Leslie Nielsen dies at 84

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Of all of the "X has died" threads, this one makes me the saddest.
This is really the first time in a long time I have felt this sad over a celebrity dying, which is why it's the only time I've felt compelled to post a RIP thread =\

I really need to go find my Naked Gun collection..
<%Denbrought> huh, somehow it seems surreal that people like him die too
<%Denbrought> I fully expected to be 50 and see a new movie by him
I'm somewhat surprised how sad hearing this news made me.
I have to set some time this week to watch some Airplane! and Naked Gun 2 1/2.


Staff member
And here are some of the better lines/gags:

Frank: Wilma, I promise you; whatever scum did this, not one man on this force will rest one minute until he's behind bars. Now, let's grab a bite to eat.

[Jane climbs a ladder]
Frank: Nice beaver!
Jane: [producing a stuffed beaver] Thank you. I just had it stuffed.

[Drebin searches a drawer]
Frank: Bingo!
[pulls out a bingo card]

Mrs. Nordberg: Oh, my poor Nordberg! He was such a good man, Frank. He never wanted to hurt anyone. Who would do such a thing?
Frank: It's hard to tell. A gang of thugs, a blackmailer, an angry husband, a gay lover...

[referencing Frank]
Mayor Barkley: Entering without a search warrant, destroying property, arson, sexual assault with a concrete dildo...?

Frank: [sings] Oh say can you see / By the dawn's early light / What so proudly we hail / In the twilight's last gleaming? / Whose bright stripes and broad stars / In the perilous night / For the ramparts we watched / uh, da-da-da-da-da-daaaa. / And the rocket's red glare / Lots of bombs in the air / Gave proof to the night / That we still had our flag. / Oh say does that flag banner wave / Over a-a-all that's free / And the home of the land / And the land of the - FREE!

Det. Nordberg: Drugs... drugs...
Frank: Nurse! Get this man some drugs! Can't you see he's in pain?
[nurse administers drugs]
Det. Nordberg: No... no...
[pulls Frank towards him]
Det. Nordberg: Heroin, Frank! Heroin...
Frank: Uh... that's a pretty tall order, Nordberg. You'll have to give me a couple of days on that one.

Mayor: Oh, Drebin. I don't want any trouble like you had last year on the south side. Understand? That's my policy.
Frank: Yes, well when I see five weirdo's dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park in full view of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards, that's my policy.
Mayor: That was a Shakespeare in the park production of "Julius Caesar" you moron! You killed five actors, good ones!



Rumack: You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital.
Elaine Dickinson: A hospital? What is it?
Rumack: It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now.

Rumack: Captain, how soon can you land?
Captain Oveur: I can't tell.
Rumack: You can tell me. I'm a doctor.
Captain Oveur: No. I mean I'm just not sure.
Rumack: Well, can't you take a guess?
Captain Oveur: Well, not for another two hours.
Rumack: You can't take a guess for another two hours?

Rumack: What was it we had for dinner tonight?
Elaine Dickinson: Well, we had a choice of steak or fish.
Rumack: Yes, yes, I remember, I had lasagna.

Rumack: I won't deceive you, Mr. Striker. We're running out of time.
Ted Striker: Surely there must be something you can do.
Rumack: I'm doing everything I can... and stop calling me Shirley!

Jack: What's going on? We have a right to know the truth!
Rumack: [to the passengers] All right, I'm going to level with you all. But what's most important now is that you remain calm. There is no reason to panic.
[Rumack's nose grows an inch long]
Rumack: Now, it is true that one of the crew members is ill... slightly ill.
[Rumack's nose continues to grow longer and longer; al la Pinocchio]
Rumack: But the other two pilots... they're just fine. They're at the controls flying the plane... free to pursue a life of religious fulfillment.
I agree with Dave, this celebrity death has had the most impact this year. Mr. Nielsen was one of the few actors that could bring me to tears laughing so hard. Even though his humor was not edgy it was funny. I love everything he's stared in. One of my all time favorite scenes was when he was posing as an umpire during a baseball game and with each call he would get more outlandish. Also the scene where he forgets he's wearing a microphone and takes a piss that continues forever. Right now there are a lot of angles who are laughing their asses off.
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