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If you could share a joint...




... with any person or character, dead, living or fictional, who would you choose? You can make it a big joint and share it with up to three, but no more.




I hate these questions. I can never narrow it down to just 2 or 3 people... I REFUSE TO!! ='(



Doctor Emmett Brown.


Chad Sexington


Never smoked weed.

But just because I'd have loved to meet Alexander the Great, I'll choose him and also a translator since my ancient Greek is rusty.




Nikola Tesla.

Because he would make it last forever, and be the perfect blend.




If by "share a joint", you mean "have a beer with", it would totally be Jack Kirby.






I'd have to say, personally, Carl Sagan, Paul McCartney and Zaphod Beeblebrox.



Oh if we can change it to like just hang out with then I would want to hang out with Franky from Rocky Horror, Peter Venkman and Mary Chudleigh.







If by "share a joint", you mean "have a beer with", it would totally be Jack Kirby.
Oh if we can change it to like just hang out with then I would want to hang out with Franky from Rocky Horror, Peter Venkman and Mary Chudleigh.

...you people must have been great fun for your teachers.

Test Question: Who discovered America?
You guys' answer: Oh, well, if by "America" you mean "my little pony doll" I'd have to say my mom who found it hidden in my socks drawer.




Ok, ok, Lennon and Bukowski.

The third one I just can't decide =(




...you people must have been great fun for your teachers.

Test Question: Who discovered America?
You guys' answer: Oh, well, if by "America" you mean "my little pony doll" I'd have to say my mom who found it hidden in my socks drawer.
It was the original prehistoric humans who crossed the Bering land bridge right?



...you people must have been great fun for your teachers.

Test Question: Who discovered America?
You guys' answer: Oh, well, if by "America" you mean "my little pony doll" I'd have to say my mom who found it hidden in my socks drawer.
Teacher's don't usually ask questions that alienate a large section of the class from being able to answer.




Pot doesn't do anything for me, so yeah, I wouldn't care about sharing a joint. Having a beer with Carl Sagan, however, and just listening to him talk about everything he's learned, would be awesome.




...you people must have been great fun for your teachers.

Test Question: Who discovered America?
You guys' answer: Oh, well, if by "America" you mean "my little pony doll" I'd have to say my mom who found it hidden in my socks drawer.
It was the original prehistoric humans who crossed the Bering land bridge right?[/QUOTE]

No, those selfish bastards never went back to tell anybody about it and just hid there.




Teacher's don't usually ask questions that alienate a large section of the class from being able to answer.

I don't do drugs; never have; never will. Therefore, I modified the question.




Pot doesn't do anything for me, so yeah, I wouldn't care about sharing a joint. Having a beer with Carl Sagan, however, and just listening to him talk about everything he's learned, would be awesome.
Sagan was such a pothead that he'd probably take a joint out while the beers were being served, though. He was a nice guy, though, he's offer to share.


Philosopher B.

Bill Hicks.




Eddie Izzard, Mother Theresa, David Sedaris ...top of my head. If I think about these kinds of questions too long it's no fun.




Teacher's don't usually ask questions that alienate a large section of the class from being able to answer.

I don't do drugs; never have; never will. Therefore, I modified the question.[/QUOTE]

I'm not picking on you, but alcohol is a drug.




So is caffeine.




Trent Reznor, Jean-Luc Picard and Gandalf


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

What does the sharing of a joint involve, socially speaking? Because the kind of social interaction may be something that can affect the choosing.

But right now a great idea came to me. You asked about sharing a joint with 3 people, "dead, living or fictional"? I'd like to share a Joint with the historical Jesus Christ, the Jesus Christ from the Bible and the Jesus Christ from popular christian mithology. Then video tape the resulting fight.





(Although,socially, the sharing of a joint does not involve fighting, much less of Jesus Christsss)


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly


(Although,socially, the sharing of a joint does not involve fighting, much less of Jesus Christsss)
Well, maybe just verbally. But whatever the results are, I want to see a conversation between a dirty middle eastern radical idealist, an androgynus all powerful mutant and a divine guru of love and peace wich all happen to be the same person.



Oh my God it's a hypothetical situation, guys. Get off the high horse and leave your stupid anti-drug messages at home.

I'd share a joint with Bob Marley cause the motherfucker probably knew how to get the most out of it.

---------- Post added at 07:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 AM ----------

Oh if we can change it to like just hang out with then I would want to hang out with Franky from Rocky Horror, Peter Venkman and Mary Chudleigh.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?"

"I dunno, what do you want to do?"

"I dunno, what do you want to do?"


Peter Venkman would smoke a motherfucking joint.





Oh my God it's a hypothetical situation, guys. Get off the high horse and leave your stupid anti-drug messages at home.

I'd share a joint with Bob Marley cause the motherfucker probably knew how to get the most out of it.

---------- Post added at 07:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 AM ----------

Oh if we can change it to like just hang out with then I would want to hang out with Franky from Rocky Horror, Peter Venkman and Mary Chudleigh.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?"

"I dunno, what do you want to do?"

"I dunno, what do you want to do?"


Peter Venkman would smoke a motherfucking joint.
No one made an anti-drug message. And me and my choices would definitely spend the day playing laser tag and then go clubbing. Why would I get a bunch of people together if I didn't already have plans for what we would be doing?


Wasabi Poptart

Richard Castle and Han Solo




What does the sharing of a joint involve, socially speaking? Because the kind of social interaction may be something that can affect the choosing.

But right now a great idea came to me. You asked about sharing a joint with 3 people, "dead, living or fictional"? I'd like to share a Joint with the historical Jesus Christ, the Jesus Christ from the Bible and the Jesus Christ from popular christian mythology. Then video tape the resulting fight.
Strangely, I would choose Jesus, too.

Hey, you DID say the person could be fictitious.


Element 117

i wouldn't smoke a joint. Eating magic brownies though:

Julius Caesar




My father, my grandfather and my great grandfather.



Ten bucks says Caesar hits on Einstein.




hahahahahaha, I knew as soon as I clicked this thread I would see what I would see.

Gonna go with (DUH) Kurt Vonnegut. Or like, Jesus or something.




Daffy Duck; Gregor Mendel; Thomas Jefferson




lmao, Daffy Duck would probably want coke instead or something



hahahahahaha, I knew as soon as I clicked this thread I would see what I would see.

Gonna go with (DUH) Kurt Vonnegut. Or like, Jesus or something.
"I don't smoke weed, but it would be totally neato to play bumper pool with Gandhi!"




Adolph Hitler, Charles Darwin and Sarah Palin




lmao, Daffy Duck would probably want coke instead or something
Yeah, I'm thinking he'll be cool at first and then get totally paranoid, and flip out. Sounds like fun!




Okay, serious answer.

Both of my grandfathers.

My grandpa Nihsen was from the old country and could tell me a lot about his childhood and the war in which he lost his legs. I never heard the stories and know I missed out on a lot.
My grandpa on my mother's side was in the war but worked here in the States. In fact, he was one of the mechanics who helped to strip down the Enola Gay - a fact I never knew until after he died.

I doubt either of them would smoke a joint, but Grandpa Nihsen was known to throw back a few drinks. Grandpa Laing didn't drink to the best of my knowledge.

And if I could do more than them I'd keep going back and talking to each of their parents so I could build an accurate family tree. Mine stops at about 950 AD or so on my mom's side. Nobody really special. Lots of farmers and carpenters.



Adolph Hitler, Charles Darwin and Sarah Palin
Can I come to.... that sounds awesome!




George Harrison, Jon Stewart, and Barney Stinson.




George Harrison, Jon Stewart, and Barney Stinson.
Oh man, can I join you guys?



Drinking beers with someone is less social than sharing a joint because you physically pass it back and forth, and together, you smoke it out of existence as a team.

I guess you can clink beer glasses together :p




And if I could do more than them I'd keep going back and talking to each of their parents so I could build an accurate family tree. Mine stops at about 950 AD or so on my mom's side. Nobody really special. Lots of farmers and carpenters.
That is why I want to meet my grandfathers. Some people say that my great grandfather on my mother's side was a nazi criminal hiding in south america



I'd say Hunter S Thompson, Johnny Cash and Terry Pratchett




Some great effing choices, you're making me even doubt mine.


General Specific

General Specific

Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, and Stephen Fry. The conversation would be so interesting and entertaining I'd probably have to kill myself afterward.




Let alone interesting, you'd die of laughter. Literally, utterly dead of laughing non stop from a weed-enhanced experience of those three together. Man, that's a great fucking combo.


Element 117

im sorry, but the thread title keeps me thinking about this.


Philosopher B.

Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, and Stephen Fry. The conversation would be so interesting and entertaining I'd probably have to kill myself afterward.
I'll have what he's having.




fuck Zaphod Beeblebrox, I want DNA to join MY smoking circle.




Adolph Hitler, Charles Darwin and Sarah Palin
I was headed for Palin and the teabagger crowd.

Because they need to loosen the fuck up...




William Gibson, Alan Moore, Alan Turing.




Man, I don't really know. I was thinking maybe some cool historical leaders, but really I'd probably want to be perfectly sober to talk to people like them.

So then I was thinking my own ancestors, but what version? Would I want to share a joint with my grandpa when he was my age? Or would I want to spend another evening with the man who I actually remember? Sharing a joint with my grandpa as a teen, as a young adult and as an old man would be a trip though.

But then there's any fictional character! I'd want to get Malcolm Reynolds and Han Solo in the same room to discuss smuggling. MacGyver could be there too to make us a bong out of who-the-fuck-knows-what.


Element 117

George Lucas of 1976 and George Lucas of 1999.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

George Lucas of 1976 and George Lucas of 1999.
and Jar Jar Binks.




George Lucas of 1976 and George Lucas of 1999.
and Jar Jar Binks.[/QUOTE]

Come on, he had to be high to think up Jar Jar.
