It's a little too late for any more talking now, for the time being... but yeah, you're right that I should sleep. Luckily that tea doesn't have any caffeine.It's late and I don't have the time to post a lengthy retort but I will say a few quick things.
- The blame game needs to stop. NOW! "She blames me... X" "I blame her for X". This is never productive.
- Calmness always prevails. If you allow yourself to fully be engrossed by drama then you're doing it wrong. Take a step back, take notes and come back when you're calm and collected. If the other person cannot be calm and collected. Take a break, talk about the issue with them later, when they are calm. Screaming at eachother, arguing or whatever... while playing the blame game never ever helps... crying about it won't change a thing about it neither. BE COOL.
- Communication is important. "She was distant because she felt I was distant." "She wanted to be alone for Valentine's day, so I left her alone and now she is upset about it". What the fuck, seriously? I'm not judging YOU or HER but damn... I face palmed a few times. You guys need to talk, calmly and see how things work out.
I find it very intriguing and off-putting that she no longer speaks to her family. Are they truly aware on how she feels about things and how she felt with her fiancee? What kind of parent stops talking to their child over the sake of them finding someone else? Also, I feel you may have been white knighted by her. Be mindful of that.
Anyways, I'll reply in proper form sometime tomorrow. In the meantime, when was the last time you slept? Go sleep. Fuck tea.
I take issue with this part. SHE said you two were no longer an item. SHE told you to cancel plans. YOU obeyed her wishes and left her alone. Then she had the audacity to say that she expected some grand gesture?! No. Fuck everything about that.Eventually she made it clear that we were no longer in a relationship, and she had me cancel our plans to go out to eat on valentines day so that she could study.
Like an idiot, I completely left her alone on valentines day so that she could get more done -- she said later that she "had faith" that I would make it a day worth remembering for her. Instead she was alone with no one even talking to her.
Help her by being there when she needs to you, otherwise back off and don't try to fix anything on your own. Do not attempt to put some of her own burden on your shoulders, because not only will you make yourself stress out, but you will make her further stressed because she thinks you are trying to take her own hardships and, like she implied, make it about you. Even though that is not your intention, it will be what she sees, and changing that won't happen outside of psychically implanting your intentions in her mind.What's important to me is that I'm able to help her in some way...
Was it like?There's a 4 letter word that sprung to my mind when reading that, and it wasn't love.
You need to not be involved with her.
That sounds like good advice. She does tend to bring up what happened a lot, though. Do you have any advice on how to deal with that?Help her by being there when she needs to you, otherwise back off and don't try to fix anything on your own. Do not attempt to put some of her own burden on your shoulders, because not only will you make yourself stress out, but you will make her further stressed because she thinks you are trying to take her own hardships and, like she implied, make it about you. Even though that is not your intention, it will be what she sees, and changing that won't happen outside of psychically implanting your intentions in her mind.
The best thing you can do is just let it go. Don't let HER go, but let IT go. Let go of the relationship, let go off the fact she has hardships and issues, move on and let her calm in her own life at her own pace. If she needs support, she will call you, and when she does, don't be down, don't blame yourself for the past, don't even mention the past. Keep focused on the future and what it means for her.
Best case in this, you will recover her as a friend. Worst case, you will have to cut off all contact with her and wait out the pain. Do NOT let her string you on with this if she keeps bringing it up.
If there is one thing I know in life, and know how hard it is, it would be dwelling on past mistakes so much that they hurt your future. Don't let that happen, that is what is important.
That seems like sound advice as well... she definitely is frustrated, angry, etc. and I suppose it was a little presumptuous of me to assume I could fix those feelings for her. I don't want to seem like I'm ignoring her when she texts me, but if responding with assurances and explanations makes things worse, then I don't want to do that.It's a catch-22. The more she voices blame and negative perceptions, the more she will believe them. She is in a mindset where she can twist anything you say against you. It is probably not intentional, but she is trying to sort out her own frustration, anger, and other mixed feelings. Voicing them helps her sort these things out, I'm afraid to say. This puts you in a position where you are least able to help her right now, as you are the fixation of the feelings she is sorting out. Trying to help will help her, but it won't help you, and it probably won't reconnect you in any way. It will only help her in that she'll cut you out completely and then begin to feel better. About the only ting you can do right now is say, "Call me if you need me. Until then, try not to be too angry about an honest mistake."
Was it like?
Added at: 10:53
In all seriousness Sol, how did you meet this friend? What prompted her move?
If I was to guess, it was an internet relationship that you've been sold a bill of goods for and you don't actually really know each other outside of a very structured framework that doesn't lend itself well to truth-telling. But that's a HUUUUGE leap and I'm more than happy to have egg on my face if I'm wrong.
Fuuuck, that's a lot of egg I deserve! Sorry, in today's dating environment, it just seemed so typical of a long distance relationship.Try an eight-year friendship beginning in high school and staying in contact throughout and after college, in which she was the first person to actually show any interest in who I am on the exterior and got me to open up and do more than sit aside awkwardly all day and never say a word to anyone. She's also the person who inspired me enough to get the job I am in and pushed me to go forward and get the promotion. The move was within the same city, but away from her Ex-Fiance.
Where are the eggs?
You mean her single relationship that she had been in for seven years and only considered leaving because of me? That string of past relationships?You can see from her string of past relationships that it's her, not you.
I think he 'relationships' in the more broad term of 'person-to-person' not 'penis-to-vagina'.You mean her single relationship that she had been in for seven years and only considered leaving because of me? That string of past relationships?
Sorry, it's just... that was really presumptuous of you.
Question: does that mean it seems like I'm not understanding what she's saying as well? Because I really would like to know what I'm missing...Fuuuck, that's a lot of egg I deserve! Sorry, in today's dating environment, it just seemed so typical of a long distance relationship.
I don't know what to say dude, for someone who you've known and who has known you for such a long time, it seems like you're talking past each other.
Based on the information you've given in this thread, I'd say you're eager to please and understand, have made some mistakes in the past that you're trying to move forward from and that she's just focussing on the negative because she's suffering a kind of buyer's remorse that is exaggerating everything well beyond it's intention.Question: does that mean it seems like I'm not understanding what she's saying as well? Because I really would like to know what I'm missing...
And we used to communicate so well... it's only since she moved away from the fiance that this started happening...
I don't think it's presumptuous at all:You mean her single relationship that she had been in for seven years and only considered leaving because of me? That string of past relationships?
Sorry, it's just... that was really presumptuous of you.
I really don't. The thing about people is they are complex creatures, and they can take our intentions so many different directions. You know her the best, so you will know what might flick the switches one direction or the other, so you have to figure out the best way to approach it and make sure she stops bringing it up.That sounds like good advice. She does tend to bring up what happened a lot, though. Do you have any advice on how to deal with that?
Ah... I thought what you meant was along the lines of "she's screwed up her past relationships in the same way," but that way makes a lot more sense. The entire context of all of the relationships in her life have been horrible, and it's through that context that she's seeing my actions.I don't think it's presumptuous at all:
"A stepfather of hers … abused her…"
"Her mom swears she didn't know…"
"she … thought she was lucky to have someone like her emotionally-abusive boyfriend…"
Please keep in mind that I'm not saying those relationships were her fault. I'm saying that they defined how she interacts with people she's close to.
Please re-read what you wrote here:
Then think about it.
She is free.
For the first time in her life she's free of her past abusive relationships. She's not tied financially to another person. She doesn't have to listen to anyone else. She is finally taking steps on her own not only to get out of an engagement that was endangering her, but to break off the path that, from my perspective, she didn't want in the first place. She just couldn't see any other way out. Perhaps she did want that path, but not if it meant cowtowing to her benefactors and fiance.
Now, I could be way off base here, but from what you've written, exactly what you feared would happen happened - you tried to get her to break off without becoming romantic. She demanded that you step up to the plate and provide security enough for her to make this change, and you did. Then, as predicted it all blew up catastrophically.
She's not fixed - but the change that was made in her life was ultimately good. Not only that, but it happened just as you had predicted - it blew up.
The only way you could have prevented the blow up is by rejecting her. And she would now be stuck in a marriage that isn't good for her, and the only person who cheered for her freedom would, like all the others, have turned his back on her and said "no".
So suck it up. You did what you did to change her situation, and it's better now than it was before. End of story.
What happens next is up to her. She's a big girl now, and while she's still going to have significant problems, the fact that she took a step bodes well for her.
You played your part. Now exit stage left and get some help because it's obviously tearing you apart.
If you keep pestering her, she will stay away. If you leave her alone, there's a chance - perhaps small, but a chance nonetheless - that she will recognize that it wasn't your fault, that her life is better off, and that she misses having you as a friend. Don't harbor hopes of becoming romantically involved again, but it looks like you do want friendship again. If so, give her time and space. Months and years. Send her birthday cards (and don't add apologies, or questions - or anything that requires a response! Just "Thinking of you, hope you are well").
She is better off now than she was prior to your recent relationship with her. That's all.
That does make it more difficult to respond in the same way, but I should be able to figure out a way to make it work.That's cause you were an outlet... now you're the source.
Eh, maybe. Worth a try, though.Be prepared for disappointment.
Aw, really? Damn, I need to cancel my plane ticket to see Jay, then.Except sexy times.
He may have just been talking about me specifically. I do have that musky "stuck in the rain 24/7" smell.Aw, really? Damn, I need to cancel my plane ticket to see Jay, then.
In the fourth text she said:You have no idea what I've been going through these last few weeks, let alone two months.
I knew that there was something regarding what she was upset about because of how she said:In the seventh text she said:And EVEN NOW you refuse to see what I'm going through and you haven't asked.
And the thing is... I hadn't asked how she was doing, really. I figured she was telling me everything in all of her texts the past few months. And I didn't want to make things worse by continuing to not ask, so I sent the following message to her:In the third-to-last text she said:You didn't even read it or LISTEN again I'm sure.
She wasn't happy, of course... and I didn't expect her to be. I downed a nice mixture of Kava Kava extract, Valerian, peppermint, Passionflower, Chamomile, more passionflower, theanine, and lavender so I could be calm enough to deal with the result.I said:How are you doing, [NAME]? You were right that I never asked what you're going through... and I should have from the beginning. What are you going through?
This is a decent list of her issues? Not only is she not bothering to give you specifics, the majority of them are somewhere between petty and juvenile, and the list as a whole reads as an effort to drag you down as far as she can manage. Seriously, the whole thing amounts to calling you a lazy, childish slob.
- Dress better.
- Stop being so selfish.
- Stop being lazy.
- Stop being a slob.
- Pay attention! How many car accidents do you intend to cause because you're not being responsible?
- Stop blaming others for your shit and be a man and take responsibility!
And you're going to continue calling him an idiot for doing it, despite knowing that he's going to. What's the difference?See that's the thing. He wants us to tell him that there's something he can do to fix it and fix her. He doesn't want to hear "it's pretty much unsalvagable" because he doesn't believe it contrary to the facts.
He's going to continue to try, regardless of advice, till he's satisfied with the result, one way or another.
You put words in my mouth sir. I'd never call him an idiot when I've been in self-destructive, obviously "should get out" relationships as well.And you're going to continue calling him an idiot for doing it, despite knowing that he's going to. What's the difference?
My apologies, then. I was reading intent there when I guess there wasn't any.You put words in my mouth sir. I'd never call him an idiot when I've been in self-destructive, obviously "should get out" relationships as well.
No. This is wrong, and you need to stop accepting it so easily. Some of the issues you've had may very well be because of things you've done, but they're because of things she's done and choices she's made too. She's trying to pass all of the blame for her decisions off onto you, and you're not only letting her do it, but you're believing it yourself.Now that it turns out I was wrong, and her faith in me was misplaced
Kobayashi Maru, dude.... shouldn't I at least try to do something?
And that's the thing, man. You're NOT a bad person. But you ARE in a bad situation. And I'm sorry to say this, but this may be a promise that you just won't be able to keep no matter how much you try. It's painful to hear that, I know. I'm one of those people who hate not being able to keep my promises too. But this whole dilemma is probably not going to allow you to see it through like you had hoped. But again, that does NOT make you a bad person if you can't! Like others have said, SHE has to be willing to BE helped and take some of the responsibility to change HERSELF. Neither she NOR you can expect that YOU can do it all for her. And from the sound of her responses, that's exactly what it sounds like both of you are doing. If you continue down this path, all that will happen is that you'll feel emotionally and physically beat down, and you'll both just end up resenting each other without her having gotten better at all.Am I really that bad...? I'm just trying to keep a promise I made to a hurting and scared woman.
...I don't want to hurt her, though. Do you really think I'm worse for her by trying to be there?Sol, most of us have been in situations like this. I watched a very close friend of mine go through this with his mother. Slightly different situation, but she was mentally damaged (mentally ill, in this case) and he was unable to pull himself out of the world she created around them. From the inside, it can be difficult, or even impossible, to recognize how damaging or fucked up the situation is. This can make it impossible to make rational decisions.
But I know you are a rational dude. You can't see the evidence from within, but you have a whole group of people who care about you, who all see the truth that we've all had to learn the hard way. Accept that the evidence we present overrides what you are able to see from within, and get out. I know you love her, but you are one of the problems in her life. It's **not** your fault, you're just trying to give her what she wants, but she is in a self-destructive spiral. By giving into her, you are enabling her to hurt herself even more, and hurt you as well. This is the very definition of a toxic relationship.
The right move here is to walk away. It's not the easy move, it feels like a failure, but if you truly want to help her, you need to make that hard decision. What's more, you need to be willing to have her hate you if it means she has the chance of getting better.
You're not Norris. None of us think you are, otherwise we wouldn't be trying still. You're just stuck in a terrible situation, where the right choice is hard to see, and difficult to do.
That's a really, really good first step. I'd suggest not deciding anything until you see how that goes.I am seeing a therapist on Monday. I'll take along the text messages and see what comes of that.
Am I really that bad...? I'm just trying to keep a promise I made to a hurting and scared woman.
She knew that things would be bad during major changes in her life. It's one of the many things she learned during therapy about people in her position. She even warned me about it before this happened... and I told her that she didn't need to worry, and that things would work out.
She believed me.
Now that it turns out I was wrong, and her faith in me was misplaced... shouldn't I at least try to do something?
I am totally writing that fairy tale for later this year. Thanks.I've noticed that all these stories involve a dude trying desperately be the knight in shining armor for a dragon.
I am totally writing that fairy tale for later this year. Thanks.
Go enjoy yourself with your family. Stop trying to analyze what you told her and how she took it. This is what I mean about communication problems. You told her something, and you're not sure if it got across. That's a communication problem. And she's being a whining sack of shit by not explaining what her problem is. I absolutely hate that bullshit that some women do. The ol "you better be able to read my mind and I won't tell you what's really wrong" type of horseshit. Women that make you guess about their feelings, in my opinion, are stuck in some sort of quasi- fantasy land between a trashy, grocery store romance novel and a cheesy love story movie.She didn't know that I had plans tonight -- we haven't really talked to each other that much about what's going on in our lives lately. She did know from yesterday that family was coming into town yesterday, but not that there was a big dinner planned for tonight.
I offered to leave the food at the door, but she wasn't interested. She didn't really ask for anything in the first place, though. But I have a feeling that my explanation and offer came across as an excuse not to see her while trying to make it seem like I wanted to...
Have to agree here. Anyone that forces you to make a choice between your family and them or who forces you to make a choice between them and anything that you love, is going too far.
I understand that she has been hurt in the past. It doesn't mean that you should join her in her pain.
I am having trouble comprehending how this got to page 3. This is exactly why there are programs to help battered (emotionally and physically) women get away from the situation they are in. You absolutely need a non romantic interest for it to be even remotely successful. Even then the chance of failure is incredibly high.
Stay away. Stay away. Stay away. You are not what she needs in her life and she is not what you need. She is projecting on to you, manipulating you and overall just completely screwing with any sense or normalcy you may ever have. Her ability to manipulate you and have you take the blame for something you can't control (how she feels) is astounding, but even more incredible is your ability to sit there and take it.
I don't have time to finish this, but whatever you do stay away from this woman, cease all contact immediately and avoid her at all costs. You're gonna feel like shit for a long time, but eventually it goes away and you start to live for you again and that's what this life is about. If you're not happy, what's the point?
Dude, you have got to get this out of your head, you are not responsible for her behavior. She is an adult. She is responsible for her behavior.And, well... when she moved, she was very clear and angry about a number of things that were wrong all at once... and it kind of overwhelmed me to the point where I freaked out, leading us to where we are now.
Yeah you do, they're just less crazy.You don't run across a girl like that more than once in a lifetime.
Stay strong, brother.Man... It's almost as painful to not talk to her as it is to talk to her. Errgh... why does human emotion have to suck so much?
Fixed it...Good, good. Go and reward yourself with an ice cream sandwich AND some scotch.
Dude, if someone is tearing you a new one on the phone... hang up. Be more proud of yourself and don't take that shit. Definitely don't take it for two hours....two hours detailing how horrible her life is and how I'm a "common con artist" and how she never should have trusted me...
I think she's better at TF2 than meInvite her to the TF2 server. I'll make her do less damage and make you do more. Then you play until she rage quits.
You don't play Pyro, huh?He just needs some solid backup... you have my axe! Er... rocket launcher...
I figure if she'd give it up for the Spy, then the Soldier wouldn't be too far behind to exploit the opening.That's the spy Charon....
I tried talking to him last weekend but he didn't return my call. I found out today that he and his wife are paying to have my ex fly out to see them (they live in another state).Jumping the gun a bit no?
Also a guy who'd stop talking to you forever over a woman doesn't exactly strike me as a "good friend". Especially if the woman is an ex of your and nothing to do with him directly.
Free things to do to get out & meet people:I don't do anything BUT play games anymore, though. I don't have any friends in town, and I'm too broke to do anything but sit around my apartment all day.
Yeah but that is actually pretty expensive (if you do it right).Get a pet. It helps. Really.
That sucks, dude. Sorry to hear it.I'm running low on friends.
She came over crying, and yeah... her hair was thinner and I saw her cough up've seen her?
Damn dude, you know how to pick the crazies...So... things just got turned on their head.
I won't go into detail out of respect for her privacy, but... let's just say that seeing her losing hair and the fact that she coughs up blood after any physical exertion puts a different perspective on her sudden change in behavior.
Oh God, that was a nightmare. Was it Ironbrig?I am reminded of one Halforumer who was having problems with his friend inviting another friend over to a party which was exclusively for his friend. Name escapes me but I'm having flashbacks.
It was Norris. Yes, he had two famous threads.Oh God, that was a nightmare. Was it Ironbrig?