That's my main problem, I don't have days I'm always good for. I work 3 on, 2 off, 4 on, 3 off, 6 on, 2 off, 4 on, 3 off etc so I'm not a good fit if you guys want to do regular time each week.
While we're listing characters, here are my ideas:
Alain Starwatcher - Half-elf Warlock - Ex-astronomer's apprentice, was cast out of his master's home after making a pact with something, has been living in Icewind Dale ever since, studying stars and telling fortunes... with the occasional meddling in fate thanks to his friends on the other side.
Mmm....need to cut down on DnD...sorry Jay. I'd suggest FG 2. Its character sheet and macros are very well done, but the map making applications seem a bit complicated/limited.
I could potentially play on a Friday or Saturday night, I already play WoW 3 nights a week during the week and that makes my husband cranky as it is, so after dinner hours would also be better (I'm MST)
Well it seems that this game is finally going to happen but it'll come down on to being either Tuesday or Wednesday at 7PM Eastern.
I got the bodies but once again need you guys to sort your availabilities before I make final decisions if I need to recruit more from another forum if any of you cannot absolutely make either day.
I'm good for either.
Well the game will officially be on Wednesday nights... I still need to find one more body to make it 6 players. Anyone else want to try their luck? Still require solid attendance. I'll privately PM you both Dave and HGS (you need an easier name to use ) in the days to come in the details. I'll also get the other players to join this forum so they can partake in the conversation.