Greetings, just joined the EVE corp so naturally signed up here too
Character name is Haeri, so I used it here too to avoid confusion! (This is the only place on the internet where I have used that name so any other posts anywhere by someone with the same name is not me!).
About me:
I live in Sweden, which is GMT+1 (1 hour ahead of UK obviously), but I'm sometimes and often up at strange hours, hehe. Currently on my first year studying to become a theoretical physicist, which is over soon, yeay. I'll gladly answer anything related to physics (or any science for that matter, even psychology and philosophy... love deep conversations). I live alone and have a long-distance relationship.
Don't know how much time I'll spend on these forums (haven't looked around much yet but I will), you'll have to convince me that this is the place to be on the interwebs
As an EVE player:
Started playing at launch.
Have quit and started again on different trials and subscriptions, but never stuck around for more than a few months. Hopefully I will this time (with the help from you guys in the corp)

Sometimes I get a lot of time over and can play a lot, other times I'm very busy.
I won't make this too long, any questions will be answered.
Talk to you soon!
/ Adam