Internet Acronyms for Chatting

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Staff member
As many of you know, I use a keylogging software program to monitor my kids' activities on the internet. So I get an email from the company that I use (Spectorsoft) and it has a pdf attached that has a list of internet terms that kids use for shorthand.

Holy shit! I thought I was totally up on the lingo but I think it's passed me by a bit. I've attached the pdf file (disregard the first page or so as it's ads) so you can see them, too. But when did "143" start to mean "I love you?" Is the 4 supposed to be a heart? Damned kids are only here to fuck with adults, I swear.




143 might mean the number of letters per word.

I have seen those kinds of lists before and I think most of those are made up by board people in offices. Seriously.
Don't worry Ed. I have never seen 3/4 of those acronyms until I read that document.

Also, how is 8 supposed to mean Oral Sex? Kids these days...


Staff member
Don't worry Ed. I have never seen 3/4 of those acronyms until I read that document.

Also, how is 8 supposed to mean Oral Sex? Kids these days...
8 = Ate?


And I don't think that these are fake. This is a legitimate security company that has been around for years.
Don't worry Ed. I have never seen 3/4 of those acronyms until I read that document.

Also, how is 8 supposed to mean Oral Sex? Kids these days...
8 = Ate?


And I don't think that these are fake. This is a legitimate security company that has been around for years.[/QUOTE]

So if somebody says '8a p hot chick,' does it mean 'I had oral sex with a pretty hot chick' or 'I just ate some chicken with hot sauce? I can see where that might get embarrassing.

Joe Johnson

I'm sure all the kids are using "AFAIUI" (As far as I understand it). I'm guessing this list is derived from many different social sectors, not just "teens" in general. There's no way any teen in the US knows all of these, and uses them all. Too many of them are acronyms of something an adult would say. I mean, "Abuse of Bandwidth"? Yep, all the hip kids are talking about bandwidth.

---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 PM ----------

Nice, I did enjoy BOBFOC though (Body off baywatch, face off crimewatch).


It took me forever just to learn BFF meant Best Friend Forever. :p

Wasabi Poptart

Well I found the answer on Yahoo.
It's an old pager code.

I - 1 character

love - 4 characters

you - 3 characters
Funny, my old pager code to my boyfriend was 56838 because it spelled out Love U on the phone.


Well I found the answer on Yahoo.
It's an old pager code.

I - 1 character

love - 4 characters

you - 3 characters
Funny, my old pager code to my boyfriend was 56838 because it spelled out Love U on the phone.

ha I was right and didn't have to look it up.

All these years of school paid off.


Staff member
A few people I used to chat with would say "IDK." I spend the longest time thinking it was just a really horrible typo or they were just freaking out. You know how some people just go "sadfiohwnr4" to express anger or frustration? I just figured they were a little frustrated... 3 characters worth of frustration.

Then someone used "afaik" recently. "As far as I know." :confused: Just... just type it.
As many of you know, I use a keylogging software program to monitor my kids' activities on the internet. So I get an email from the company that I use (Spectorsoft) and it has a pdf attached that has a list of internet terms that kids use for shorthand.

Holy shit! I thought I was totally up on the lingo but I think it's passed me by a bit. I've attached the pdf file (disregard the first page or so as it's ads) so you can see them, too. But when did \"143\" start to mean \"I love you?\" Is the 4 supposed to be a heart? Damned kids are only here to fuck with adults, I swear.

Joe Johnson

Now that so many phones have built in keyboards, I wonder if some of this lingo will fade away. I can see its use back when you needed to type chat with a phone keypad, but with a full qwerty, it's changed things quite a bit.


Now that so many phones have built in keyboards, I wonder if some of this lingo will fade away. I can see its use back when you needed to type chat with a phone keypad, but with a full qwerty, it's changed things quite a bit.

I don't know. My sister has a full board and still thinks it is too time consuming to spell out the word come. So I get messages like " idk will mom cum" it takes me a good five minutes to get over the disturbance of those messages in order to respond.


Staff member
Now that so many phones have built in keyboards, I wonder if some of this lingo will fade away. I can see its use back when you needed to type chat with a phone keypad, but with a full qwerty, it's changed things quite a bit.

I don't know. My sister has a full board and still thinks it is too time consuming to spell out the word come. So I get messages like " idk will mom cum" it takes me a good five minutes to get over the disturbance of those messages in order to respond.[/QUOTE]


---------- Post added at 11:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 AM ----------

My favorite is still probably the lady who thought LOL meant "Lots of Love". The mother of her friend died and she texted "I heard about your mom! I'm SO SORRY! LOL"

That may be urban myth but I love it!


Don't worry Ed. I have never seen 3/4 of those acronyms until I read that document.

Also, how is 8 supposed to mean Oral Sex? Kids these days...
8 = Ate?


And I don't think that these are fake. This is a legitimate security company that has been around for years.[/QUOTE]

I still wouldn't be too surprised if some of these aren't real, even if the security company didn't realize it.
Now that so many phones have built in keyboards, I wonder if some of this lingo will fade away. I can see its use back when you needed to type chat with a phone keypad, but with a full qwerty, it's changed things quite a bit.
For me it is more the 160 character limit in a SMS message. I will type out everything properly and if it won't fit I will go back and change something to an abbreviated version or an acronym.
I must confess that nothing irks me like having actual correspondence peppered with acronyms, especially in email. I've taken to writing wordy responses whenever anyone puts a "lol" in print.

I do make exceptions for smilies, but only because ;-) expresses "that was supposed to be a joke, so don't get all pissy about it" so well.
Smilies aren't the same. Smilies (or emoticons, where applicable), help convey intonation.
"I hate you :-P" is something else than "I hate you :mad:". Smilies add something to written text that, before, wasn't as necessary. Written instant communication was non-existant.
Acronyms...Some I accept. I use a few of them on occasion...But most are downright useless. And some lingo just doesn't make sense, since it's longer than the word it's replacing. Gah.


I dont see anything wrong with lol even in emails. Mostly because when I write lol it is because I did.

I have nothing but hostility for people who use :p and general distaste for ;)
But did you really? Did you honestly laugh out loud? As opposed to a chuckle, smile, scoff, or other not-quite-out-loud laugh?


Usually I laugh out loud.

but would chuckle be an ok alternative to lol? Same sentiment.
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