Level 1 brazilian born (aka Meet Antonio Santiago)

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Meet Antonio Santiago Mari, born on the 18th, at 10 am (brasilia), weighing 3kg and with the huge hands, feet and brown eyes of his dad, dark hair and good looks from his mom.

Looks like a job well done! When does he start his martial arts tutoring, next week?

Thank god he looks like his mom. :p


Looks like a job well done! When does he start his martial arts tutoring, next week?

Thank god he looks like his mom. :p
He's going to be a Latin hearthrob.

That means lessons in salsa, flamenco, tango and classic guitar. And long hair.
Looks like a job well done! When does he start his martial arts tutoring, next week?

Thank god he looks like his mom. :p
He's going to be a Latin hearthrob.

That means lessons in salsa, flamenco, tango and classic guitar. And long hair.[/QUOTE]

In 13 years, he'll probably cut it respectably short to rebel.

Congrats all around! I hope his mom is recovering nicely.


Thanks all.
In 13 years, he'll probably cut it respectably short to rebel.

Congrats all around! I hope his mom is recovering nicely.
It was a cesarean section, as her favorite doctor is anti-natural birth.
Which means three-day hospital stay, a week of rest and three weeks of avoiding any physical activities.

Other than that, both the kid and Luiza are doing great.
Grats on the newest addition!

But the anti-natural birth thing definately made me double take. :eek:


Most people feel that way about Brazil's thing for cesarean birth... it seems to be the more popular choice these days here in Brazil, and since Im not the one choosing between getting cut/going through labor, I let her decide.


Congrats! As a fellow parent, I welcome you to the wonderful world of worrying about everything from here on out. :laugh:


Dang, good looking kid. Congrats.

Huge hands, but that's probably better to strangle his foes with, so you gotta be pretty happy about that.


Staff member
JCM, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations! Take care of your woman and that little guy!

And thanks for thinking of us!


i think he has already posted more than me.

congrats and happy baby day!


Staff member
Well, you know what they say about huge hands... They're good for holding the ladies.

Many felicitations to all three of you - JCM, Luiza and Antonio Santiago, the Child of Destiny *cue gong* I trust you will keep us posted via pictures, kewt tales and YouTube clips of his growth into the ultimate Latin heartthrob?
"My name is Antonio Santiago. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

You know, it really does work!

Congrats to both of you, it's gonna be a fun 18 years from here on out. :)


Well, you know what they say about huge hands... They're good for holding the ladies.

Many felicitations to all three of you - JCM, Luiza and Antonio Santiago, the Child of Destiny *cue gong* I trust you will keep us posted via pictures, kewt tales and YouTube clips of his growth into the ultimate Latin heartthrob?

I read this as "many felatios to all three of you" at first glance. Sicko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, Julio!
You'll be a kickass dad with all that yoga, and languages, and martial arts and stuff to teach your kid... (and a great grandparent too, when time comes, with all those endless stories about your travels :p)

Hugs and kisses all around!


Congratulations, Julio!
You'll be a kickass dad with all that yoga, and languages, and martial arts and stuff to teach your kid... (and a great grandparent too, when time comes, with all those endless stories about your travels :p)

Hugs and kisses all around!
Come gather 'round grandchildren and let grandpa Julio tell you about the time he got VD in Bangkok. :moon:
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