Just got a scare

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Unfortunately you're most likely going to have to make a major lifestyle shift, and that's going to take a lot more than just tips posted on these boards. Changing habits is extremely difficult, and if you don't work on changing your mindset you will fall back into the same old routine.
One of these, two times daily.
(Not actually. You will die)
Ah, dude. Is that Ches's? I hope YOU'RE not eating that.
Every so often, I'll go get Chess's. More often than not its between 2 and 3 a.m.

I've known for a while that I should be taking better care of myself...my mother died of a heart attack when she was 36....her mother died of a hear attack when she was 43. Its a hereditary heart disease...yet I just ignored it after I moved out. After dad couldn't remind me every other second.

I know, I know...get a blog.
Heart disease runs heavy in my family too. I need to get into better shape, and eat decently. But fast food is so easy, and my job involves a lot of driving ... which brings me to a lot of drive-throughs ...

You can do it! And so can I! The alternative, after all, is fairly grisly ...


What's so fucking hard about preparing meals beforehand?
From my experience and expertise, food you prepare yourself (even greasy fried chicken) is still better for you than fast food or other things chock full of preservatives and funky chemicals. That's not saying one should eat their own fried chicken everyday, but it does in fact set limits on how often one does it it. Look at it this way: It's easy to go to the store and buy some apple pie. Apple pie isn't exactly good for you but it takes about 15 minutes to round trip drive, purchase, and eat said pie. To make a pie yourself takes a full day's effort (actually 2), so it becomes a once in a while treat to indulge in a pie.

The relative ease of being able to get food that's bad for you is what makes American's fatter and unhealthier than the rest of the world. In areas outside the U.S. fast food type places are still not as abundant as in the U.S. In a lot of these regions people still spend a good deal of time preparing their meals.

I always tell my patients with weight disorders to try and cut off what I call 'easy access foods'. I work with whatever nutritionist they get set up with. Generally, these people have problems with two main things (very obvious) in terms of eating healthy. 1. They don't know how to control their portions. 2. They generally eat exclusively 'easy reach comfort foods'. Things that are high salt, high fat, high cholesterol, high sugar - McDonalds, TV dinners, microwavable garbage. It's not that it's hard, it's that people get set in routines and those routines are hard to break.

More often than not, American culture is such that we wait until a major event (such as heart attack) occurs to better our habits. I always notice how most of my heart attack patients drop lots of weight and get better blood test scores back after their perpetual 'wake up call'.
I wish we had whatever chain Chess's is here.

So bad.

All we have out west is fucking Joey's Only. Blech.
I don't have any advice, but I wish you luck! You need to be around for Jet. Keep that in mind when you desire the evil fast food.

Please take care!

Wasabi Poptart

What's so fucking hard about preparing meals beforehand?
When you're taking care of a young baby it isn't always easy. Once they are finally asleep for an hour or two, usually the last thing on your mind is preparing meals ahead of time.
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