I'm Calling in Dead....

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2 year ago they had a card set, which I bought a box from that "fell from the back of a truck". I bought a whole carton of cards for 30$... inside of it was a rare etheral cat mount.. I ebayed that card and got 640$ US (which back then was like 750+ Canadian). I immediately felt bad that that I didn't buy the 2nd box.. what a cheap bastard I was. I never played their card game. lol

Hindsight 20/20 FTL.
Man your work sucks. Your time had already been aproved off so right now they are being nothing other than a bully/guilt trip parent.
That's bullshit, don't you have a written confirmation of this? That they gave you the day off?

Time to change job conchita.
Yeah like I said earlier, my job platform isn't exactly hiring like crazy in this area. I'm also one of the "lucky" few who survived a mass firing a few months ago.

My time off was approved BEFORE we became massively under-staffed. Basically if I hadn't shown up today (Friday's the busiest day) they wouldn't have been able to handle the workload. Supposedly. :eyeroll:
Shegokigo said:
Seraphyn said:
Wait, 40 bucks to watch a Live Stream? WTF :confused:

Not a flame on anyone able and willing to waste money on it, but seriously, that price seems way excessive.
And a one time offer of an ingame pet. These ingame items have sold for up to $400+ in the past. Just letting you know the "extra" pull.
It's also 2 days worth of coverage. It's not exactly a pay-per-view movie.
I'm going to get home and watch the video at my lesiure at least. Skip over the stuff I have little interest in. Of course I'm going to spoil it all for myself by reading mmo-champion as the info comes out.

3hrs till the WoW "preview panel". *sigh*
Shegokigo said:
Yeah like I said earlier, my job platform isn't exactly hiring like crazy in this area. I'm also one of the "lucky" few who survived a mass firing a few months ago.

Yeah - you'd be amazed at how little the phrase "job security" does for employee morale when it gets used as an excuse for increased workload.


Don't you hate it when you take a day off to do something nerdy, get the day off they call you in and ask you whats so important and you try to explain, and it just ends up with you embarassed and them saying "If you don't come in today because you're playing VIDYA games then don't bother coming in tomorrow!"

When you are a cashier working for 7.25/hr. Highschool sucked, I learned to just tell everyone I was on a soccer team or something else 'acceptable'
I used to say that I did charity work to get out of overtime work and weekends. They didn't believe me and always gave me a hard time but I always bluffed my way and invited them to take the day off and go do charity work, they NEVER picked up on the offer. "What do you do?" "Hang out with the elderly and keep them company, play games." "You do this on your OWN time??" "Yes, it's highly rewarding" I brought in some pictures I found on the internet and showed them. "Why do you do this?" "I love my grandfather, don't you?"

Worked brilliantly even during video game release days.
My band really does some free gigs at old folks' homes occasionally. I always get a kick out of how much everyone enjoys the shows.

Now I can get an added benefit with the band photos.

Thanks for the tip, Jay ;)
Could just do what Peter did and stay in bed not answer the phone, and refuse to answer the door if they come check on you.

From the wow.com blog:
12:12PM Archaeology will be a new secondary profession.

12:12PM DEATHWING HAS RETURNED!!!!!!! Pyro on stage. Wow!

12:11PM Classic zones forever changed by the Cataclysm.
Heroic Shadowfang keep. Guild leveling system. Path of the titans character progression.

12:11PM Unearthed \"bastions of antiquity.\" Looks like a dwarf instance.

12:11PM New Race/class combinations. Gnome Priests. New monsters.

12:10PM Flying mounts in Azeroth.

12:10PM Worgen transformation. Those who were once human have become something more. Forsaken attack them, Worgen Alliance race.

12:10PM Very misty, lots of cathedrals.

12:10PM Greymane Wall has been shattered.

12:10PM Goblins shipwrecked upon the Lost Isles, fighting Gronn. Goblins of Kazaan have found new Alliancs in the Horde. Playable Horde Goblins.

12:09PM Maelstorm churns -- goblins driven from their homes, seeking sanctuary.

12:09PM Wetlands is destroyed, Ashenvale hit as well.

12:09PM showing zones destroyed in laval. Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms. The Barrens full of canyons of lava

12:08PM As the terrible war against the Lich King continues, the defenders of Azeroth fight to secure a lasting peace. But there can be no peace when the world itself is devoured by rain.

12:07PM Trailer playing

I'm staying on my Horde Tauren Shaman as he's "Grandfathered" as a High Warlord. I will say this, I will be "seriously" playing a Goblin Rogue as a "second main" and not an "alt".

Goblins have always been my favorite race to play in Fantasy games whenever given the chance, I'm damn glad to see them on WoW.
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