Leonid Meteor Shower: Tomorrow Morning!

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Any of you plan on checking out the Leonid meteor shower? It should be passing over the US between 3:30AM and 5:30AM EST, we should get 20-30 meteors/hour. I'm quite excited by it! I'm heading to a quiet bit of beach with some friends, where it should be plenty dark for us to be able to see it clearly. It's sure to be beautiful. I was reading that in Asia, they expect it to be even better; 200-300 meteors/hour. That would be a sight to behold.

Here's an article on it, if you want more info http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2009/10nov_leonids2009.htm

I'll try to check on halforums on my iPhone while there, see if I check up on anyone else who might be watching. Take care, all!
Yeah, raining and cloud cover. I thought it was tomorrow night, actually. But rain and cloud cover then too anyways.

I hate the weather in this city.


Normally I'd be staying up for this and watching (I'm an astronomy nut), but the combination of work and possible cloud cover mean I'm out.
Supposed to be clear here, but at 20 degrees it's gonna be hard to make it outside. I'll set the alarm though for 3 and see what happens though.
Merely the THOUGHT that something may be going on at 4 in the morning will be enough to rouse me from my slumber.

My subconscious hates me.


This morning, eh? Hmm - I'm usually up till 4am anyway. Maybe I'll drive out of town a bit and find a place I can park.

Of course, this is all dependent on whether or not there's cloud cover at the time...time to check Chicago weather.


Well, I'm here at the beach. Was raining for a while, but it's cleared up. One of my buddies brought his guitar, so we've been singing and drinking, good times. Some clouds out still, hope they go away in the next hour or so


Yeah, I couldn't see shit -_- But had a nice time with friends, so it wasn't a total wash.
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