IPad Camera Roll Problem

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Staff member
Here's a weird one. I'm noticing that when I save images to my iPad from the net, any blank parts of the background will be filled with an old, deleted photo. It only shows it in the thumbnails. I can still mess with images or view them at full size same as normal. Just really weird and I can't get it to stop. Has anyone encountered a bug like this? How did you fix it?
Here's a weird one. I'm noticing that when I save images to my iPad from the net, any blank parts of the background will be filled with an old, deleted photo. It only shows it in the thumbnails. I can still mess with images or view them at full size same as normal. Just really weird and I can't get it to stop. Has anyone encountered a bug like this? How did you fix it?
It looks like it's this bug. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3778274?start=0&tstart=0


Staff member
Yeah, pretty much that, and no fix for it. Great. So basically an iPad doesn't entirely delete a photo. Not that big of a deal, but it's a pain in the ass minor problem.


Staff member
I updated Artstudio, used a new importing feature, and then my photo thumbnails were affected. It looks like some other apps can affect Photos, so it's something within the app.
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