They were drinking and driving. And various other evil things that Republicans do or don't do in their living rooms, bedrooms and board rooms.Everyone there was terrible
where were these people when bush was going to war and spending trillions
-You can play the kook game with any political rally. In a crowd of tens of thousands, there's bound to be a few loose screws. Also, the "57 States" is in reference to Obama talking about "visiting all 57 states" during the campaign.
In any event, maybe we'd get further in terms of dialogue and consensus if we actually listened to other people and got to the bottom of their discontent rather than cherrypicking the loons in an attempt to discredit an entire ideology, hmm? This goes for righties as well as lefties.
Here here.In any event, maybe we'd get further in terms of dialogue and consensus if we actually listened to other people and got to the bottom of their discontent rather than cherrypicking the loons in an attempt to discredit an entire ideology, hmm?
Have YOU ever tried to get an American motivated about anything? We're a pretty lethargic bunch when it comes to politics, because of the continued impression of nothing we do mattering at all. Voter rates are abysmal for even our presidential elections!I'm taking bets on when you fellas are going to have Civil War II: The Reckoning. Considering how bitterly divided and inflamed your political climate seems to be...
Have YOU ever tried to get an American motivated about anything? We're a pretty lethargic bunch when it comes to politics, because of the continued impression of nothing we do mattering at all. Voter rates are abysmal for even our presidential elections![/quote]I'm taking bets on when you fellas are going to have Civil War II: The Reckoning. Considering how bitterly divided and inflamed your political climate seems to be...
Have YOU ever tried to get an American motivated about anything? We're a pretty lethargic bunch when it comes to politics, because of the continued impression of nothing we do mattering at all. Voter rates are abysmal for even our presidential elections![/quote][/quote] Wasn't that a Garfield strip? Why it's good to be lazy? "What if war were declared and nobody showed?"I'm taking bets on when you fellas are going to have Civil War II: The Reckoning. Considering how bitterly divided and inflamed your political climate seems to be...
But I thought, according to democrats since 2003, that dissent was the new patriotism?As Gabriel Iglesias said, we don't vote for things like President, we vote for American Idol.
When people like Limbaugh, Beck, and O'Reilly have such high rating spouting nothing but barely disguised hatred and open division and get such high ratings, it's hard to take seriously the 'those people are the fringe element' argument.
Not so much the mainstream, but they certainly aren't shunned.Let me get this straight then Krisken, just so I'm clear: The "fringe" on the right is, the mainstream to you?
That is what you are saying right? I'm not asking to be antagonistic, I'm just going for clarification here.
People who believe Obama was born in Kenya.Krisken, what's a Birther?
A racist sore loser who can't deal with having a black president so they make up absurd conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's birth certificate.
These nutjobs actually believe that there has been a conspiracy going back 48 years to fake Barack Obama's birth certificate. Apparently they had a crystal ball and knew that this black child (born in the days of segregation) would someday run for President.
Wow, you think the selection of those images was random? Even I have more faith in the Republican party than that.I love this post. Random selection of random images, including my favorite of the bunch the 57 states poster.
watching the mocking of that is like watching the Barack the Magic Negro story all over again.
Wow, you think the selection of those images was random? Even I have more faith in the Republican party than that.[/QUOTE]I love this post. Random selection of random images, including my favorite of the bunch the 57 states poster.
watching the mocking of that is like watching the Barack the Magic Negro story all over again.
People who believe Obama was born in Kenya.Krisken, what's a Birther?
[/QUOTE]A racist sore loser who can't deal with having a black president so they make up absurd conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's birth certificate.
These nutjobs actually believe that there has been a conspiracy going back 48 years to fake Barack Obama's birth certificate. Apparently they had a crystal ball and knew that this black child (born in the days of segregation) would someday run for President.
People who believe Obama was born in Kenya.Krisken, what's a Birther?
[/QUOTE]A racist sore loser who can't deal with having a black president so they make up absurd conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's birth certificate.
These nutjobs actually believe that there has been a conspiracy going back 48 years to fake Barack Obama's birth certificate. Apparently they had a crystal ball and knew that this black child (born in the days of segregation) would someday run for President.
People who believe Obama was born in Kenya.Krisken, what's a Birther?
[/QUOTE]A racist sore loser who can't deal with having a black president so they make up absurd conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's birth certificate.
These nutjobs actually believe that there has been a conspiracy going back 48 years to fake Barack Obama's birth certificate. Apparently they had a crystal ball and knew that this black child (born in the days of segregation) would someday run for President.
People who believe Obama was born in Kenya.Krisken, what's a Birther?
[/quote]A racist sore loser who can't deal with having a black president so they make up absurd conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's birth certificate.
These nutjobs actually believe that there has been a conspiracy going back 48 years to fake Barack Obama's birth certificate. Apparently they had a crystal ball and knew that this black child (born in the days of segregation) would someday run for President.
John McCain was not born in the United States of America. He was born on a military installation in the Panama Canal zone where his father, a navy officer, was stationed. In light of the ongoing uproar by the “birthers” about the authenticity of President Obama’s citizenship, this is worrisome.
If proof of Obama’s citizenship were the only issue, the so-called “birthers” would have been just as vocal about the legitimacy questions surrounding McCain’s bid for President as they have been about the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate. After all, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander right?
Wonder what the other half was? Canvas? Linen?A quick search of "birthers" on google, pulls up such gems:
Your right. Democratic leaders quickly dismissed the Panama Canal thing as nonsense. Republican leaders (with the exception of a few) still use this to try to drum up donations from easily misled idiots. That's the main difference I've seen.Someone actually brought up the McCain "controversy?" Laughable.
Now, I also think the birthers are full of crap, but to compare what they're saying about Obama to McCain's situation is just a fallacy. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which at the time was a U.S. Protectorate. He was born to an American airman and his American wife while they were stationed at Coco Solo Airbase. According to the birthers, Obama was born in Kenya to a Kenyan man and an American woman, with his mom missing the deadline to declare him a US citizen. Again, I think there's no validity to their claims, but the two situations aren't even remotely similar.
Your right. Democratic leaders quickly dismissed the Panama Canal thing as nonsense. Republican leaders (with the exception of a few) still use this to try to drum up donations from easily misled idiots. That's the main difference I've seen.[/QUOTE]Someone actually brought up the McCain "controversy?" Laughable.
Now, I also think the birthers are full of crap, but to compare what they're saying about Obama to McCain's situation is just a fallacy. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which at the time was a U.S. Protectorate. He was born to an American airman and his American wife while they were stationed at Coco Solo Airbase. According to the birthers, Obama was born in Kenya to a Kenyan man and an American woman, with his mom missing the deadline to declare him a US citizen. Again, I think there's no validity to their claims, but the two situations aren't even remotely similar.
Your right. Democratic leaders quickly dismissed the Panama Canal thing as nonsense. Republican leaders (with the exception of a few) still use this to try to drum up donations from easily misled idiots. That's the main difference I've seen.[/quote]Someone actually brought up the McCain "controversy?" Laughable.
Now, I also think the birthers are full of crap, but to compare what they're saying about Obama to McCain's situation is just a fallacy. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which at the time was a U.S. Protectorate. He was born to an American airman and his American wife while they were stationed at Coco Solo Airbase. According to the birthers, Obama was born in Kenya to a Kenyan man and an American woman, with his mom missing the deadline to declare him a US citizen. Again, I think there's no validity to their claims, but the two situations aren't even remotely similar.
I've never heard anyone beyond a mullet wearing nutjob say anything in support of this. Got any sources where they talked about this? I'm not saying they haven't, but the way you have been talking about it it sounds like an EPIDEMIC!Go ahead and check how many times Republican Governors, Senators, and Representatives have waffled on this birth certificate thing. I'm not trying to be combative, I'm trying to show that if the Republican party can either be taken seriously or cater to the lunatic fringe. It doesn't work both ways.
I've never heard anyone beyond a mullet wearing nutjob say anything in support of this. Got any sources where they talked about this? I'm not saying they haven't, but the way you have been talking about it it sounds like an EPIDEMIC![/QUOTE]Go ahead and check how many times Republican Governors, Senators, and Representatives have waffled on this birth certificate thing. I'm not trying to be combative, I'm trying to show that if the Republican party can either be taken seriously or cater to the lunatic fringe. It doesn't work both ways.
I see pandering in your stories. You have a few reps stopping short of saying "go to hell" so that they keep the votes they need to get reelected.“Twenty-five percent of my people believe the Pentagon and Rumsfeld were responsible for taking the twin towers down,” said Rep. Collin Peterson, a Democrat who represents a conservative Republican district in Minnesota. “That’s why I don’t do town meetings.”
I guess I expect more out of my Reps. It's a shame more people dont.Ignoring them like the democrat in the first article you cited? Who said this about the lovely folks in his district:
I see pandering in your stories. You have a few reps stopping short of saying "go to hell" so that they keep the votes they need to get reelected.“Twenty-five percent of my people believe the Pentagon and Rumsfeld were responsible for taking the twin towers down,” said Rep. Collin Peterson, a Democrat who represents a conservative Republican district in Minnesota. “That’s why I don’t do town meetings.”
I'm sorry man, but that hardly sounds like the giant issue you make it out to be. It's not a big issue and it's hardly a good way to try and discredit your political opponents in my book
I just see politicians (on both sides according to your article) doing some minor pandering to their people or ignoring them completely.
And keep in mind, I'm not saying that's right. They all should stand up to these nuts on both sides but I'm not the guy trying to get reelected here so it's easy for me to say that.
I understand that, I really do. I won't make excuses for him though. There are a lot of people on the left who have had enough of the weak approach Obama has taken on gay marriage so far. We'll see if that continues. It's still the first 9 months of his term.You don't expect pandering?
I admire your desires, I look at it this way: I don't expect more, but I WANT more.
Realistically I know I'm not going to get it, it would be ridiculous to expect a politician to not pander. They need votes. That's how the system works. You want to change that you have to change the system.
Look at Obama. Remember when he said in the second debate that "marriage is between a man and a woman."?
I really doubt he believes that, but he needed votes and that probably helped get him a few.
Ain't it a corker? I love to pull that little nugget out whenever I get called out as a flaming right-wing zealot, which happens with alarming frequency.It's funny, but I just realized I'm more liberal than he is on this issue.
I honestly can't think of a system that avoids pandering. You tell the people what they want to hear so they vote for you, if they don't you don't get elected. Outside of one side completely shitting out their term in office and making the other side a shoe-in thus removing some pandering need.You don't expect pandering?
I admire your desires, I look at it this way: I don't expect more, but I WANT more.
Realistically I know I'm not going to get it, it would be ridiculous to expect a politician to not pander. They need votes. That's how the system works. You want to change that you have to change the system.
Look at Obama. Remember when he said in the second debate that "marriage is between a man and a woman."?
I really doubt he believes that, but he needed votes and that probably helped get him a few.
Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales would like a word with you...Republicans don't resign anymore.
Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales would like a word with you...Republicans don't resign anymore.
Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales would like a word with you...Republicans don't resign anymore.
I agree with you on the lobbyist point, but I took issue with the notion that "Republicans don't resign anymore," the implication being that their egos won't let them resign when asked to. I gave two recent examples of Republicans resigning, just to give ya a tweak.Republicans don't resign anymore. Unless, of course, they become lobbyists (this goes for both Republicans and Democrats).
Then what the devil are you doing in the Politics section, honeybunch?I don't pick fights on purpose...
Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales would like a word with you...Republicans don't resign anymore.
I agree with you on the lobbyist point, but I took issue with the notion that "Republicans don't resign anymore," the implication being that their egos won't let them resign when asked to. I gave two recent examples of Republicans resigning, just to give ya a tweak.Republicans don't resign anymore. Unless, of course, they become lobbyists (this goes for both Republicans and Democrats).
unfortunately[/QUOTE]They still make Doonesbury?
unfortunately[/quote]They still make Doonesbury?
Hey, spot the plant. Nice of him to advertise it in big, purple letters.