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Idea I Had -- "Private Computer Monitor Viewing"




I'd have no idea how to implement this, but it seemed cool and like something we could do in the 21st century.

We all know how we like to browse things we don't need others to see on the internet, whether it be Halforums at work or 4chan while your girlfriend is in the room (cough).

So what if there was something where you could wear special glasses that picked up what you're doing on the computer screen, so that only you can see it-- but to everyone else, the screen would be white, blank, on a screensaver, picture slideshow, whatever.

This wouldn't even necessarily be for devious means, it would just be for privacy-- even taking notes or checking facebook in public.

It struck me as a neat idea, though nobody would ever just "let" you have your private viewing without demanding to see what you see.

Anyway, any thoughts on this?




Sounds cool and gadgety, but I can already accomplish the same thing when I want privacy by draping a large beach towel over my head and my computer.

And by "when I want privacy" I mean when I'm watching porn.

And then the beach towel comes in handy too.



Sounds cool and gadgety, but I can already accomplish the same thing when I want privacy by draping a large beach towel over my head and my computer.

And by "when I want privacy" I mean when I'm watching porn.

And then the beach towel comes in handy too.
but then you eventually wont be able to climax without being covered with a beach towel.... that would be hard to explain.




Like this?

Besides, if you're trying to hide stuff from people in the room and you have to put on special glasses, people will know you are trying to hide something.




but then you eventually wont be able to climax without being covered with a beach towel.... that would be hard to explain.
Hey, there are stranger fetishes.




Heck, they already have something like that for real life.
Special forces already have access to strobes that flash randomly to disorient anyone nearby...unless you are wearing the special shutter glasses.





At work we use the privacy filters. Other than a bit of dimming, they do exactly what you were asking for.




Oh. Well neat.

I sort of figured this already existed.




Oh. Well neat.

I sort of figured this already existed.
Privacy filters have existed for awhile. They are polarized, meaning they are only transparent when viewed directly head on.

They're popular for cell phones, too.



I think the next console is going that route (with 3D glasses type)

Basically, each player (say upto 4) will see DIFFERENT thing on the screen than the person next to them. so a similar technology can be apply to computers.




Sounds cool and gadgety, but I can already accomplish the same thing when I want privacy by draping a large beach towel over my head and my computer.




We can FINALLY have multiplayer in front of one TV again??

Glorious days!



We can FINALLY have multiplayer in front of one TV again??

Glorious days!
Well That was rumor/news sometime back. I can't remember where I read it, but my RL friends talked about it whenever we were watching 3D TV. Something about the way polarize or possible changing the frequency to each glasses to see different thing.




My palms sweat more than enough already to even consider this being a posibility, not to mention the sheer heat that laptop is going to put out. I dub this, a horrible idea!




My palms sweat more than enough already to even consider this being a posibility, not to mention the sheer heat that laptop is going to put out. I dub this, a horrible idea!
Down here in Texas, assuredly. Back in Colorado, in January, it might seem more appealing...


General Specific

General Specific

Heck, they already have something like that for real life.
Special forces already have access to strobes that flash randomly to disorient anyone nearby...unless you are wearing the special shutter glasses.

Kanye is Special forces?




Shutter glasses, not blind glasses.





Shutter glasses, not blind glasses.


^ "Special" forces
