Live and let balls [nsfw]

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Bah duh, baaaaa daaaaaaaaa!
So i'm in china now and i'm 13 hours ahead of the east coast. So yeah, i'm into feb over here and got the going early on! I drew hella lot more before twelve but am unable to post for feb.

This is also precisely how i felt when i got noodles 'to go' for dinner and they gave me my soup IN A BAG. yes. thank you. i will have it exactly like that.

I have more drawings to do. Because february is here and that's what we do. We rock the house.
Ok. I'm not 100% sure about forum rules so i put a nsfw tag. Some of my stuff can get pretty raunchy but for now, just some backside sassy pants.

Day 2:

ok troops. let's keep things in high gear! hrahhhhhh!


Really? I find Fen's greatness to be completely demoralizing. :(


Seriously, great stuff.

really? That's silly, It's not a competition for the prom. Your only opponent is yourself.


Staff member
I don't know why everyone's posting art in February, and I don't really care why. This is good stuff. You are so talented!
Added at: 21:59
That second one sort of reminds me of my brother in law's style.
I feel like you should be posting twice a day. Loverly work!
In addition to doing my daily draws, i'm also trying to get about four or five 8x11' pinups done which is a strenuous work load. I finished five pinups at the end of day 2 and then drew this at midnight day 3.

Happy new years! Happy firecrackerocalypse! draw blah draw blah draw blah. I'm pulling my hair out already. Goal: three pinups before day 3 ends. Then a midnight drawing for day 4.


Holy shit Fennewalde.

just wow. Please tell me you make money doing art. Because otherwise humanity has wasted your talent.

I feel like such a slacker now.

onward to day 4!


Staff member
Wow the detail is impressive. Hands still aren't your strong suit, but damn, everything else.. I like the "pop" effect on the lanterns.
i posted the lines up in another forum and nobody could decipher the bottom image so i went back in and painted it. and vaders mask.


Staff member
The rendering on those lips is awesome. I really liked the subtle reflection on the bottom of the top lip. It's like a Vader totem pole.


you're miiiissing one.

Shenanigans on that woman's hip and left interior pelvic area!
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