Krisken's art stuff, previously all 40k miniatures

I believe the other side has 1 titan, but has 2 companies of Baneblades (that's 6) and a few other super heavies.

I have the camera already placed with the models to be taken to the game. Almost everything is boxed and ready to go, and I will try to take notes on what everyone is fielding. May take a few days to disseminate all the images and write the report!
Ok, tried another image on the Titan, this time on the other leg.

Not thrilled with the mouth area up at the top, but it isn't terrible. I'm incredibly nervous about going overboard I tend not to go far enough.
Thanks Escushion! I'm sure I'll add more to it as I get ideas.

In the mean time, I decided I needed some Chaos Space Marine elements for the Apoc games I've been playing lately. Since I'd be playing a traitor legion (Death Guard), I decided I needed a couple Land Raiders. Since the MKIII version looks so modern, I decided an earlier design would make more sense.

It is a work in progress, for certain. I'll update as I complete it though.
Spent a lot of today adding various bits. Side weapons (home made Lascannons, heavy bolter on the top, wheel rivets).

Hehe, if I can find my mini hole punch, you bet there will be more rivets. Especially around the Las Cannon weapon bits and certain other areas.

I estimated I would have them ready for priming tomorrow, but being sick has taken some oomph out of my building. I think I can get them done by x-mas eve, but it will be rough.
Ok, started painting one of the tanks...

I know I have a lot of work to do yet on it, but so far it is looking pretty good, I think.
I agree. I love teh Death Guard colors and think that this brownish green is perfect. I am a little concerned with the trim when i start, which tends to be a darker brown color. We'll see when i finally get that far!
Ok, new update with tank images. I still have a lot to do, but the tank treads are highlighted a bit and did some detail work.

Heh, sorry for the late reply tegid. Thanks! I still have to add spiky bits to indicate it is Chaos and not one of the pansy Emperor loving factions. :D
Heh, sorry for the late reply tegid. Thanks! I still have to add spiky bits to indicate it is Chaos and not one of the pansy Emperor loving factions. :D
Bite your tongue, foul servant of the Ruinous Powers! Repent, and the Emperor's Mercy may yet be your final boon!

Ahem. Looking pretty good there. Much as I dislike the older models, I like what you're doing with it. Fantastic hand with the brush, too!
Hey, I'll repent, as soon as the Emperor can leave his chair under his own power. Oh wait, that's right, he's a vegetable.

If I had more spiky tank bits, I'd add them, but as it is this is what I have left. I'll have to put a request in with friends and see if they have extra bits lying around.
Thanks Azurephoenix! Honestly, I wish I didn't have this much time :)

So here is a Terminator I've been working on

Thanks escushion. I wanted to get one finished so I could show it off a little. Still have the other 4 Terminators to finish the highlights and add a few other colors. I'll be sure to post them all when i get them finished.
Thanks for the comment wana! I'm thinking the Terminators need another highlight on the brown yet, perhaps a straight shot of bleached bone style, used very sparingly. We'll see!
Yeah, that termie is great, the brown makes for a striking contrast with the green.

The black horn seems a little... I don't know... lacking, somehow? I see where you did the gradual highlighting on it, and the coloring itself looks great, but... It just doesn't line up with the rest of the colors? Maybe?
I was attempting to keep the black highlight areas in keeping with the Land Raider and the treads. When I finish I'll have them alongside the Land Raider in the next picture. I think the dark horns will make more sense then. If it still seems too dark, I may lighten it a bit yet.
Ahh! When you put it like that, I can see it now.

You don't have to justify it to me, brah. It's your fantastic artwork - if I can't grasp your concept, that's MY problem. *grins*
Oh no, I'll happily take the criticisms! There are areas on these i wish I had worked harder at, and I see a lot of work yet if I want to blend the brown areas better.

Since I'm using them for a formation, I'm thinking of making cloaks for two of them and using them as Terminator Lords. Those models are bleeding expensive, and I only need 3 Termies and 4 Lords/ Sorcerers. We shall see.
I agree about the horns. The rest of the model looks very nice, but the horns seem a little flat. Maybe you could highlight them a little more or go for something along this lines?

Of course, it may also be that we are seeing very close closeups of miniatures, wich may very well mean it looks perfectly fine in real size/life, especially alongside the Land Rider (wich I think looks very cool!)
Hm, I could lighten it a bit toward the beginning of the husks a bit. We'll see what I'm deciding when I get them mostly done.
Well, here they are. I think this is what they will look like overall. I may do some little detail work yet that no one will really notice but me yet, but this is the army color scheme I'll be sticking with.

To get some good images of individual models, I will have to build another light box to diffuse the light for better close up images.

As always, comments/criticisms welcome!
Wow, 2 weeks since I added something! I must be slipping.

Anyways, I've been working on a Terminator Lord and to take a break from painting the same color scheme over and over again, the special character Abaddon the Despoiler. Here are some WIP pictures of Abaddon.

So that is what I've been working on for the last few days. The gold highlights are monstrously time consuming (and much brighter IRL than the images would lead one to believe). I think I can finish the gold highlights by the end of the week and then I can do some interesting stuff with the armor plating and hoses and such. The head I will paint separately and last to prevent mistakes and allow for ease of painting.

Hope ya like 'em!
Thanks Baer! It feels like the technique takes forever, but it's usually easier to work the nmm than rely so heavily on gold paint (which spreads terribly).
Hm. I'm contemplating using a watered down brown ink to bring the darker areas more to the background and make the lighter areas stand out. I only fear making matters worse and causing a mess of it. I suppose we shall see!