Lingerie for kids. Seriously.

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Staff member
This has got to be Icarus' wet dream.

Miley Cyrus' 9 year old sister is starting a line of lingerie for kids. I thought daddy was way too into Miley acting like a pole-dancing slut before but this is just fucking creepy.

Holy shit. No fucking WAY would I ever buy this for my kid. Ever.

As FigmentPez says down a bit, this may or may not be real.

But the pictures in the first article....oy.


Well that family certainly will need its fair share of consoling before they get too much older. Clearly Billy Ray is too caught up in being the cool dad, or not falling out of the lime light he will let whatever goes through.


Staff member
This has GOT to be a joke. It HAS to be.
From CNBC:
Annie Dugourd, co-founder of Ooh, La La! Couture called me to say any plans to make a line of lingerie "is an absolute lie." She says they are making a line of clothing for Emily Grace, but "we only make tutu dresses...there's no lingerie." She blames the story on a blog by Perez Hilton and says, "It's been devastating for our little company. We're two stay-at-home moms who make tutu dresses. We would never do anything inappropriate."


Staff member
Hotlinking like a bitch here:

Warning: Photos are totally safe for work, but may skirt the boundaries of good taste.

And there's a video where a kid in fishnets talking about the line.

---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------

I sure hope this is bullshit. I hope to God.


I guess I don't get it. She looks to be wearing a hell of a lot more, and a lot less sexy, than some of the pervy kid's crap I see at Walmart. *shrug*


dude that is just wrong!!! wrong!!

I will never let my kids wear anything like that especially at 9... MAYBE when she is an adult but I don't want to think about that.
I would never let my kids wear that NOR would I let hang out at the home of kids whose parents let them wear that.
This is one of those fake things to catch pedophiles isn't it? They announce a web site and collect data on people who order the stuff and Chris Hanson show up at their door the next week right, right?!!
This is one of those fake things to catch pedophiles isn't it? They announce a web site and collect data on people who order the stuff and Chris Hanson show up at their door the next week right, right?!!

Occasional Poster

Dave said:
This has got to be Icarus' wet dream.
Hey! She is very mature for her age! And she has problems with her family and stuff, so it's really not inapproriate at all. In ancient history, women were considered adult enough to start a family at nine years old so i can't really see what the problem is.




This is repulsive, I hope there some serious backlash for this.

---------- Post added at 04:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 AM ----------

This has GOT to be a joke. It HAS to be.
From CNBC:
Annie Dugourd, co-founder of Ooh, La La! Couture called me to say any plans to make a line of lingerie "is an absolute lie." She says they are making a line of clothing for Emily Grace, but "we only make tutu dresses...there's no lingerie." She blames the story on a blog by Perez Hilton and says, "It's been devastating for our little company. We're two stay-at-home moms who make tutu dresses. We would never do anything inappropriate."[/QUOTE]

Could this be edited into the OP? It certainly makes the world seem less horrifying then the title of this thread implies.

Those pictures dave posted are still really creepy though.
From CNBC:
We would never do anything inappropriate."
Could this be edited into the OP? It certainly makes the world seem less horrifying then the title of this thread implies.

Those pictures dave posted are still really creepy though.
Assuming they made the clothes she's wearing in those pics I'd say that her statement is either HORRIBLY ignorant or and out an out lie.


You do have to wonder what the hell is going on in these people's minds regardless of their motivations.
Finally i won't have to go through all that time consuming re-sizing of the lingerie i stole from people's lawns when i feel like making my abuse of pre-pubescents in the basement more romantic.
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