Lady Gaga wants a B/F.........

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hmmm.. I guess I can understand when you are famous and have lots of money (I assume she does) it is hard to know if the person you are dating just want to be famous, want your money, want the chance to get you in the sack for bragging rights (men and women do this) and maybe not just you.

Of course it works in reverse, when people are famous and treated in certain way, they are turn off by some gesture and think they are "below them"

These are just some rough examples from my head :)

so anyone wanna date her? ;)
So is this like a resume thing? Should I have references from friends/ex girlfriends, or should I let my credentials speak for themselves?
Right, sure, I hear ya. I'm really just curious for future references though. Like if Shakira has a position open in the near future.
Oh, sorry. I misunderstood then.

I guess you would apply with the label, maybe? Truthfully I'm not certain.


Staff member
I think she's beautiful and talented. But I think she's going to have a hard time finding someone who is interested in her as her and not Lady Gaga.


I think she's beautiful and talented. But I think she's going to have a hard time finding someone who is interested in her as her and not Lady Gaga.
That is what I'm thinking. She might have to go "incognito" or "be herself" and see if she can meet people. Of course she might get pissed learning that the real world usually treat other like crap (at least some dating scene) so she might give up on that idea. I mean how many times does she get shot down by men?
I think it'll come down to whoever can provide her with a vial of tears from a descendant of an eastern European princess.
I think the major issue would be dealing with the paparazzi. Last thing most sane people would care for is to have a camera crew follow you inside Starbucks and make it big deal what you ordered, how you ordered it, what you were wearing while you ordered it...etc. In Canada we just shoot these sort of people.

If I were single, lived there and she showed some interest in me, I'd definitely like to get to know her. She's hot and even hotter as a brunette.


I think she's beautiful and talented. But I think she's going to have a hard time finding someone who is interested in her as her and not Lady Gaga.

I'm interested in her. See I'm married, so I can be her non sexual 'boyfriend'. We'll talk all night, play cards, have sex... oh wait...
I don't think I've heard more than ten seconds of a Lady Gaga song and I don't keep up with entertainment news. Alls I knows is that chick has a fine turd cutter. I'll run it by the wife, but I'm pretty sure I'll have that bitch on my johnson by end of next week.


weird. All other pictures with skimpy outfit (and videos) doesn't show that she does have one. Plus there are articles that proven to be false.

maybe it is one of those wearable kind (some women do use that)


Staff member
PS, I almost choked on my drink when you said "according to wiki" in a serious tone.
I know how you feel. I do the same thing when you post NRO articles.[/QUOTE]

Putting aside the point that I very VERY rarely ever post anything from NRO.... the difference here is everybody who edits for NRO can edit wikipedia, where the reverse isn't true.

---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------

She's a woman.
Goodbye horses... I'm cryin' over youuuuuuuu...



even then the video would make it harder to "tuck" (I did think about that) since it has to go somewhere. It would be harder to totally hide it in that method.


Staff member
even then the video would make it harder to "tuck" (I did think about that) since it has to go somewhere. It would be harder to totally hide it in that method.
No, I think it's vastly simplified by her not having testicles. The weener can be kinda smooshed in, you know?

She's sportin' some ridiculous camel toe in that shot you provided, a piece so tight could be smooshing up the weener somethin' fierce.


Staff member
Gas, I never took you as some one to stare at a man's crotch.
Or doing extensive research in weenersmooshing, eh?[/QUOTE]

exactly. I am going to take her at face value. Just a woman with a mildly manish face.[/QUOTE]

Well, you can do that, too each their own after all. But if you were to have shown me that green thing picture out of context, I'd have been hard pressed to say whether it was Lady Gaga or Marilyn Manson.

Philosopher B.

I don't believe that Lady Gaga has a penis, because I saw the clip where you could supposedly see it, and if Gaga has one, that means I have seen it, and this I cannot accept.


"When the show is over and she's just Stefani; she's not comfortable being herself. "

Yeeeeeaaaahhh, that just screams psycho set up to me. The package is nice, but I think there's a bomb in there. I think it would be better if she took like a month off with no makeup, no roadies, no microphone.


Lady gaga's music sounds to me like it came from another world. I mean that literally.

I'd date her just to find out who's under the costumes.
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