ITT I shoot from the hip for all your pop culture queries

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Hi Halforums. I like you. I am going to go "into the well" as the saying goes, and answer any of your questions or poll ideas or anything really honestly and quickly. I am "partying" and watching the film "Boogie Nights" this is one of my favorite movies ever made.

BUT I will still answer whatever you have truthfully and what not.

FUCK Boogie Nights might have the best fucking soundtrack ever.

I can't believe Mark Wahlberg gave this performance AUGH it's so good.

Okay I'm back. I have a confession, earlier when I said "partying" I really meant "drinking a fuckload of whiskey"
I'm too drunk to figure out the difference betwixt soundtrack and score BUT

I have a fact for you

Boogie Nights contains the same song as the Transformers "The Touch" sung by "Marky" Mark Wahlberg.
Denzel Washington or Samuel L. Jackson - who's the better actor?
That's actually a really hard one. I think Denzel has the better singular performance in "Training Day", but Sam Jackson might have the better career total all added up. Hmm. I guess I have to go with Denzel. Since I just like. BAM the first impression is Denzel's fucking amazing performance in Training Day. Sam Jackson has a lot of good performances, don't get me wrong. But nothing that is just as mindblowing as Training Day.

So I'm going Denzel. I saw Safe House recently and I really liked Denzel, but the script didn't service him as much as I would have liked.
Michael Bay calls you. He wants you to help him write a script of his new movie: "'Mericaboomboomshblamhotbodyairplanegoeswhooooshniccage!"

What do you do? Answer carefully here.
Michael Bay calls you. He wants you to help him write a script of his new movie: "'Mericaboomboomshblamhotbodyairplanegoeswhooooshniccage!"

What do you do? Answer carefully here.

I dunno if I've said this or if this has been inferred as such by me being a pompous jackass


I am an aspiring screenwriter. I would absolutlely write a movie for mr. bay and tell him what a genius he is and make it exactly how he likes it to get my foot in the door. Fuck, I would love to get the carte blanche to make an absolutely ludicrous action sequence that I know would get backed up by the biggest studio possible.

I have a few like. Half-finished screenplays I need to hunker down and finish. I would consider sharing them even though they're really bad and like, I would get made fun of. That's okay, since it's like. The only way to get better is to keep trying.

For all the shit I've talked about Transformers 1/2, I actually pretty much respect Michael Bay. He has a vision and hef cuking does it. He gets it done. He makes his dreams a reality and does exactly what he wants to every day of his life. And I respect that. I actually enjoyed Transformers 3. I think his Pain & Gain movie is going to be fun as hell.
The correct answer was: "Yes sir Mr. Bay, I will be right over and leave my dictionary and thesaurus at home."

Lets go to the judges... and they say based on your level of drunkenness you got it! Thats 500 points for Team Charlie.
Jack Daniels, Green Label.

I normally prefer Gentleman Jack or at least Black Label, but I amtrying to save money
Added at: 18:04
I like simple pleasures, like butter in my ass, lollipops in my mouth. That's just me. That's just something that I enjoy.
Nothing wrong with that. My scotch budget has been reduced dramatically to basically whatever is on sale then savoring it for as long as I can.
Is Die Hard the best action movie of all time? If not, where does it rank, and what is the best action flick of all time?
Is Die Hard the best action movie of all time? If not, where does it rank, and what is the best action flick of all time?
Charlie, you'd better answer yes on this one. Or at least have it in your top five. Otherwise you will have lost all credibility and be banished to the Michael Bay Zone.

Well, you answered while I was typing and you passed.
What movie best portrays life in the 70's? (Can be a 70's flick or a later one like Dazed and Confused that recalls events in the 70's).
In your opinion, does the inclusion of Sean Connery in the Rock make it the greatest Michael Bay ever, or does Nicolas Cage drag it back down to only middling?
What is your opinion on stage musicals being converted to films? I ask because Les Miserables is coming out soon.
Die Hard is a much, much better action movie. You could argue that First Blood makes for a better drama, but not as an action film.

EDIT: Yes, Juski, really.
Do explain the difference. Because if it's about "epic scale of badassery and explosions" I'm going to give it to Expendables.
Do explain the difference. Because if it's about "epic scale of badassery and explosions" I'm going to give it to Expendables.
First Blood has a deeper dramatic impact via its storyline. Die Hard has better action scenes, more entertaining action elements, and so on. The Expendables couldn't hold a candle to either film.
Expendables didn't have more dramatic impact than First Blood but it definitely has better action scenes, action elements and fun cast than Die Hard.
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