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Laughing my ass off @ yet another dumb marketing decision




This morning I heard an ad on the radio for a chewable Tinnitus treatment called Quietus. It claims it can solve many ear problems. Yes, I imagine it would... I imagine quietus really could solve ALL your problems.





:rofl: :thumbsup:

Too bad it's taken, I could have used that as my misc. jobs company name!


Fun Size

Fun Size

Laughing my a** off @ yet another dumb marketing decision

I heard a bare bodkin will take care of tinnitus too.


English language fail. :facepalm:




:facepalm: some people are just ... ugh


In middle school once we were assigned to come up with the name of a new drug. It could be anything we liked. Your basic creative thinking excercise.

I named mine Placebox. My teacher got it, but none of my classmates did.




Hmm I actually didn't know it meant dying :confused: But it makes sense seeing as how the suicide drug in Children of Men was called it.


Wasn't "Quietus" the name of the suicide kits in Children of Men? (The movie, not the book.)

EDIT: I'm leaving this up as a tribute to my epic fail, but at least Hobo retro-answered my question.




Laughing my a** off @ yet another dumb marketing decision

Maybe the inventor has really, really bad tinnitus. :facepalm:




Wow, it passed through the whole company's board of directors and etc and no one picked up on it??

Fail, indeed.


Chad Sexington


My dad has terrible tinnitus, and an excellent life insurance policy...

... :paranoid:



Will it cure or lessen my (sometimes annoyingly sever) tinnitus? Then I don't give a shit what it's called. Just give me lots.

Not that I intend to purchase any. I mean, I'm really wary of anything that's advertised as a "100% homeopathic" medicine. I'm just sayin'.


Well, yeah, the fact that it's homeopathic just ups the stupid quotient that much more.




OOOOHHHHHH, it's homeopathic. Never mind my last question, that explains it.




Hmm, maybe they where using the latin meaning: http://www.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/look ... &ending=us


Calleja said:
OOOOHHHHHH, it's homeopathic. Never mind my last question, that explains it.
:uhhuh: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8211925.stm




Hmm, i don't think a warning against using it for HIV, TB and malaria is the same. I mean you don't use aspirin for those either, doesn't mean it's not a medicine. It's probably a fallacy as well.


@Li3n said:
I mean you don't use aspirin for those either, doesn't mean it's not a medicine.
@Li3n said:
:uhhuh: :thumbsup:




Really? Coz i can't find the pointing out flaws in logic fallacy... (btw, it's a fallacy to argue that someone is wrong because they used a fallacy... see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_fallacy )




Laughing my a** off @ yet another dumb marketing decision

Simple bio-feed back therapy went a long way in removing my tinnitus. Constant inexplicable noise in your ears is fucking maddening, glad I got rid of it.


Joe Johnson

Laughing my a** off @ yet another dumb marketing decision

BlackCrossCrusader said:
Simple bio-feed back therapy went a long way in removing my tinnitus. Constant inexplicable noise in your ears is smurfing maddening, glad I got rid of it.
Really? How the heck does that work?

My ears have been ringing ever since I can remember - it would be super-awesomesauce if there was a way to get rid of it. I always thought it was permanent.




I have a moderate degree of Tinnitus myself. I just have to keep something around that makes noise - a radio, a box fan, something. It's only in severe quiet that the ringing starts.. and gets louder.. and louder.. and louder until I'm practically clawing my own face off just so my screams will chase away that incessant "A" reverberation. :bush:




Laughing my a** off @ yet another dumb marketing decision

http://www.cracked.com/article_17686_8- ... -time.html
In August 2007, the German electronics manufacturer TrekStor tried to capitalize on the Apple iPod phenomenon with their own MP3 player. But what to name it? They knew they had to get the \"i\" in front of whatever word they decided on, to bring the iPod to mind. How about \"beat\" to signify all of the phat beats the customers will play on it? And it's black. Thus,




BlackCrossCrusader said:
Simple bio-feed back therapy went a long way in removing my tinnitus.

Explain, plz. :bush:
