Krisken Appreciation Thread

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Hon, trust me, I'll let you know if you cross the line.

Also, to return to topic, Nurgle Plague Tower? Fuck yeah! Pics when you're done, sir? I shall reciprocate with some of my less-than-epic offerings...
Somehow I missed that. I too look forward to seeing the finished Nurgle plague tower. But take better pics than those of the Apacolypse battle.

Seriously though... that looks like some potent brew. Is it as thick as it looks?
Yeah, it's pretty thick. Very hoppy and bitter with an ABV of 10.5%, it's definitely not a chugging beer. It's a perfect beer to sip with a nice steak or burger and potatoes. I'm working my way through their lineup and I've yet to be disappointed. All of their beers are very full-bodied, very aggressive, and very very good. Fizzy yellow beer drinkers need not apply.
Somehow I missed that. I too look forward to seeing the finished Nurgle plague tower. But take better pics than those of the Apacolypse battle.
Yeah, I'll try to fix that. I posted the pictures, thinking the blog would resize them like the forum does. I really failed in that respect!

Here is what it looks like so far. There is a lot that still need doing before it even gets primed, but the general shape is there.

I know it's hard to really get a good idea on how it will look (especially since there are pipes and what not to still be added), but this weekend I'll be able to prime it and it will be easier to see where I'm going with it.

I really will fix those Apoc pics!
Krisken is definitely one of my favorite posters around here. I want to echo what Baerdog said: it would be fun to have a beer with you. That's a rare quality, in my opinion.


i mostly associate krisken with my childhood best friend, who died when we were 14, from severe complications of lupus and allergic reactions to the treatment.
I wish Krisken and I lived close enough to drink beers on the porch together. Preferably closer to my neck of the woods so I could introduce him to one of these babies:
I would join you. Stone is awesome.

I love it like Morrisey loves chocolate. And he fucking LOVES chocolate:

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