Longing for the days of classic EQ

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Before all the expansion garbage. I'm talking about hunting bixies for Honeycombs in MT, dodging trains in CB, and that long ass run from Qeynos to Freeport. No magical books that poped you to various places on the planet. No Grinding AA's because you hit the level cap. Exploring the world and cursing as you went back to find your body.

Any other old school EQ fans know what I'm feeling?
I miss everything up to Velious. After that I could have done without.

As far as classic EQ servers, I'm not sure of many running at the moment but I'm sure something is out there.
You old school EQ people are full of madness. One of my co-workers is one of you. He still talks about playing EQ until it almost cost him his job and current wife and how much he misses it.

Shegokigo said:
Complete Heal chains for the win!
I actually didn't mind that so much, moreso:

Being unable to solo past 10-15
No decent DD spells unless you're fighting Undead
No melee ability to speak of
Constant whispers "come to (insert far-off zone here) and rez plz"
Even MORE of those whispers once I had my Epic Weapon
And more!

Then watching my best friend's younger brother solo Plane of Storms mobs with his Druid and level stupid fast, or my other friend solo his way to the level cap with a Necro. I think the reason I enjoy WoW so much is I don't have to have other people to do things. :tongue:
I think I spent more money paying Clerics for rezes (and necros for corpse summon) than I ever spent on anythingelse when "item camping".
Shegokigo said:
I think I spent more money paying Clerics for rezes (and necros for corpse summon) than I ever spent on anythingelse when "item camping".
Yeah, I never asked for money if it wasn't far to the rez spot, but sometimes people were such jerks about it, like, not even a thanks. Got to the point I had to go /anon just to get some peace and quiet.


I cannot say I actually -want- to relive those days, since they were full of pain and grind, but I do have very fond memories and occational flashbacks of those olden days of yore.

The main reason it was so great was because I had no concept of scale at the start and as it gradually unfolded I was utterly awestruck.

I remember being actually, truely frightened as I descended the lift on my fresh Wood Elf Ranger and steped out into the black of darkness in the forest, looking for treasures and saw a walking skeleton crest a hill coming towards me.

Shortly after a friend of the friend that had brought me onto EQ showed us off to Freeport and I was utterly dumbstruck at how far we had to travel and how careful we had to step to get to the docks and then boggling over how incredibly long the boat trip was, partway through which I saw islands with dangerous creatures lurking on it that I could, some day, go out and combat.

It was truly awesome when, quite some time later, I actually did go out to those islands and fight those monsters.

EQ captured the essence of adventure in the notion of there being things that you truly should not do or suffer really bad consequences until you're truly ready (or have a lot of friends to help you)

The ONLY time WoW has done that for me was flying between Stormwind and Ironforge and looking down into Searing Gorge and watching valuable metal nodes fly past on my minimap, guarded by huge monsters. Other than that, WoW has basically spoon fed dangers to me, all of which I could defeat from the very start, save for a few (Hellfire Peninsula anyone?)

I'd love to go back and feels those sensations again, but I know I wouldn't today and would simply cringe at the awkward interface and boring grind-fests.



I played on Rallos Zek, the first FFA pvp server. Pvp with full loot on kill for anyone you offed. We had bandit guilds prowling the server at all times. I believe it was a 10 gold tax to actually leave your starting city.
My very first char was a Barb warrior. I remember the feeling of accomplishment of breaking through the Gnoll cave of BB and being out of the frozen lands. Then finding Qeynos and taking a boat (and the boat going away half way through the trip and losing that corpse compleatly because I didn't know about petition, and being pissed because it had a fire beetle eye).

I remember the feeling of Aww I felt when I finally made that cross continent treck and saw Freeport for the first time, or when I saw my first named creature (Lockjaw) in the oasis and I was the only surviving member of the group (meaning I got first dibs on loot, because things like rolling hadn't become popular yet).
Old School EQ oh how I miss that adventure of the game. Not the game so much, but as others are saying, the adventure, the massive new world, the excitement of the game.

I played since nearly day one. I was there on the front lines for the invasion/conversion of Kith. That was exciting. For about the 2 minutes I survived.

Then there was the time I went travelling over to wisp isle and decided I was going to jump off the boat and swim instead of waiting to land at the docks. Yup, lost my corpse under a shark for bloody ever having to make that boat ride time and time (and time and time) again to try and get it back.

ah the stories.... *twitch*
Going into a dungeon and screaming "Camp Check", having to wait 45mins for a camp to open, then 8hrs straight killing the same 5 npcs over and over for an item. Yeah that was an "experience".
Anyone here want to mow my lawn? Seriously, you grind it out for a few months and there may be a slight reward in it for you.
Shegokigo said:
Going into a dungeon and screaming "Camp Check", having to wait 45mins for a camp to open, then 8hrs straight killing the same 5 npcs over and over for an item. Yeah that was an "experience".
I know, right? Like the "wonder" of camping a 14 hour spawn for my Cleric's Epic Weapon, having to let other guildies on my account because I had to work. Or grinding out experience for 4-5 hours in the Planes, and one bad pull wiping my group and losing 3+ hours of said experience.
Heh, I was an Iksar from the days of Kunark.. I remember getting killed by those two annoying escaped Froglok slaves as a newcomer.. and then slaying them every time I saw them since in revenge.

I remember getting to know the other Iksar around quite well.. back then it was difficult to leave Kunark, and most of us were confined to that city. I still know the layout of Cabilis by memory.

I remember making written notes of quest objectives etc. I actually found a notepad ful of that stuff a few months ago, and fondly looked it over before throwing it away.

Ah, field of bone.. I still miss it. That place was a nightmare for newcomers, and could easily get out of hand due to the level mixes. Dang scalebone skeletons. Trooper Teir was never around when you needed him.. and always killstole when you didnt want him. I think that was his name anyway.

I remember the lake of ill omen well.. hah, I remember a halfling friend making his way all the way there to deliver me bags and a set of fine steel equipment, plus armor.

I lost it less than 30 minutes later trying to find my way back to Cabilis. And corpse countdown was 30 minutes at that low level. I remember the tell I got. "You mean I made the trip for nothing!?" I later learned to bind find direction to left turn, so it was auto worked on and I always knew the way I was going.

I remember my first trip outside Kunark.. a friend showed up to take me to Karana for leveling. It was a long arduous and dangerous trip.. I arrived there and I was terrified. I did not know my way back, where I was.. I had no option but to just follow, staring around in wonder. A small groud gathered to stare at me like I was some rare beast. I suppose Iksar were a rare sight outside Cabilis / Kunark back then.

Amazing what nostalgia does to perceptions. These days, I couldn't stand it.
I miss fishing for rusty knives so I could work on my black-smithing. Or foraging as a ranger in different forests for chunks of wood to make my next upgrade bow. I also miss lying about how much I loved EQ...

I did get to meet some interesting people and have adventures, but I don't know any of them any longer.


As far as the original posts sentiment about a "classic" version of eq:

I don't know of any current unofficial servers out there that have been consistent at all. There was a recent classic/PVP one that was fairly populated for what it was, but got shut down by the creators due to excessive hacking and the like.

Also, though it is well past just classic EQ, EQMac has been virtually untouched by any game changing patches since the PoP expansion release, preserving a lot of the old school parts of the game that the main game has long changed or evolved from.
I was a beta tester of EQ1, played for a long time through various characters including a halfling druid and a human monk. EQ was great in that is was the first real 3D MMO I had played and the scope of the world was amazing. You would travel from places like Freeport out to Qeynos and just the run over would be an experiance, finding a random dungeon that no one told me about, or that time I accidently wandered into Mistmoore. When I started WoW I even named my first pet, a crocalisk, after the famous EQ crocodile, Lockjaw.

Really, the issue is that over time that massive world loses it's magic. I have a similar feeling with WoW all the time. I remember when walking into Stormwind as a little human rogue during phase 2 beta blew my mind, the huge statues, the way the music starts up in a chorus, and finally entering the city with the keep looming in the background. After a few weeks though? It just became that place that was not Ironforge, and even Ironforge just became that place with the AH.

Wonder comes from seeing things we never saw before, but over time, those things become old and familiar, and a lot of the magic gets lost in them. I found myself quitting EQ1 not because the game lacked expansive and interesting locations, they still had some charm, but because those things that started out as wonderful (the long trips, the long boat rides, the huge cities) over time became tedious, familiar, and after awhile, boring to me. They were unable to grab me back with the expansions.

Now I play WoW, and every time I consider quitting that game, they remove something that was annoying me and suck me right back. Crafty little bastards.
Need a list of things that irked you about EQ.

I did not like the long travel times, even with in the beginning areas.
Fishing for Knives.
Coins had weight, and would not convert to the next size coin when you had 100 copper. I always ended up buy and selling back at a loss just to make change when far from The Bank.
Staying logged in just to sell stuff at the bazaar.
Not being able to kill a single MOB of the same level, unless you were a Bard, Druid or Enchanter.
sixpackshaker said:
Need a list of things that irked you about EQ.

I did not like the long travel times, even with in the beginning areas.
Fishing for Knives.
Coins had weight, and would not convert to the next size coin when you had 100 copper. I always ended up buy and selling back at a loss just to make change when far from The Bank.
Staying logged in just to sell stuff at the bazaar.
Not being able to kill a single MOB of the same level, unless you were a Bard, Druid or Enchanter.
Don't forget Necros once they got the pet, and then Wizards once they got Snare. I used to leech xp off of my friend and his wife because they played a Wiz and Druid, so I could just buff and heal them here and there.
sixpackshaker said:
I was a Human Ranger, never got much group love. Until I established a good rep in a well known guild.
Yeah, playing a healer made grouping easy, thankfully. I don't know about now but back then it was impossible for me to solo anything.
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