Jay's Game : Ratsrific

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Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

I haven't seen it posted yet so I thought I'd ask...what's the vent server info?


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Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Aw yeah!

Game time tonight!

I have to download the updated Gametable and try and find me a pog. I had erased everything, which shows great foresight.
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

some of you have been playing the game for a long time, transcending from very old versions of the game
I do believe we have just been called old Dave.

"Hey kiddo, see this miniature? It's made with lead!"

I have downloaded game-table, built and saved my macros per the listed naming methods and modified my language selections. I will have an updated character sheet posted tonight. I have also produced the ultimate pog! No not Steve Allen.


Staff member
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

I'm going to be behind the curve on all of the macros & shit. But by the next game I'll be right as rain.


Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

For simplicity's sake. I have designed my attack macros to roll all 20s. I find that it makes combat a bit more predictable and saves time on damage rolls!

Suriously though, I have everything set up and ready to go. Pog, macros, and whatnot.

Also, just a brief heads-up: I'm going to try really hard to be there on-time tonight, but I might be 10 or 15 minutes late, depending on how long it takes me to get out of a study group.

Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Tonight's game should be fun but obviously quite slow. So patience from everyone will be important! I know that some may come in a bit late but don’t come in too late or I’ll start without you. Furthermore, I’d want to start the game on time, every week, if at all possible. Anyways, we'll spend some time on setting up the game/pogs/macros, getting to know eachother, give our characters some background ideas on why there are there and why they are a group…. and yes, there WILL be side quests for your characters and YES… what you do, will affect the storyline… GRAVELY!

*rubs tips of fingers together cackling*

I'll also field your questions. Once everything is good to go, I’ll start ….. MY DRAMATIC INTRO TO THE CAMPAIGN called….

“The Vengeance of the Crystal Shard”

:sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky:


Staff member
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

So you say we do evil right.

Are we playing good or bad guys? If good guys then I'm going for defender of the weak but if bad guys I'm going to be a bitter, vengeful guy bent on getting powerful enough to go home and bring ruination on his former clan.
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

I think the implication is that you're gonna be bangin' some drow ladies.
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

So you say we do evil right.

Are we playing good or bad guys? If good guys then I'm going for defender of the weak but if bad guys I'm going to be a bitter, vengeful guy bent on getting powerful enough to go home and bring ruination on his former clan.
I'm a humble merchant who has gained knowledge through travel and training. Clearly I find success through lawful pursuits.


Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

I'm sure we're mostly going to be good guys. Or maybe we'll all be mostly good guys. Anyhow, I like to think that Jay was saying that he (using the royal "we") does evil right.

As in: "OH MY GOD A BAATEZU IS EATING MY FACE!" Instead of: "Forsooth! We shall end thou most heinous treachery, vile sorcerer!"

I should probably reread the rules on death and dying...


Staff member
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

1) Step 1, you die.
2) Step 2, we rifle through your clothes looking for loose change.
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

You’ll understand a few sessions in, what exactly that slogan means.

---------- Post added at 02:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 PM ----------

As far as what type of party we have, we seem have a bit… of everything. Some are examples of goodness personified, some are…not… some are in the middle… sometimes they’ll save the day and sometimes… steal your shoes. ^.^

Gotta love Chaotic neutral!

Drend Dragonspawn

Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Crenshenibon hath returned? Last I heard
Cadderly sacrificed his life to lock Crenshenibon with Haphaestus the red dragon (in the form of the Ghost King) into the remains of Spirit Soaring!
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right


Storyline wise, our campaign gets right in the middle of that storyline as the Crenshenibon makes it return (aka: before Strumpet finds it). Things will be playing out quite differently.


Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Thanks everyone for a fun and productive first session. Imagine how much more dangerous we're going to be when we figure out how our characters work!

In honor of our first session, I present you with the ARBITRARY AWARDS: ROUND 1. Each week, I will be handing out awards for random awesomeness that I remembered from the game. I encourage others to do likewise and shine a friendly light on your fellow adventurers! So, without further ado...

The Battlefield Bellyflop Award for Full-Body Warfare goes to Edrondol for his lamentably unsuccessful attempt to dislodge a parasitic bat by chest-thumping a stone wall.

The Dr. Scholl's Amateur Mortician Award for Posthumous Footwear Enthusiasts goes to Richard for his shameless theft of a bloody shoe from a desiccated corpse.

Finally, the Helen Keller, P.I. Award for Sightless Marksmanship also goes to Melchor for standing in complete darkness and firing Eldritch Blasts repeatedly at unknown enemies that he could not see.

Congratulations to all the winners! Once again, feel free to add your own entries into the highly prestigious and entirely made-up and meaningless ARBITRARY AWARDS!

NOTE: The Dr. Scholl's Amateur Mortician Award was accidentally awarded to Melchor last night. It has been rescinded in the most violent way possible (see: Elian Gonzalez). After washing off the blood and bits of bone, the Dr. Scholl's Amateur Mortician Award has officially been reassigned to Richard. Congratulations!
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Heh, I like to take the name of the award and try to guess why it's being awarded. :) Fun!
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

It was actually Richard that took the boot. Why he took it, well don't you guys worry about that, it's clear that he is the brains of the group, he must know what he is doing.

In review, the hardest part of last night for me was Ventrillo. I had whole conversations going on without realizing that I had not pushed the button to talk.

And could we end the sessions a little earlier? 1AM my time is tiring.

"It's Melchor and the Brain, It's Melchor and the Brain. One is a genius the other's insane..."
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Absolutely, the game went a bit long. Next week it'll start at 7 and finish at 11. Thanks to everyone for making the magic happen... and for EVERYONE for having amazing macros. :)

As for recordings, sorry I didn't think of that. Remind me how they are done again?

ps: love the awards :D


Staff member
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Recordings are done by, in Ventrilo, right clicking -> View -> Record / Playback.

Then you hit record! And hit done when you're done. It'll save as a Ventrilo file which is smaller and can be listened to on Vent, or you can export it as a wave which is much larger. But, from the wave you can convert it to other things like an mp3 for nice sharing.


Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Ed deserves some kind of reward for coining the word "Bazinga!". Personally, I've fallen in love with the word and have found it can be used in a variety of ways.

Example: Melchor must have taken his arbitrary award to heart since even after the lights were on, he still couldn't hit a damn thing. BAZINGA!
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Don't suppose there are any recordings, hm?
Oh you wish to hear how I cleaned out the deep mines of Dougans Hole? Well that is a most interesting tale to tell, years ago it was now, Yes, let me see if I have right. I had the terrible misfortune of finding myself in Dougans Hole one dire winter. A winter full of very unique circumstances, for it would seem that this particular town on this particular winter was having some very particular events.

Mass killings, severed limbs, crucifixions, orc raids, all manners of glorious death and danger to behold. And here I was trapped there by the snow, when spending the night helping the local barkeep learn to read and write when I learned of a most troubling event. The recent mining expansion had come to a halt, the mine was soon to be abandoned. Now back then I was steal an ore procurer, so the closing of this mind would have directly impacted my ability to pay for my widowed mother and poor orphaned sister in Lower Waterdeep. So clearly I had to solve this mining embargo or fine some other means of cashflow.

Now it was at this time that the barkeep kept trying to get me to try some of the local flotsam and since I was eager to learn more I paid for the drink but instead of consuming it myself, I offered it to some penniless dwarven woman who was pining at the bars door for any drop of intoxicant she could beg. Now I am not one to admit my mistakes easily, but this was a lesson I learned dearly that day; never buy a dwarf a drink my friend. That she dwarf became latched to me like a newborn puppy and it's been thirty years going on and she still hasn't ventured more that a half mile away from me.

However I was quick to take advantage of this situation and since to restore the mine to normality I would need the skills that dwarves excel at, naming digging rocks and dieing, I kept young Edrondol in my company for the next while. Further discussions soon attracted the interests of homicidal brute who enjoyed killing people with little more than his bare hands, a rather twitchy looking character and a preening fop.

Upon my suggestion we sallied forth to the local mining office to further inquire about the tragedy of the mine. A fine pair of gentlemen there explained the horrors there were to be found withing and offered us a paltry sum to clean the mine out. My new companions were eager to risk their lives for the meager sum of five hundred thousand pieces of copper, I naturally offered to perform the task for virtues sake, but the mining magnates insisted and so we agreed up the aforementioned sum.

And into the mine we went! I forged a path with torch, exploring the depths of mine, uncovering mysteries and monsters. The monsters? Oh a terrible collection of unmentionables, why we were not yet in the mine for a half hour when we were set upon by a pack of vampire bats! Now the homicidal maniac, Kutoh I believe he was called starting flailing around like teenage boy with his third cousin and set trying to knock the bats out of the air. Edronol the dwarf, did what was expected and simply got attacked over and over. For some odd reason the preening looking fellow started singing songs and sea shanties at the beasts, while the twitchy fellow, Melchor was his name. Oh you've heard of him, oh; the orphanage incident, that's another story altogether. Well he starts launching all manners of destructive energy and cackling like a madman. Needless to say it was a very rough fight, but with a few deft maneuvers of my own our brave little band endured.

Not one to rest, we set on deeper and deeper into the mines, but not recklessly mind you for it on this exploration that I found a most interesting relic, but the story of the Tarrasque is for another time. This is about saving my crippled father and bedridden brother. Onward deeper and deeper into the tainted hallways of ore, when suddenly...we where overtaken by a horrible stench. Jack the minstrel quickly postulated that it was the dwarf, but I've been around a few years and let me tell you, this smell was no dwarven love song.

It wasn't long before the mine opened up into a huge open room, completely dark. The stench was nearly overpowering in there but myself and the she dwarf pushed on when suddenly, boulder after boulder was launched upon us. To make matters worse, Melchor lost his senses and started launching mystical eruptions of hellfire around the room in a vain attempt to find what ever it was that was attacking us. Our enemies didn't take long to reveal themselves and soon I was locked in a deadly struggle with four giant abyssmal worms being controlled by a fiery hellspawn! Now if not for my keen mind and quick leadership things could have gone from bad to worse in a halflings longjump, but I was able to deftly adjust the attentions of the creatures long enough to send the hellspawn back to the abyss. But I had to sacrifice my safety to do so and on more then one occasion I took to fighting off the worms with but my trusty dagger.

Oh my food is here, perhaps after dinner I will finish the tale;"
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

I'm going to ask folk to provide me with their top 3 wishes, you can state items in particular (doesn't mean you'll necessarily get them) but general types will do. For example :

The Simkin wants :

1) Dagger
2) Belt
3) Armor

Saryon wants:

1) Symbol
2) Rituals
3) Boots

Drend Dragonspawn

Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

If I could hit you, you would want to rethink that statement. Just you wait... The dark powers will get you.... Eventually....

Yay! I got the Helen Keller award! But hey, it was a legitimate strategy. Eldritch blasts create light that let me see. Plus it could have dropped rocks on the damn things.

My top 3:
1. A good rod.
2. Cloak
3. Necklace

Don't suppose there are any recordings, hm?
Oh you wish to hear how I cleaned out the deep mines of Dougans Hole? Well that is a most interesting tale to tell, years ago it was now, Yes, let me see if I have right. I had the terrible misfortune of finding myself in Dougans Hole one dire winter. A winter full of very unique circumstances, for it would seem that this particular town on this particular winter was having some very particular events.

Mass killings, severed limbs, crucifixions, orc raids, all manners of glorious death and danger to behold. And here I was trapped there by the snow, when spending the night helping the local barkeep learn to read and write when I learned of a most troubling event. The recent mining expansion had come to a halt, the mine was soon to be abandoned. Now back then I was steal an ore procurer, so the closing of this mind would have directly impacted my ability to pay for my widowed mother and poor orphaned sister in Lower Waterdeep. So clearly I had to solve this mining embargo or fine some other means of cashflow.

Now it was at this time that the barkeep kept trying to get me to try some of the local flotsam and since I was eager to learn more I paid for the drink but instead of consuming it myself, I offered it to some penniless dwarven woman who was pining at the bars door for any drop of intoxicant she could beg. Now I am not one to admit my mistakes easily, but this was a lesson I learned dearly that day; never buy a dwarf a drink my friend. That she dwarf became latched to me like a newborn puppy and it's been thirty years going on and she still hasn't ventured more that a half mile away from me.

However I was quick to take advantage of this situation and since to restore the mine to normality I would need the skills that dwarves excel at, naming digging rocks and dieing, I kept young Edrondol in my company for the next while. Further discussions soon attracted the interests of homicidal brute who enjoyed killing people with little more than his bare hands, a rather twitchy looking character and a preening fop.

Upon my suggestion we sallied forth to the local mining office to further inquire about the tragedy of the mine. A fine pair of gentlemen there explained the horrors there were to be found withing and offered us a paltry sum to clean the mine out. My new companions were eager to risk their lives for the meager sum of five hundred thousand pieces of copper, I naturally offered to perform the task for virtues sake, but the mining magnates insisted and so we agreed up the aforementioned sum.

And into the mine we went! I forged a path with torch, exploring the depths of mine, uncovering mysteries and monsters. The monsters? Oh a terrible collection of unmentionables, why we were not yet in the mine for a half hour when we were set upon by a pack of vampire bats! Now the homicidal maniac, Kutoh I believe he was called starting flailing around like teenage boy with his third cousin and set trying to knock the bats out of the air. Edronol the dwarf, did what was expected and simply got attacked over and over. For some odd reason the preening looking fellow started singing songs and sea shanties at the beasts, while the twitchy fellow, Melchor was his name. Oh you've heard of him, oh; the orphanage incident, that's another story altogether. Well he starts launching all manners of destructive energy and cackling like a madman. Needless to say it was a very rough fight, but with a few deft maneuvers of my own our brave little band endured.

Not one to rest, we set on deeper and deeper into the mines, but not recklessly mind you for it on this exploration that I found a most interesting relic, but the story of the Tarrasque is for another time. This is about saving my crippled father and bedridden brother. Onward deeper and deeper into the tainted hallways of ore, when suddenly...we where overtaken by a horrible stench. Jack the minstrel quickly postulated that it was the dwarf, but I've been around a few years and let me tell you, this smell was no dwarven love song.

It wasn't long before the mine opened up into a huge open room, completely dark. The stench was nearly overpowering in there but myself and the she dwarf pushed on when suddenly, boulder after boulder was launched upon us. To make matters worse, Melchor lost his senses and started launching mystical eruptions of hellfire around the room in a vain attempt to find what ever it was that was attacking us. Our enemies didn't take long to reveal themselves and soon I was locked in a deadly struggle with four giant abyssmal worms being controlled by a fiery hellspawn! Now if not for my keen mind and quick leadership things could have gone from bad to worse in a halflings longjump, but I was able to deftly adjust the attentions of the creatures long enough to send the hellspawn back to the abyss. But I had to sacrifice my safety to do so and on more then one occasion I took to fighting off the worms with but my trusty dagger.

Oh my food is here, perhaps after dinner I will finish the tale

There were only 3 Carrion Crawlers. But I think you got my character's mentality down to the T. Lols. Orphanage incident. Sounds fun.
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

I'm going to ask folk to provide me with their top 3 wishes, you can state items in particular (doesn't mean you'll necessarily get them) but general types will do. For example :
As a player I prefer static effects, then encounter effects and finally daily effects.

Richard the character, though would be seeking

1. Knowledge (rituals, old books, new languages)
2. Defensive measures (amulets, armour, methods of escape)
3. Offensive measures (implements, rings, weaponns)

Drend, clearly Richard remembers the encounter differently than Melchor :), there is tons of creative license in there, along with apparently claring gramatical errors. Next time, I won't free type it in the message board screen, too small on a net book to catch such mistakes.


Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Let's see...what do I want? Hm...

*puts on Scarface voice*

1. First, I want the money
2. Then when I get the money, I want the power.
3. Then when I get the power, I want the women.

But seriously...

1. A songblade is definitely #1 on my list. (Preferably a light blade)
2. After that, I guess I could use some better Hide or Chain armor.
3. After that, I don't really care too much. Maybe some magical trinkets with neat powers.
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Still trying to round up everyone's loot list. Make sure to provide or else, you may get stuck with things such as.... chalk.

Oh yyesssss...

Drend Dragonspawn

Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Eternal chalk... I could write a LOT of rude messages on dungeon walls with that....
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

My wizard has a piece of Eternal Chalk and a ritual that requires him to draw runes that form a protective barrier against undead unless they are strong enough to overpower my massive Arcana check, or they disturb or obscure the runes. Eternal Chalk means that no one destroys the barrier without my permission. :)


Staff member
Jay's Game - We Do Evil Right

Ed deserves some kind of reward for coining the word \"Bazinga!\". Personally, I've fallen in love with the word and have found it can be used in a variety of ways. Example: Melchor must have taken his arbitrary award to heart since even after the lights were on, he still couldn't hit a damn thing. BAZINGA!
Oh how I wish I could take credit for this word.

---------- Post added at 10:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------

And my list:

  1. A magic weapon to make me hit harder.
  2. Magic Armor to make my AC go up.
  3. Anything else that will make me hit more often or raise my AC.
I'm totally about the hit/AC.
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