I'm a STAR!!

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Staff member
There's a blogger with whom I'm Twitter friends. I don't even remember WHY we're Twitter friends. She has a blog called Masshole Mommy which deals with raising kids in Massachusetts. Her name is Robin and she's very cool. I've done a few guest posts for her and I did another one that just went up today.

I give you....NFL Lament.
Not bad, but you obviously started getting tired at the end as the grammar takes a sudden turn for the worse. Overall it was a fun article to read.


Staff member
I wrote it at work in between meetings. So I'd start....stop....come back after an hour....start again...

I will also be the Guest on Monday for Valentine's Day.
Don't forget about us when you hit the big leagues Dave... or actually, on second thought, it probably would be safer to pretend like you never knew us.
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