I'm Calling in Dead....

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I had tomorrow off... I had ordered the Blizzcon live stream... I had snacks prepared... I was gonna couch potato in front of my computer and enjoy the Blizzcon event as if I was there (Dark room, noise cancelation headphones, noonelse home) and then what happens?


(oh bloody hell, I could have just posted this in the Rant thread.... Oh mods!)


You should have sneak out without them seeing you and well... turn off your cellphone :)
Chibibar said:
You should have sneak out without them seeing you and well... turn off your cellphone :)
Been there. They sent someone to my house to check up on me. I claimed my cellphone died and I was really sick. They insisted I write in an email next time. :angry:


Shegokigo said:
Chibibar said:
You should have sneak out without them seeing you and well... turn off your cellphone :)
Been there. They sent someone to my house to check up on me. I claimed my cellphone died and I was really sick. They insisted I write in an email next time. :angry:
wow.. they really need ya huh? must need someone to be "taken care" off ;)

ah well.


Staff member
its good for you. get away from the pc, out in the world. Sitting there watching blizzcon is just sad. :blue:
Blizzcon start tomorrow?! I was sure it was later... good to know.

Also, write an e-mail about how you have a nasty case of diarrhoea... stomach pains are easy to fake, and it's not like anyone is going to check your toilet... are they?

@ Shannow

Being at work is sadder...
Gah I am contemplating getting the online feed... I want the murloc pet and my friends want to watch it so I will probably get it and just have it on a computer at work for everyone to watch. But $40 is kinda pricy shit :confused:

If you asked for the time off take it off. I hate places that think they can overrule your days off. Is it a life or death thing? No.

Especially since you shelled out the $40. That would be like having reservations at a restaurant and having your boss tell you you can't go. If you have the time to take off it's time you EARNED and is YOUR time to do with what you will.

I would not go back in as I'd already made prior commitments.
The sick call where the boss dares to ask what is wrong, I always respond... I crapped my pants. All questions end at that point.

-- Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:32 pm --

Or call in with an eye problem.

Eye can't see my ass coming in this morning.

But she said she'd already had the day off! So they're basically guilting her or intimidating her into giving up an already approved vacation day!
Edrondol said:
So they're basically guilting her into giving up an already approved vacation day!

The main reason being, the bank went through a pretty lengthy firing a while back, leaving the whole department massively overwhelmed and short staffed. I asked for the time off before all that happened. Now I'm one of the "lucky ones" that kept their job but work 6 days a week. Now this nonsense.... I think I'm going to finally come out and "call in gay".

at 0:50


Shegokigo said:
Edrondol said:
So they're basically guilting her into giving up an already approved vacation day!

The main reason being, the bank went through a pretty lengthy firing a while back, leaving the whole department massively overwhelmed and short staffed. I asked for the time off before all that happened. Now I'm one of the "lucky ones" that kept their job but work 6 days a week. Now this nonsense.... I think I'm going to finally come out and "call in gay".

at 0:50
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I hate censorship.


Just say a family member died!

And then for added oomph, kill your least favorite family member
Shegokigo said:
Edrondol said:
So they're basically guilting her into giving up an already approved vacation day!

The main reason being, the bank went through a pretty lengthy firing a while back, leaving the whole department massively overwhelmed and short staffed. I asked for the time off before all that happened. Now I'm one of the "lucky ones" that kept their job but work 6 days a week. Now this nonsense.... I think I'm going to finally come out and "call in gay".

at 0:50
I'm gonna bet they asked you while you were there.

Otherwise I'd have suggested you say you were going on a trip and you already left the moment you left work today.
sixpackshaker said:
The sick call where the boss dares to ask what is wrong, I always respond... I crapped my pants. All questions end at that point.

-- Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:32 pm --

Or call in with an eye problem.

Eye can't see my ass coming in this morning.
Bill used to call in sick every monday.
One day the boss, getting tired of it, went to Bill's house. "oh, he visits his sister every monday!" the landlady said. "He's such a nice boy"
So the boss goes to Bill's sisters. He pulls up, and sees (and hears!) bill and his sister having wild sex through a partially cracked window.

After pounding on the door, Bill's boss demanded an explanation. "What the hell! You take time off every monday to have sex with your sister??" the boss asked incredulously.

"I told you I was sick!" Bill replied smugly.

Shegokigo said:
enjoy the Blizzcon event as if I was there (Dark room, noise cancelation headphones, noonelse home)

"As if you were there" means bring about 50 people with BO and nacho breath into your house and have them mill as closely as possible around you, talking loudly so you can't hear the TV and occasionally bumping into you, and when you want to go to the bathroom, you have to wait in line behind all of them.

(That said, I loved Blizzcon -- twice -- but the OP is hardly a way to recreate the experience.)
I meant, as if I was standing in the hallway (sans other people, as in all the good, none of the bad). Looking out my own eyes, witnessing everything unfold.

One of these days, I'm going to have my grandson on my knee, and I will tell him about when I was a young man, and there were people who had the gall to restrict data based on political borders.

I hope he won't believe me.


Rob King said:
One of these days, I'm going to have my grandson on my knee, and I will tell him about when I was a young man, and there were people who had the gall to restrict data based on political borders.
Make sure you open with 'Back in aught nine' for the maximum old out-of-touch dude disbelief factor :thumbsup:


/jquit. I hate jobs that are like that, my last one required doctors notes for calling in (it was a min wage pizza job), and tried to force one of the workers to work on his grad party. Depending where you live and the specific economic climate/job availbility they know they can push you cause there maybe another 50 people waiting to be hired in.


+1 to your job being stupid.

I hate jobs like that. Your time is your time.

I recently had to convince my bosses to let me take my Vacation in an unconventional maner.

I had 80+ hours to spend in 60 something days, but I wouldn't be a good idea to take off for a few consecutive days. So I told them I would just take off an hour early or come in an hour late or have an extra long lunch and use my Vacation for that.

It took time= :slap:, but they saw it my way.
rabbitgod said:
I recently had to convince my bosses to let me take my Vacation in an unconventional maner.
At least they're not forcing you to take unpayed vacations during the month of their choosing... lucky me it's my birthday that month so i was planing to take the 10 days off anyhow...
back when I worked for Citibank, I didn't work the actual bank, but for the Card Services division. However, we still were mandated (I guess legally) to get all bank holidays off plus personal time. It added up to something like 28 days a year.

So, because I like short work weeks, my first six months there I took every Monday off. Luckily, they really didn't care how you spent your time. It was pretty awesome.
Wait, 40 bucks to watch a Live Stream? WTF :confused:

Not a flame on anyone able and willing to waste money on it, but seriously, that price seems way excessive.
Seraphyn said:
Wait, 40 bucks to watch a Live Stream? WTF :confused:

Not a flame on anyone able and willing to waste money on it, but seriously, that price seems way excessive.
And a one time offer of an ingame pet. These ingame items have sold for up to $400+ in the past. Just letting you know the "extra" pull.
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