Man rips out friend's heart while he was alive!

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Justin Davis noticed his friend Jarrod Wyatt acting strangely earlier in the day after drinking some wild mushroom tea. Davis left the Requa, California home, then returned early in the morning to pick up his dog. He instead found a grisly sight...

Wyatt, described as a 26-year-old cage fighter, was standing in the living room naked and bloodied with the brutalized body of his friend, Taylor Powell. Wyatt told Davis he was going to cut out Powell's heart.

Davis left to find a pay phone and call police. When deputies arrived, they found Wyatt on the couch with Powell's body. Most of his face had been removed. A eyeball was laying in the middle of the living room. There was a large cut in his chest, which Wyatt used to remove some of Powell's organs, including his heart. He told deputies that he had thrown the heart into a fire.

A coroner's report later revealed that Wyatt had ripped out Powell's heart while he was still alive, causing him to bleed to death. He'd also been brutally beaten. Indentations in the wall showed that Powell had his head repeatedly rammed into the wall.

Detectives found wild mushrooms in the kitchen, but there's been no indication if they played a role in Wyatt's behavior. As he was carted off to jail, Wyatt repeatedly told police that he'd killed Powell.
He's been charged with first-degree murder.


---------- Post added at 12:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 PM ----------


Element 117

threads like these make me pine for an "Ignore this Thread" function. :(
Ma-Ti totally got the lamest ring power ever. Now, if it had allowed him to literally rip hearts out of chests...


Come on, people, a guy was brutally murdered by his friend.

Have a heart, why don't you?


Staff member
What else can you do other than crack jokes sometimes. There are so many terrible things out there, and there are only so many times you can reel with disgust at them. After a while it's just a way to cope. It's not that we are heartless.

Cobra Star

Thank you Bowie, that's exactly the visual I was going for :uhhuh:


Why aorta beat up the lot of you jerks.

Seriously though, I am even now throwing away all those cans of mushroom soup I have.



Even I would have been tempted to put justice unto the man who would commit this crime. A Batarang through the skull is to good for him.
Ma-Ti totally got the lamest ring power ever. Now, if it had allowed him to literally rip hearts out of chests...
Acually, the power of heart isn't that lame. Go check out Linkara's review of the Captain Planet comic. Turns out the power of heart is mind control.


I am surprise the news haven't link to Mortal Kombat yet (either that or I missed it)
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