Okay, is the Alliance on WoW stupid or something, or is it only on my server? In Wintergrasp, my hunter is able to pull Feign Death successfully - not JUST on the Ally NPCs and the hunter/warlock pets, but on the Ally PvPers themselves! This shouldn't work on them at all! Yeah, yeah, you might say that it might work on those that have never seen it, but most of the PvPers in WG are at level 80 or close to it, so surely somewhere along the way they must have heard of the hunter's FD trick.
Instead, my guesstimate is that it works close to 60% of the time. In fact, I've killed Allys that have bought my fake so much that it's embarrassing. I think there should be an achievement titled "Psyche!" for hunters who fake out their target with FD, and then follow up with the kill.
Anyway, have any of you discovered this as well?
Instead, my guesstimate is that it works close to 60% of the time. In fact, I've killed Allys that have bought my fake so much that it's embarrassing. I think there should be an achievement titled "Psyche!" for hunters who fake out their target with FD, and then follow up with the kill.
Anyway, have any of you discovered this as well?