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Jim Delligatti, Inventor of the Big Mac







I can only assume he didn't partake daily of his own products.




Still have the song memorized from the 80's, and enjoy one from time to time, though quarter pounder is my usual go-to McDonalds sandwich.




I fucking LOVE Big Macs. I can't have them right now, but I love them.




Now maybe he'll get a second plaque.





Still have the song memorized from the 80's, and enjoy one from time to time, though quarter pounder is my usual go-to McDonalds sandwich.
I thought you were trolling for a solid second there, my brain was telling me that you go to Burger King for the Bic Mac.




I thought you were trolling for a solid second there, my brain was telling me that you go to Burger King for the Bic Mac.
Well, Burger King did eventually give up and say "fuck it, we'll serve Big Macs"




Well, Burger King did eventually give up and say "fuck it, we'll serve Big Macs"

They did! And it tastes exactly the same.

Anyway, I'll tell this joke now:

A guy gets a job as a bus driver for the local school district. When he shows up for his first day, the bus he's assigned is painted crazy colors, has big eyelashes around the headlights, shag accessories, basically looks like a giant rolling muppet. Whatever, he thinks, it's a job.

So he drives his route. First stop, two IMMENSELY overweight little twin girls get on. One introduces herself, "Hi, I'm Patty, and this is my sister, Patty." They sit down.

The bus driver is slightly preturbed. The second stop is reached, and a little boy in a giant helmet gets on, but he keeps bumping into everything and screaming until the bus driver finally helps him to a seat. "That's just Ross," a Patty explains, "he's 'special.'"

The driver continues his route... the third stop, an otherwise comparatively normal little boy gets on. Patty yells "Hey Stevie, we saved you the seat behind the driver, just like you like!" So he goes and sits down. The driver is thinking , well, that's not TOO odd, I suppose, when all of a sudden the latest kid takes off his shoes and socks and stick his foul-smelling bare feet up next to the driver's head and starts picking away at the dead skin and gunk between his toes.

At this point, the bus driver can't take it any more. He foregoes the rest of his route and drives straight to the school, and confronts the Principal. "How can you do this to me?!" he demands, "the conditions on the bus, the kids... to make anyone put up with that... it's UNAMERICAN!"

The Principal kindly puts a hand on his shoulder and says "Now, now, my good man, what could be MORE American than two obese Patties, Special Ross, Little Stevie picking bunions, all on a Sesame Street Bus?"




That's almost as bad as one of @Dave's jokes!




When I heard it, it was "Lester Cheese."





I want a Big Mac.




I want a Big Mac.

They're selling Grand Macs here in my neck of the woods now. It's a big mac but with the big premium beef patties instead of the little cheeseburger patties. It's pretty good.




Honestly, I liked the whopper better but that was because it came in "Jr" and "Bacon" variations.




Honestly, I liked the whopper better but that was because it came in "Jr" and "Bacon" variations.

You can get bacon on a big mac. But really, what you do is you get the dollar mcdouble cheeseburger and get it topped like a big mac.




They're selling Grand Macs here in my neck of the woods now. It's a big mac but with the big premium beef patties instead of the little cheeseburger patties. It's pretty good.
I don't really want that much burger most of the time.




I had a Big Mac last night to remember and honour the man.




I always think it is funny when people complain about the Big Mac getting smaller. It is just the first "big burger" that a kid gets to eat. Then later when their hands are bigger, they think the burger shrunk.




I always think it is funny when people complain about the Big Mac getting smaller. It is just the first "big burger" that a kid gets to eat. Then later when their hands are bigger, they think the burger shrunk.
They actually are about 33% smaller than when they were introduced. Things like portion control got more important when the Big Mac became the gold standard for how bad something is for you.




They look massive to me as they are now. They don't need to be bigger!




I fucking LOVE Big Macs. I can't have them right now, but I love them.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. McDonald's is fucking delicious and those who say it isn't are fucking liars.




I've said it before and I'll say it again. McDonald's is fucking delicious and those who say it isn't are fucking liars.
They're among the very best salesmen of edible cardboard around, 'tis true.




I've said it before and I'll say it again. McDonald's is fucking delicious and those who say it isn't are fucking liars.
You don't make an entire nation obese by tasting bad.




It reminds me of how Phillip K Dick wouldn't let studios make Scanner Darkly while he was alive because none of them wanted to portray the positive aspect of drugs, despite the fact that the book is firmly anti-drug abuse. As Dick put it, if they didn't feel good, people wouldn't use them.

Anyway, I hear they buried this guy between three coffins.




Ever since McDonald's introduced the all-day breakfast option, I've really wanted to go get a Big Mac made with sausage patties, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it. It might be too delicious and I may not be able to stop.




Ever since McDonald's introduced the all-day breakfast option, I've really wanted to go get a Big Mac made with sausage patties, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it. It might be too delicious and I may not be able to stop.
Ooo... sausage on the bottom bun and a fried egg on the other bun.

Reading some of these answers... McDonald's needs to hire us to make the menu.




My favorite was back in the late 90's when they had the breakfast bagel sandwiches - we would take the steak and onions from the bagel sandwich, add them to a biscuit, with sausage and cheese, and some of the bagel sauce. It was a heavenly sandwich. And then I stopped working there and could never get them again.




My favorite was back in the late 90's when they had the breakfast bagel sandwiches - we would take the steak and onions from the bagel sandwich, add them to a biscuit, with sausage and cheese, and some of the bagel sauce. It was a heavenly sandwich. And then I stopped working there and could never get them again.

Here in Florida they still serve the steak and onion bagel sandwiches (which are delicious) as well as on an english muffin or biscuit.




Here in Florida they still serve the steak and onion bagel sandwiches (which are delicious) as well as on an english muffin or biscuit.
That's almost enough reason to visit Florida. Almost.




We have the prestige burgers now at McDonalds. You pick all the fancy items and get it brought to you at your table. It tastes good, but it feels really really awkward having a waiter at your beck and call in a McDonalds.

Also, love me some Shamrock Shakes.




mmmm... Shamrock Shakes. That reminds me - I really miss the days when we had a different special shake flavor every month. Though, to be honest, I can only really remember the Shamrock and Eggnog shakes. And once they started using the ice cream mix for shakes, instead of the separate (non-vanilla flavored) shake mix, everything kind of went a little sideways.




mmmm... Shamrock Shakes. That reminds me - I really wish the days when we had a different special shake flavor every month. Though, to be honest, I can only really remember the Shamrock and Eggnog shakes. And once they started using the ice cream mix for shakes, instead of the separate (non-vanilla flavored) shake mix, everything kind of went a little sideways.






We never had that flavor here, that's Arby's' flavor.




We never had that flavor here, that's Arby's' flavor.
I know.
It's the only shake flavor that still matters to me besides the Frosty.





So I decided to have a double Big Mac yesterday to honor the fallen sandwich artist.

When I got home and bit into it, it had not 4 patties, but 6. They gave me a triple Big Mac.

By the way, triple Big Mac is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much meat for the amount of cheese, sauce, etc. in the sandwich. It wasn't good.




I attempted to order a big mac yesterday with quarter pounder patties. They did everything right except the middle bun, and as Jim dicovered it kinda slid around and was hard to consume. They must have also not increased the special sauce, because the flavor wasn't quite right (either that or the patties are flavored differently, but that would surprise me).

Still good.




They actually are about 33% smaller than when they were introduced. Things like portion control got more important when the Big Mac became the gold standard for how bad something is for you.
Looking at pics of the older big macs, it appears that the bun has gotten smaller, but the size of the meat patty remains the same as it always has been: two 1.6 oz patties. It's the same size patty that goes on a McDonald's cheeseburger. It's entirely possible that the fat content of the beef has changed over the years--higher fat beef is cheaper and will cause more shrinkage upon cooking.

McDonalds has actually increased the size of the quarter pound patty. Now instead of 4 oz (1/4 lb) pre-cook weight, it's 4.25 oz, because of complaints about how the patty shrinks when cooking.
