Men: More abusive when out of work

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So now that they don't have a job to go to they have more time to beat on their wives?! Sounds about right...


Staff member
A cop friend of my wife's had something similar happen. His apartment complex's manager asked him to look in on a couple because loud arguing was going on in the apartment (he was off duty) with some questionable threats being issued. He checks in, decides it's just a heated argument (we've all had them). Two hours later, the husband stabbed the wife to death. This cop felt like crap.
^ my best friend's bro was a street cop for a single day. He went out on a domestic disturbance call, the woman was badly beaten and bloodied. He arrests the husband, and as he was cuffing the husband, the wife charged across the room with a butcher knife trying to free her man. He shot her dead in her tracks and turned in his badge when he got to the station.
Ah, Stockholm Syndrome. It's a hell of a curse ain't it?
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