Heh. I don't even worry about the afterlife. The afterlife (to me) was created to keep the masses be happy with their mediocre lives. As long you live your life to the fullest and be self fullfilled. Then why worry? You have NO control over that (since there is no concrete proof of after life except in religious text and such)I'm more about the fear of no longer existing. When you die*, you become an empty shell. There is no thought... no identity... no self. You cease to exist in any fashion other than being a pile of meat, except as figments in the memories of those who knew you (which will fade when they die) and possibly in a dusty book that is destined to be lost, destroyed, or redacted. Given time, all you have done will be forgotten and your ripple will eventually hit the edge of the pond.
When that happens, there is no you. There will not even be a thing that used to be you. There will only be atoms, possibly given new identity as someone or something else. Given enough time, even they will be consumed as the universe burns itself cold, as it slowly retracts to begin again... becoming a singularity of infinite mass and density. From this mass a new universe COULD be created, but we have no idea how or why this might happen... only that it has before.
As I said, the implications of death terrify me.
*Barring some sort of afterlife as has been foretold of in countless religions. Here's hoping!