It came! My Sonic Screwdriver came!

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Got it in my mail today, its sweeeeeeeeeet



CynicismKills said:
Mav said:
It came! My Sonic Screwdriver came!
I imagine upon opening the box it wasn't the only one to do so.

lol.. much as I love The Doctor, no that wasn't the case.

It is cool though, its not quite as purple as my cam shows it to be.

That's all you had to say. DOUBLE facepalming me? :waah:

That hurt my feelings.


Edrondol said:
That's all you had to say. DOUBLE facepalming me? :waah:

That hurt my feelings.


It's like the lightsaber of the Doctor Who universe. Only instead of being able to cut through anything, it magically fixes anything.

Steven Soderburgin

Cool have fun with your toy. Be careful not to break it and don't let the neighbor kids play with it because you know how they are.


figmentPez said:
Krisken said:
I love expensive flashlights :)
Hey, it could be the model that is a pen as well. (is it a pen that writes in invisible ink you need the flashlight to see?)
Yea, it has two pen things you can attach. One writes in normal ink, the other writes in an invisible ink that only the UV light can make visible. And it came with a copy of the Psychic Paper he has (a little thin black wallet thing with the white leathery paper inside).


Staff member
You know what? I change my mind. If that little dumb toy makes you happy in this insignificant, chaotic, pointless world we live in, fuck yeah, rock that pen with honor. At least you're getting your jollies from that dumb pen light, and not fucking Shetland ponies.

So...yeah, for serious, congrats, Mav.
It's the little things that make one happy.
And you keep reminding me to get further seasons of Doctor Who on DVD.
...after I finally get back to finishing season 1 of course.


Man, who doesn't have a couple of those, Sheg-... oh.. :paranoid:

Seriously, enjoy your new vibrator. It seems everyone else on the forums is already doing so.
I bought one of those at Gallifrey One in 2007. It's on my desk as I type this. Lovely little replica, ennit?


I have one of those, it was easier to convince a friend who went to the uk to get me a sonic screwdriver than a hitchiker's book
(easier to find too, I guess)
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