man, how did he do it? Inquisitive minds want to know!




A lot of girls I know--straight girls--are pretty ok with kissing other girls. I think it feels gross. And women are beautiful, but not attractive to me. I love men with broad shoulders, hairy chins, and big hands........and glasses...... and....


WELP, time to drive 80 miles to see the fella.....




Mmmm... Nope. Sorry, can't relate.

While I don't give a damn about whether another person is hetero-, homo-, bi- or omnisexual, I could never imagine myself as a bisexual. While I do have a certain appreciation for the male esthetics, I just can't imagine myself being in any way sexually intimate with a man.

Or you can just blame it on
a) me having grown up in a small rural community where the mystery of the decade was how the local drunk managed to burn himself alive in his shack, or
b) being next-door neighbours to Swedes.
I could IMAGINE myself with a man... I just don't find it something I'd like to do, y'know? It doesn't gross me out, I don't think it's ewww... but I just don't see any appeal on frolicking with a hairy dude. Or a hair-less dude for that matter.

I mean, hell... the penis is one of the ugliest organs evolution ever created... seriously, look at it... ugly... I'd rather fuck someone's eczema than having to touch a foreign penis.

But I would LIKE to find penii something worth touching, is what I'm sayin'.




A lot of girls I know--straight girls--are pretty ok with kissing other girls. I think it feels gross. And women are beautiful, but not attractive to me. I love men with broad shoulders, hairy chins, and big hands........and glasses...... and....


WELP, time to drive 80 miles to see the fella.....
Dammit, do I have to go to the States to actually have a chance?

Oh well, I'll always have the suspenders...




"The good thing about being bisexual is that it doubles your chance of a date on a Saturday night."
-Woody Allen




Don't leave us hanging, man, how did he do it? Inquisitive minds want to know!
Heck if I know. But the smart money says that Ol' Reddie (nicknames be hard to translate) had just been too drunk to realize he was being roasted alive in his sleep.




Mmmm... Nope. Sorry, can't relate.

While I don't give a damn about whether another person is hetero-, homo-, bi- or omnisexual, I could never imagine myself as a bisexual. While I do have a certain appreciation for the male esthetics, I just can't imagine myself being in any way sexually intimate with a man.

Or you can just blame it on
a) me having grown up in a small rural community where the mystery of the decade was how the local drunk managed to burn himself alive in his shack, or
b) being next-door neighbours to Swedes.
I could IMAGINE myself with a man... I just don't find it something I'd like to do, y'know? It doesn't gross me out, I don't think it's ewww... but I just don't see any appeal on frolicking with a hairy dude. Or a hair-less dude for that matter.

I mean, hell... the penis is one of the ugliest organs evolution ever created... seriously, look at it... ugly... I'd rather fuck someone's eczema than having to touch a foreign penis.

But I would LIKE to find penii something worth touching, is what I'm sayin'.[/QUOTE]

sounds to me as if perhaps you invested in a blindfold, most of your problems would solve themselves.




I could IMAGINE myself with a man... I just don't find it something I'd like to do, y'know? It doesn't gross me out, I don't think it's ewww... but I just don't see any appeal on frolicking with a hairy dude. Or a hair-less dude for that matter.

I mean, hell... the penis is one of the ugliest organs evolution ever created... seriously, look at it... ugly... I'd rather fuck someone's eczema than having to touch a foreign penis.

But I would LIKE to find penii something worth touching, is what I'm sayin'.
I am actually a little grossed out if by chance I encounter gay sex (that is, man-on-man sex. Lesbian sex... completely different). I just... eugh... sorry, I just can't even think about it, let alone imagine myself being involved.

As for penis scare... don't have that. I still wouldn't touch another guy's dick (even though a classmate once laughingly said he would be willing to jerk another guy off while watching porn, as long as it was reciprocal), but I don't find a schlong ugly per se. Guess it comes from the Finnish relaxed attitude towards nudity.




A lot of girls I know--straight girls--are pretty ok with kissing other girls. I think it feels gross. And women are beautiful, but not attractive to me. I love men with broad shoulders, hairy chins, and big hands........and glasses...... and....


WELP, time to drive 80 miles to see the fella.....
Dammit, do I have to go to the States to actually have a chance?

Oh well, I'll always have the suspenders...[/QUOTE]

If you want a chance with a girl, you shouldn't try and feed her to your man-eating couch, ya goober. :p




sounds to me as if perhaps you invested in a blindfold, most of your problems would solve themselves.
No, no, the whole... solid-ness of a man would be unappealing.

Which is why I also would never fuck one of those uber-muscled women from like muscle magazines. Brrg.




If you want a chance with a girl, you shouldn't try and feed her to your man-eating couch, ya goober. :p
It hardly ever gets that far. The damn coat rack flashed my last date :(




Sounds like Calleja likes himself some soft hourglassy curves, and there's no two ways about it.

Can't help what you're into.

NR: :rofl:




I'm a fan of the female skin.

And the legs.

And the butt.

and the eyes.

and the lips. can't beat some sexy lips.

or the breasts.. who doesn't like boobies, right?

...wait, where was I?




Boobies, man. Boobies.




To be honest, like you can see in the order of my lost train of thought in that last post, I've always been a legs/butt man.

My woman could be pretty much flat-chested for all I care, if she had some nice and formed INFERIOR. grawrg.

There are few turn offs as big as a skinny leg for me. It's weird.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Of course they are; you're from Mexico :p.

Stereotyping, woo!




I don't think I got what you were referring to, though... explain it, dammit!




So.. why are people angry that you make a semi-serious joke about wanting to be bi-sexual?




Because some people just can't take a joke.

Or they are afraid of another male moving into their territory.




@NR: ya beat me to the punch. Where're all tghe girls who want us over here? Let'sm ove to the US together :D




So.. why are people angry that you make a semi-serious joke about wanting to be bi-sexual?
That's what I was asking before things got derailed there... I don't know. Some people REALLY don't like it when I say it, though.




@NR: ya beat me to the punch. Where're all tghe girls who want us over here? Let'sm ove to the US together :D
I thought about it once. But I couldn't, really.

That's why I'm trying to get people to come here! Beer, fun Medieval stuff, free education, decent doctors, relaxed attitude towards frontal nudity... :D


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I don't think I got what you were referring to, though... explain it, dammit!
In high school, if a girl had an awesome ass, it was agreed she had to have some Mexican blood.

Also, my first girlfriend was Mexican and... yeah.




@NR: ya beat me to the punch. Where're all tghe girls who want us over here? Let'sm ove to the US together :D
I thought about it once. But I couldn't, really.

That's why I'm trying to get people to come here! Beer, fun Medieval stuff, free education, decent doctors, relaxed attitude towards frontal nudity... :D[/QUOTE]

How 'bout the last week of october, or somewhere in November? :-P




So.. why are people angry that you make a semi-serious joke about wanting to be bi-sexual?
That's what I was asking before things got derailed there... I don't know. Some people REALLY don't like it when I say it, though.[/QUOTE]

I don't like it when you write it, mostly because I read your words like you sound like Daffy Duck.




Sounds like it's a mixture of people being hypersensitive and not wanting their lifestyle turned into a... joke? I guess? Maybe their point is that everyone has problems, and being bi isn't as easy as some might think. Sure, you might be attracted to more people, but there might also be double the problems. Some people don't like having their ethnicity/religion/sexuality discussed like that... maybe because they feel like it's being taken too lightly. I dunno, I'm not articulate right now.

---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 PM ----------

Btw I didn't think at all that you meant any harm by what you said, or that you meant to undermine anyone or whatever... just thinkin it through.




I thought about it once. But I couldn't, really.

That's why I'm trying to get people to come here! Beer, fun Medieval stuff, free education, decent doctors, relaxed attitude towards frontal nudity... :D
How 'bout the last week of october, or somewhere in November? :-P[/QUOTE]

Preferably November. But I expect you to bring with you at least one attractive, available heterosexual female, under 30 years, with you.




@NR: ya beat me to the punch. Where're all tghe girls who want us over here? Let'sm ove to the US together :D
I thought about it once. But I couldn't, really.

That's why I'm trying to get people to come here! Beer, fun Medieval stuff, free education, decent doctors, relaxed attitude towards frontal nudity... :D[/QUOTE]

How 'bout the last week of october, or somewhere in November? :-P[/QUOTE]

I'd love to go on a whirlwind adventure and meet our non-US members... maybe one day my stories will sell and I'll go on tour.




I thought about it once. But I couldn't, really.

That's why I'm trying to get people to come here! Beer, fun Medieval stuff, free education, decent doctors, relaxed attitude towards frontal nudity... :D
How 'bout the last week of october, or somewhere in November? :-P[/QUOTE]

Preferably November. But I expect you to bring with you at least one attractive, available heterosexual female, under 30 years, with you.[/QUOTE]

If I had attractive, available heterosexual females under thirty willing to go on trips to farawayistan at the drop of a hat around me, I'd be happier than I am. For most of my friends, you'd ahve to drop the "available" clause. Or the "willing to go on a trip with me" bit; or the "heterosexual". Or the "female", I guess, technically.




I'd love to go on a whirlwind adventure and meet our non-US members... maybe one day my stories will sell and I'll go on tour.
Please do. I'll try to get a new living room lamp by then. I know how irritating it is to wake up in the middle of the night to camera flashes and snickering...




I don't think I got what you were referring to, though... explain it, dammit!
In high school, if a girl had an awesome ass, it was agreed she had to have some Mexican blood.

Also, my first girlfriend was Mexican and... yeah.[/QUOTE]

Ahhhhh. Well, that's not really true though... all Latin women tend to have the awesome inferior. Look at J-Lo, she's Puerto Rican, not even HALF Mexican.

But most of my friends are boob guys, though. And THEY'RE mexican too.

Sounds like it's a mixture of people being hypersensitive and not wanting their lifestyle turned into a... joke? I guess? Maybe their point is that everyone has problems, and being bi isn't as easy as some might think. Sure, you might be attracted to more people, but there might also be double the problems. Some people don't like having their ethnicity/religion/sexuality discussed like that... maybe because they feel like it's being treated like a novelty or something. I dunno, I'm not articulate right now.
Like being single means no problems either? Pffft.

My comment was more on the "wow, it'd be awesome if my hormones didn't mean I inherently discriminate those I'm attracted to". I don't mean to say they have it EASIER.

I still envy them, though.




I agree, it's all silliness. It's an innocent comment to me. Sometimes I tell people I wish I'd grown up in a Jewish family, because their culture is so interesting. And then I could use yiddish idioms without feeling like kind of a douchebag. I haven't offended anyone yet... I'm not trying to make light of the religion/culture. I just think it's fascinating.

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

(Plus I prefer many of their customs to Christian ones.)




So.. why are people angry that you make a semi-serious joke about wanting to be bi-sexual?
That's what I was asking before things got derailed there... I don't know. Some people REALLY don't like it when I say it, though.[/QUOTE]

Do you think they think you are trying to say you don't think homosexuality is genetic or something? I mean... it seems like a stretch but I can't figure out why this would bother anyone...




I thought about it once. But I couldn't, really.

That's why I'm trying to get people to come here! Beer, fun Medieval stuff, free education, decent doctors, relaxed attitude towards frontal nudity... :D
How 'bout the last week of october, or somewhere in November? :-P[/QUOTE]

Preferably November. But I expect you to bring with you at least one attractive, available heterosexual female, under 30 years, with you.[/QUOTE]

If I had attractive, available heterosexual females under thirty willing to go on trips to farawayistan at the drop of a hat around me, I'd be happier than I am. For most of my friends, you'd ahve to drop the "available" clause. Or the "willing to go on a trip with me" bit; or the "heterosexual". Or the "female", I guess, technically.[/QUOTE]

Dude... what's the legal drinking age in Belgium?



Is my vocal expressing of "hey, yeah, you know what, if my hormones or whatever weren't preventing it, I'd love to be able to love equally, no matter the gender" an insensitive remark in any way I'm missing?
Not when you phrase it that way, no. If you were to start out with the Woody Allen quote, I could see some bisexuals getting offended, but if you say it the way you phrased it in that quote, I don't see how anyone could get angry except zealots, and as you said, picometers and stuff.

I think it's really romantic to think that one could be attracted to someone's personality (their "soul" if you will) primarily, and that causes love for the body. I have never been with a girl before, but if I was single and I met someone that stimulated my "soul" I think the rest could fall into place regardless of their gender.




I thought about it once. But I couldn't, really.

That's why I'm trying to get people to come here! Beer, fun Medieval stuff, free education, decent doctors, relaxed attitude towards frontal nudity... :D
How 'bout the last week of october, or somewhere in November? :-P[/QUOTE]

Preferably November. But I expect you to bring with you at least one attractive, available heterosexual female, under 30 years, with you.[/QUOTE]

If I had attractive, available heterosexual females under thirty willing to go on trips to farawayistan at the drop of a hat around me, I'd be happier than I am. For most of my friends, you'd ahve to drop the "available" clause. Or the "willing to go on a trip with me" bit; or the "heterosexual". Or the "female", I guess, technically.[/QUOTE]

Dude... what's the legal drinking age in Belgium?[/QUOTE]

14. But I'm not really willing to go that low :-P




I hadn't even considered that, espy. That could be offensive to some if they thought he meant it that way. If they interpreted it like that, he'd sound no better than those girls who talk loudly about how they've kissed a girl when they're drunk.




I agree, it's all silliness. It's an innocent comment to me. Sometimes I tell people I wish I'd grown up in a Jewish family, because their culture is so interesting. And then I could use yiddish idioms without feeling like kind of a douchebag. I haven't offended anyone yet... I'm not trying to make light of the religion/culture. I just think it's fascinating.

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

(Plus I prefer many of their customs to Christian ones.)
I actually managed to do that once when I was in Ireland. One of the American exchange students was this easy-going African American fellow. I didn't get to talk with him much, him being more of the 'jock' type and me being a nerd ^^ But at one party I was talking with him, and I remember hearing some joke and (for some reason, call it a brain fart) saying "Oh snap!". He looked at me like I had just shown him a photograph of me spanking his grandma, and didn't speak to me again.

I guess I managed to offend him :(

Also, some interest in Jewish culture here as well. Partly because I'm always interested in different cultures and religions, and partly because I've had the misfortune of running into Holocaust deniers - and was prompted to study the matter further to prove them wrong.

---------- Post added at 04:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 AM ----------

14. But I'm not really willing to go that low :-P
Wouldn't work anyway as an incentive. It's 18 in Finland.

Also, not my thing either.




I figured as much.




Do you think they think you are trying to say you don't think homosexuality is genetic or something? I mean... it seems like a stretch but I can't figure out why this would bother anyone...
Probably, some people are too insecure about their identity.




Careful, this discussion is dangerously close to the Serious Discussion Zone.

Step back and drop the argument.








Carry on.




I dunno, while I do think it's an overreaction, I could understand someone getting pissed.
I mean, so let's say Calleja basically said during a drunken rant "I wish I was bi so I could double my chances of getting laid!"
This can basically be stripped down to " I wish I was [MINORITY] so I could [GET PERCEIVED BENEFIT].
Would you get upset if someone said "I wish I was black so I could get affirmative action!"? Or how about "I wish I was crippled so I could get a better parking space!"?
I mean, that's pretty insulting. That's not how Calleja meant it, but perhaps that's how those other people perceived it.




I wish I liked to fuck rabbits. They just look like they're having so much fun. Just not turned on by 'em though.




I wish I liked to fuck rabbits. They just look like they're having so much fun. Just not turned on by 'em though.
Really? Come on, just look at the little fuckers go...:drool::p




Well, calleja, I think espy and drifter nailed it.




I wish I liked to fuck rabbits. They just look like they're having so much fun. Just not turned on by 'em though.
What, this doesn't turn you on?




I think the idea of two men having sex is fairly gross. That doesn't in anyway mean that I have anything against homosexuals. I couldn't care one way or the other if someone is gay or straight. I've noticed a lot lately that people are confusing "tolerance" and "acceptance" with "liking". I mean, I tolerate people who eat carrots just fine, but the idea of eating a carrot is still disgusting. But now I hear people saying "you think gay sex is gross? You're a homophobe!"




I routinely say things like, "Man! The only parking spot open is handicapped! Should a drag a leg?"

It's called a joke.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

and I always say "Man, I wish I were an astronaut so I could go to the moon"


Occasional Poster

and I always say "Man, I wish I were an astronaut so I could go to the moon"
You jerk! Do you think going to the moon is just a joke for astronauts!? It's lonely out in space! And Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids, in fact it's cold as hell! God! :mad:




and I always say "Man, I wish I were an astronaut so I could go to the moon"
"One of these days Allen, one of these days!"




I routinely say things like, "Man! The only parking spot open is handicapped! Should a drag a leg?"

It's called a joke.
Yeah, I used to say that too.


Also that would be a hell no on the blue bunny guy. Although the color is nice.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

i wish i was a lesbian




So.. why are people angry that you make a semi-serious joke about wanting to be bi-sexual?
That's what I was asking before things got derailed there... I don't know. Some people REALLY don't like it when I say it, though.[/QUOTE]

You'll never go broke betting that someone, somewhere will be offended by anything you say.











I feel less and less ok about starting this thread...




the idea of having sex with another man makes me unconfortable, as it should be i guess since i'm hetero however that doesn't mean i can't accept the idea that for other people, this is not so.

People jumping on you over this are just close minded.




There's a fine line between being bisexual and just being, you know, latino.


Rob King

Rob King

EDIT: Photobucket said I violated their terms of use. Hmm ...




Calleja: Shut up, and go bone a dude :p




Calleja: Shut up, and go bone a dude :p




Oh my God, I love you all. :rofl:

Also, AmE, very well said. :)




Alright, Mission for today: get drunk as fuck and make out with a dude.

.....yeah, I don't think even Drunk Calleja would go as far.

Besides, Drunk Calleja never asks me what he wants. He ends up hitting on girls I hadn't even noticed while sober.



Besides, Drunk Calleja never asks me what he wants. He ends up hitting on girls I hadn't even noticed while sober.
laughed myself out of the chair. ow.



Calleja...You can still be bisexual. You just like straight women and lesbians.





If you have some extra cash and an adventurous streak, you could easily be buysexual.



Ahhhhh. Well, that's not really true though... all Latin women tend to have the awesome inferior. Look at J-Lo, she's Puerto Rican, not even HALF Mexican.

It's posterior. Not inferior.

... Board pedant, AWAY!




no. Inferior. Cause I mean butt/legs, not just Butt.




no. Inferior. Cause I mean butt/legs, not just Butt.

Ah? Not a context I've heard the word used in before - it usually means 'lesser', which is not something I'd usually consider applying to the bunda bonita...





ər/ [in-feer-ee-er]

7. Anatomy. (of an organ or part)
a. lower in place or position; situated beneath another.
b. toward the feet. Compare superior (def. 9).​


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

breast men get their own drink




you could technically drink your pee too, allen

do you? HUH?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I am referring to an alcoholic beverage

I am referring to secret menus at bars or taverns




What the hell is this thread about now?


Philosopher B.

I dunno. Everyone should just shet up and make out.




What the hell is this thread about now?

Mexicans teaching English to brits and.. uh.. allen being allen




If we're going to get strict about usage all up in the hizzy, I should point out if you're going to use inferior that way you have to include what it's inferior to, as the usage is relational.

Also allen is talking about homeboys who dig on the truffles of the lady-body community, dogg







Sexually speaking, I'm firmly hetrosexual. I have no desire to perform any sexual acts that involve more than one penis. Part of this is my aversion to body fluids, and the other is my complete confusion over the appeal of anal sex.

I'm not, however, limited in my affections towards one gender. In fact one of the people I'm most in love with happens to be a male, though our relationship is a rather unusual one in that it seems like we hate each other more than anything else. Still trying to make sense of that one.

I'm close to two other bi/gay men and can count only one actual female that I'm still close to these days.

And yes, I'm furry, but not on the sexual perversion stereotype side of the fandom, thank you.




So what's the other side, then, Pojo ol' boy?

Not trying to be funny. Just genuinely curious. Not as in "bi-curious" but as in "curious to know".




Calleja, remember when you wanted us to remind you if you were making an attention whore thread?

Well, you see




...how is me asking if it's offensive or not attention whorey?




To be honest, it doesn't and I have no idea what the hell Juski is talking about Calle. This is a perfect valid questionaire thread.




... it is?




I wish I was a bear.


Rob King

Rob King

I wish I was a bear.
When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to become either a Farmer, a Taxi Driver, or a Giraffe.




A GIRAFFE?! :rofl:

Why on earth a giraffe?



So what's the other side, then, Pojo ol' boy?

Not trying to be funny. Just genuinely curious. Not as in "bi-curious" but as in "curious to know".
The 'other side' of furry fandom is having an appreciation for animals, be it their social habits, their personalities, or just their appearence. I, for one, am a big fan of furry art (Anthromorphic animals) as well as just plain old animal art. I also have certain spiritual connections with animals, more so than I do with most humans. I have an animal totem and an animal persona.

I'm still human, though, and only wish to have sexual relations with a female human, thank you very much.


Occasional Poster

I sincerely hope that if I find the love of my life and it happens to be of the same gender, that i'm able to look past it and go for what might make me happy.

As long as I don't fall head over heels for someone of the same sex, I'm quite happy pursuing women without complicating everything a bunch.


Rob King

Rob King

A GIRAFFE?! :rofl:

Why on earth a giraffe?
Well, my father was a gazelle, and he always wanted a better life for me.

Truthfully though? I have no idea.




A GIRAFFE?! :rofl:

Why on earth a giraffe?
Well, my father was a gazelle, and he always wanted a better life for me.

Truthfully though? I have no idea.[/QUOTE]

Huh... I just thought it a little strange. I've heard little kids saying they want to grow up to be a truck or a train... but never a giraffe.




I always knew I was human... >_>




So how did it go last night? Snuggle up with any warm, cozy penis?




No... my partying has been severely handicapped by my job... I'm at training and get no off day until it's over. That meant working both Saturday AND Sunday mornings.

Next weekend though, I'll suck a dick, I'll do it!


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

We believe in you!




Next weekend though, I'll suck a dick, I'll do it!
Quoting this in case I decide to make it my new sig.
