I'm young and stupid, so I've decided to die....

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I'm more about the fear of no longer existing. When you die*, you become an empty shell. There is no thought... no identity... no self. You cease to exist in any fashion other than being a pile of meat, except as figments in the memories of those who knew you (which will fade when they die) and possibly in a dusty book that is destined to be lost, destroyed, or redacted. Given time, all you have done will be forgotten and your ripple will eventually hit the edge of the pond.

When that happens, there is no you. There will not even be a thing that used to be you. There will only be atoms, possibly given new identity as someone or something else. Given enough time, even they will be consumed as the universe burns itself cold, as it slowly retracts to begin again... becoming a singularity of infinite mass and density. From this mass a new universe COULD be created, but we have no idea how or why this might happen... only that it has before.

As I said, the implications of death terrify me.

*Barring some sort of afterlife as has been foretold of in countless religions. Here's hoping!
Heh. I don't even worry about the afterlife. The afterlife (to me) was created to keep the masses be happy with their mediocre lives. As long you live your life to the fullest and be self fullfilled. Then why worry? You have NO control over that (since there is no concrete proof of after life except in religious text and such)
I don't think I'd let my 20 year old self decide whether my 60 year old self should die or not. Man, he was dumber than a bag of bricks.

I doubt I'm much smarter. If my 60 year old self could look at me now no doubt he'd just laugh, and laugh, and laugh.
I believe I've come along way in my 10 years from being 20. I can honestly forsee my life path from here to then. What exactly will happen to me from now till then is not certain but it is on it's correct path as of now.
I'm with ashburner. Death freaks me out. Thinking about the true meaning of eternity is terrifying. I wanna keep going as long as I can. Even if there is an afterlife, I'll have a lot of time there anyways. I wanna drag every last second out of Earth that I can.
I have responses I can give to Ash and Blots that I'd think were comforting, but would probably make things worse :/.

Well, I'll do something that's not been done much in this thread.

Shego? I totally hear you out and support you on that, and I don't mean in the "blah blah no one cares" Null way. As much as makare and others can talk about all these old people they know who live full and wonderful lives, there's just as many, if not more, who have no reason to live. Constant medication, losing themselves to mental disease, daily caution to preserve brittle bodies, or being bed-ridden, and let's not forget the joys of watching everyone you love or even like die off. I've seen people who hate every day they're struggling through and have nothing to look forward to because their best years are behind them.

So I think you gotta look at it in the way that's right for you. There's a point where it's not worth it anymore, and that's not gonna be the same for all people, no matter how desperately some think they wish they could live forever.
I'm personally more freaked out at the chance that there may be something beyond death. I honestly super hope that death is it. The end. No more.


Staff member
Even when life is hard and I'm miserable, there's something deep inside that has hope and happiness. I find joy in countless things and hope to continue doing so for as long as I can.
Wit the afterlife no afterlife talk if I had to pick a religion that was the most correct I would choose the one that believes in reincarnation (buddhist? Hindu?) I think it something along the lines of when you die your dead but you "wake up" under a new consciousness like a newborn and live that life. Not saying how good u r in this life determines ur next life or anything or that you can have a phsycic tell u about a past life or anything just what I think. Sorry for grammar and puncuation there
I think you've been around more than long enough to know that when I "baww" I make a very clearly labled "baww" titled thread. I've actually been enjoying life far beyond any other period I've ever been in. It's actually the fact that I love life and the way it is right now that any changes to it are exactly what I am most opposed to.

The reason for this thread was to verbalize a thought process I was going through the other day and curious whoelse felt the same.


this thread seemed like an extension of the thread about wealth or longevity.
It's the DLC for Jay's thread. He gave us 40 or 80, cutting out 60 during development so he could charge more, and now Shego's come in with 60 to complete the package.


No now someone needs to make a thread along the same lines using 50.
Shego? I totally hear you out and support you on that, and I don't mean in the "blah blah no one cares" Null way.
That isn't what I meant. I mean, it's her death, and her choice, and if Sheki still feels that way, then it's her business to go through with it or not. If she really doesn't want to live once she gets to that point, then she gets to make the call.
I guess I just expected that, by the time you no longer feel comfortable living the wild life yourself, you would have found yourself a protégé. You know, mentor a younger hot lesbian with the benefit of your purse and your person. Something like Cyrano and Batman Beyond, rolled into one.

Wow Pat, I hadn't even considered that. Someone to carry on my ------OMITTED-------- legacy? Someone I wouldn't have to deal with as a child and just teach at a young age? That thought actually does appeal to me in alot of ways....
No, she was in love with the girl in Monster and wanted to keep her as far away as possible from her violent side.
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