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Manos: The Hands of Fate


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[/POSTER][MOVIE]Title: Manos: The Hands of Fate

Tagline: It's Shocking! It's Beyond Your Imagination!

Genre: [GENRE]Horror[/GENRE]

Director: [DIRECTOR]Harold P. Warren[/DIRECTOR]

Cast: [ACTOR]Harold P. Warren[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Tom Neyman[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]John Reynolds[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Diane Mahree[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Stephanie Nielson[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Sherry Proctor[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Robin Redd[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Jackey Neyman[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Bernie Rosenblum[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Joyce Molleur[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]William Bryan Jennings[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Jay Hall[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Bettie Burns[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Lelanie Hansard[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Pat Coburn[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Pat Sullivan[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]George Cavender[/ACTOR]

Release Date: [RELEASE]1966-11-15[/RELEASE]

Runtime: [RUNTIME]74[/RUNTIME]

Plot: [PLOT]A family gets lost on the road and stumbles upon a hidden, underground, devil-worshiping cult led by the fearsome Master and his servant Torgo.[/PLOT][/MOVIE][/CONTAINER]




Has to be the worst theatrical (technically) movie ever.
MST3K and the recent Rifftrax versions are the only ways it can be enjoyed.




Seconded. This is the second worst movie ever made. Do not watch it unless in the company of space janitors/homebuilt robots.
