Longing for the days of classic EQ

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CynicismKills said:
sixpackshaker said:
I was a Human Ranger, never got much group love. Until I established a good rep in a well known guild.
Yeah, playing a healer made grouping easy, thankfully. I don't know about now but back then it was impossible for me to solo anything.
Some type of fruitful soloing is actually (gasp) possible now in the game, with varying degrees of success...NPC healers/tanks for hire...specific mobs designed with melee friendly soloing in mind (less xp but still decent)...buff potions galore...mana/health/endurance regen in 3 minutes or less when out of combat...

its crazy different for the old timers who seen it in the past..

As for the nostalgia bit, I still play and enjoy the game lots, but I totally get it. I first played in the Luclin era, but only had the trilogy pack of expansions (i.e. still relegated to travel on foot). So much of that fun was simply the amazement of exploration and wandering without a clue/hope/prayer of what to expect.

Including the near-ubiquitous boat related horror story everyone has from that era, though to be fair it was never the death of me, just a very intense trip surviving the swim through the ocean of tears after being ditched by a boat upon zoning in.

Running around Greater Faydark as a High Elf pally, constantly getting lost in the forest with trains of mobs on my tail, desperately hunting the familiar sight of the fires outside felwithe in the distance, and the safety of the guards there.

Those godawful basilisks in G'fay around the orc hill *shudder*.

Being on the run from an orc legionnaire that I couldn't finish off myself, spotting a dark elf and running to them yelling for help...only to then realize it was a scowling npc that then gave chase along with another named orc.

Surviving that mess upon finally spotting the Felwithe gates after another 20-30 minutes of desperate running with no clue where to turn.

Being the stereotypical "noob" in Crushbone, joining groups with no clue that I had a specific role to fill as a paladin, a serious lack of important class spells, and a bad habit of ridiculous trains when i just knew i could escape to the zoneline...only to get lost and build a much larger, deadlier train while fleeing.

Like most I would love to have that experience again but I really don't know if thats realistically attainable.

I really do have fun in EQ to this day but it is much more of a "powergamer" experience, trying to be the very best I can be at the game.

Back then it was simply exploration, survival, and adventure. I would really have my interest piqued by a game aimed solely at those experiences, but I don't see it happening anytime soon when the majority of new MMOS are merely hoping to replicate the WoW cash cow experience.

Plus, it would probably fail.
For me, soloing with my necro was more fun than grouping because when grouping i was just a great big mana battery.
Bowielee said:
For me, soloing with my necro was more fun than grouping because when grouping i was just a great big mana battery.
Yeah, solo you got to run in circles for 2hrs while you had a mob pissed at you and your pet biting its ass.


I remember when I first played WoW, it had an epic like feel to it. I had only heard of the game a week prior to its release, and was really excited to be ONE soldier in the vast armies I used to control in Warcraft 1 through 3. Anytime I start an Orc in Durotar, man nostalgia for that first day of WoW hits me like a ton of bricks. I never played a video game for 8 hours straight until then. I thought the world ended with Durotar too (total MMO noob). Imagine my surprise when I found Ogrimmar and then the Barrens. I was so amazed by how huge the world was.


fade said:
I miss CircleMUD.
Ooooohhhh that does take me back... CircleMUDs were alright, easier to manage, reliable... played some of them in the day. High five! :aaahhh:

Although, LPMUDs were my thing... I learned C to program items in them. XD


Staff member
Aisaku said:
fade said:
I miss CircleMUD.
Ooooohhhh that does take me back... CircleMUDs were alright, easier to manage, reliable... played some of them in the day. High five! :aaahhh:

Although, LPMUDs were my thing... I learned C to program items in them. XD
You know what amuses me? All the WoW-kiddies who think it's new. Even the slash-commands and emotes are ported straight from MUD-land. Maybe that's why I'm not a huge WoW fan. I already killed the fun back in the early 90s, playing Circle and Diku based MUDs until my eyeballs fell out.
I never played EQ much. I played UO religiously till they fucked things up then skipped to AC (and DAOC) until I got bored of it then SWG till the damned CU upgrade to WoW till they fucked up raiding.

I do agree with you, classics cannot be beat. The first few weeks playing a new game are cherished and enjoyable. Nothing will beat the feeling I got during my first Covetous PK run.
That was one of the things I loved about UO: If you were dedicated enough and good enough, you can basically claim a territory and most people would stay the fuck out... and if they didn't, they full well knew what to expect from you if you ran into them.
One of the many servers that I ran a PK guild on, and probably my favorite: We took control of "Cyclops Island" in T2A. It was the biggest money/rare item farming area in the entire xpac. We ruled it with brutality. Anyone who attempted to come farm would either be killed by one of us who were "hidden" and watching the area, watched until they got a good truck load of money then ambushed and killed, or just unlucky enough to be there one of our patrols would come recalling in.

We made so much money then, our little "community" of homes went from medium/large to huge. :twisted:
I wonder how good those emu UO servers are... I've been craving but.... it'll be like tasting stale bread.... :(
So a slow day and some googling found some info on clasic EQ emulated servers (many pre-SOL or POP). I'm gonna spend a couple days on one called PEQ and see if it is EQ "how I remember it".
bigcountry23 said:
So a slow day and some googling found some info on clasic EQ emulated servers (many pre-SOL or POP). I'm gonna spend a couple days on one called PEQ and see if it is EQ "how I remember it".
If it is, I'm sure you'll remember how much you hated it quickly. :slywink:
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