Would any of you be willing to join a new 4th edition game?
Potential Players - Time Slots
1. Wahad - I'm available Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from noon till 7 CST.
2. HCG - I am interested in playing a controller on Wed, Thur or Sun at 19:00 EST.
3. Dave - I'd be available pretty much any night except Saturday nights, so that works out. I can start Sunday any time and weeknights starting at 6 CST.
4. Shawnacy - I can only do Tuesdays.
How does playing it on teh internet work anyway?!
You use an online game table application.
What day are you planning on?
Depends on who's available and when they are.
Man I want to...
but since I'm in Europe the times are probably not going to work for me. If you're willing to accomodate then I'm game, though.
Whoa, deja vu.
I always confuse 4e with 4x. I'd be interested in a new 4x game (explore, expand, exploit, exterminate)... not 4th edition DnD >_<
What would a novice need to know/have/do to join in?
And by novice, I mean I played 2 maybe 3 campaigns over 10 years ago...and that's about it...
I could provide you with 4th edition player manual by PM if you'd like.
Allen, who is Quiet
Oh man, 4th edition. Sounds great. I call dibs on the Hacker.
Please, if you don't like 4th edition don't ruin it for others who do.
Allen, who is Quiet
You're talking 4th Edition Shadowrun right? You were vague in your post so I'm just working on assumptions.
Seemed to work perfectly fine for everyone else.
Yes, 4th edition DnD .
Allen, who is Quiet
I guess nobody else decided to be a smartass about you just specifying an edition.
Frankie Williamson
I'd be up for that, I've never tried 4th edition.
I, too, have all the books in pdf form if you want to look at them before buying.
I am interested, what are the parameters of the game?
It will completely depend on the day and hours. I'm already invested in two days a week.
If I'll be DMing then I'll most likely be using my Icewind Dale campaign. I'm looking for no more than 5 players that can consistently be there every single week so that we can get the storyline going (or we can find someone to sub you or I'll play your character if needed, I understand sometimes shit happens). I'll let the players judge when they're available to schedule this game. However I'm unfortunately not available Thursday and Saturday nights. We'll be using a new online game-table-like software for our needs and use this forum's Ventrilo. The game will have a strong balance of combat and roleplaying. I don't have any true limits to classes or races as long as whatever is chosen is acceptable for the theme of the Northern campaign. A balanced party would be ideal as well (aka Defender and Leaders shouldn't be ignored... but hey... 5 controllers can make things interesting!). Does that answer your question HCG?
If anyone needs the player manual, PM me, I'd be happy to oblige.
Potential Players - Time Slots
I was thinking of date and times of play, what books are allowed, any restriction on race or alignment, point buy or character roll, homebrew rules or strict book....
I'm available Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from noon till 7 CST.
I was thinking of date and times of play, what books are allowed, any restriction on race or alignment, point buy or character roll, homebrew rules or strict book....
Dates and times is to be determined by whoever is available, whenever during the week. I don't have any restriction to books, race or alignment as long as whatever is chosen makes sense for a Northern climate area such as Icewind Dale (which is 90% human) but I won't limit anyone being creative. No Eberron though. Strick book rules such as what one sees from the character builder. Anything else?
I'll need people to start posting their availabilities.
Hailey Knight
Jay, a couple suggestions based on last time.
- Get six people. I know that's a hassle to juggle when everyone shows up, but what about when they don't?
- When two people are missing, play anyway. That'll show the game has the steam to keep going, and if those are consistently not showing up, still keep going with those who do. Don't punish them for those who aren't there by canceling unless the game's been going for several weeks and they're not just dropping, but have a reason they can't show up. Canceling kills interest even for those who are genuinely interested, and makes it harder to get replacements if those people drop for good, because all those cancelations tell others "this game isn't happening."
I am interested in playing a controller on Wed, Thur or Sun at 19:00 EST.
Thanks for the advice Darryl.
I'll update my main post as people post their interests.
More parameters :
Gametime is DEBATABLE except for Thursday and Saturdays.
All alignments are allowed and there will be consequences to your actions!
All Races and Classes are allowed, however do mind that the campaign is set in a northern climate that has mostly a human and dwarven civilization. Run you characters ideas by me.
LVL 1 characters with 100g start (subtract your initial gear from this amount)
Starting point would be in Dougan's Hole.
Characters limited to all Players Handbooks.
Think I'm going to pass for now.
Just too much to dive into everything head first and flying blind
I'd be available pretty much any night except Saturday nights, so that works out. I can start Sunday any time and weeknights starting at 6 CST.
Good start, need more people though.
Some hooks I have in mind for characters;
Richard Orton - Human Psion, male – “The gate to the far realm is destroyed, what hope is left to us now? Me? Don't be foolish, I'm no hero.”
Van'anel - Shardmind Psion, male – “There is a tilt, where I do not know. Restoration is required, lest life slide off it's axis permanently.”
Freyn Silverbeard - Dwarven Invoker, male – “In Moradin's Holy Name, I shall purge the blight from this world!”
Serenehtee - Human Druid, female – “Natures balance does not include orcs, their corruption of this realm is over.”
Where is Dougan's Hole?
That Dwarven Invoker sounds badass!
I had to google Shardmind though, I was at a loss at that one.
I can only do Tuesdays. But I've been doing a lot of DnD lately so don't worry about getting me into the game if Tuesday isn't a good day for anyone else.
Just got my copy of PH3 on Saturday, I didn't know about them before then.
The character builder still didn't receive the update for them. It added a few new races from PH3 such as the Wilder but no Shardmind. I assume it'll prolly take a little while before it's ready.
Dougan's Hole is one of the ten towns of Icewind Dale.
Frankie Williamson
That's my main problem, I don't have days I'm always good for. I work 3 on, 2 off, 4 on, 3 off, 6 on, 2 off, 4 on, 3 off etc so I'm not a good fit if you guys want to do regular time each week.
You suck Frankie!
While we're listing characters, here are my ideas:
Alain Starwatcher - Half-elf Warlock - Ex-astronomer's apprentice, was cast out of his master's home after making a pact with something, has been living in Icewind Dale ever since, studying stars and telling fortunes... with the occasional meddling in fate thanks to his friends on the other side.
I know...I fucking love D&D so damn much and lately my group of friends who do it can only get together like once every 2 months. So lame.
Next question. Optional backgrounds or no?
Absolutely... run your ideas by me.
Still need bodies though.
Mmm....need to cut down on DnD...sorry Jay. I'd suggest FG 2. Its character sheet and macros are very well done, but the map making applications seem a bit complicated/limited.
If you wanna add a new day to the week, I'd be all over it. As it is, I can't.
This board needs to recruit more geeks.
I could potentially play on a Friday or Saturday night, I already play WoW 3 nights a week during the week and that makes my husband cranky as it is, so after dinner hours would also be better (I'm MST)
Well it seems that this game is finally going to happen but it'll come down on to being either Tuesday or Wednesday at 7PM Eastern.
I got the bodies but once again need you guys to sort your availabilities before I make final decisions if I need to recruit more from another forum if any of you cannot absolutely make either day.
I'm good for either.
Yeah sorry, 7pm eastern is way too late for me.
Goddamn these timezones.
Could one of you guys send me a dnd pdf via email? Im really interested in trying it out in the near future.
Sent it to you a few days ago.
I believe I have the bodies needed however I wanted to check with Shawn and Dave about their Tues and Weds availabilities... just to confirm.
Starting at 6 CST. Either night.
Excellent, Shawn?
Tuesday's still good for me.
Is Weds impossible?
Yeah. D&D Encounters is that day.
Alright Shawn.
Well the game will officially be on Wednesday nights... I still need to find one more body to make it 6 players. Anyone else want to try their luck? Still require solid attendance. I'll privately PM you both Dave and HGS (you need an easier name to use ) in the days to come in the details. I'll also get the other players to join this forum so they can partake in the conversation.