Merry Christmas....From the Future

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As an ambassador from one of the most in front time ones I wish you a merry christmas. It has been christmas for 15 minutes here. So happy holidays halforum. (holy alliteration batman).

Post your pressie list here
so far:
Punch out for Wii
Nandos Chicken spice grinders
Monty python Live book
Skull shpaed Bottle Opener and beer bong.

What about you Halforum?
dam you bhamv....Stealing my time machine. So how far ahead in time are you anyway? I'm only gmt +8. Aussie for life bro! (also its pronounced like ozzy. As in the osbourne. Remember that people)


Staff member
What I got for Christmas:
a set of antiperspirant and shower gel (do I stink? Is this a hint?)
a new pajamas set
a nice-looking Chinese Checkers-like boardgame
a set of Marimekko bedsheets
an Il était une fois DVD
a joke book
a fold-in chair (made by dear ol' dad :) )

Wasabi Poptart

A little less than 9 hours to go here. My son got a letter from Santa in the mail today. Can't wait for him to see it when he gets back from the park.
merry Christmas guys...

My Girlfriend gave me a Monstars plushy.It's frakking adorable!!!

And I got Black Stories 5.A lateral Thinking game.Its tons of fun in a group.

Cant really celebrate to well,since I just recuperated from a pretty nasty fever. :S


Just went past twelve in the morning.

Ladies, gentlemen, and degenerate freaks, I wish you a very merry Christmas indeed.
It's 1:46 in the morning here in BCN (wich stands for "Barcelona" but I always read as "Bacon"). So... Merry Christmas! Bon Nadal!


merry christmas everyone

i got a dsi, chrono trigger, ff3, advance wars day of ruin, and a case


Staff member
Merry Christmas. All I've gotten so far is money and food. Not bad since the food is good and the money can be used to buy things (or so my brain tells me).


I got:
350 gb external,
The Tudors season 1,2,
Dexter season 3,
Burn Notice season 2,
Star Trek,
Transformers 2
Psych season 3


I got:
350 gb external,
The Tudors season 1,2,
Dexter season 3,
Burn Notice season 2,
Star Trek,
Transformers 2
Psych season 3
What kind of cruel person gives someone Transformers 2 after so many awesome gifts?[/QUOTE]

I asked for that movie. All of that stuff was the stuff on my Christmas list to my parents.
I listed most of my presents in the epic win and a toolbox.

But I also got a nice leather jacket, Dragon Age, and some kung fu stuff (a kicking focus pad, and a rubber knife for class)
I got:

Wii MotionPlus Attachment
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Lamb: the Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Bloodsucking Fiends: a Love Story
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Office Space
George Carlin: Personal Favorites
Drag Me to Hell
30 Rock (Season 3)
I got a button accordion. I mentioned it to my father a few months ago, and totally didn't expect him to remember. Not only did he remember, he and my mother got me one of the most beautiful instruments I've ever seen. It's only one row, but I'm only just learning.

He also got myself and my brother ukuleles for fun. Besides that it was clothes and a weatherproof butane lighter, which will make setting things on fire in St. John's much easier.
I got drinking glasses (large AND small) some undershirts, and kick ass chopsticks!

A feeling of unsadness to you and yours for a period of time to be determined by those receiving said well wishes!


--- Phil Rigney
Lamb: the Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Bloodsucking Fiends: a Love Story
Christopher Moore for the win! The sequel to Bloodsucking Fiends is even better. I approve.[/QUOTE]
Christopher Moore FTW indeed. My first exposure to him was A Dirty Job. I've since followed up with The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove and Coyote Blue. That author is frickin' hilarious.
Lamb: the Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Bloodsucking Fiends: a Love Story
Christopher Moore for the win! The sequel to Bloodsucking Fiends is even better. I approve.[/QUOTE]
Christopher Moore FTW indeed. My first exposure to him was A Dirty Job. I've since followed up with The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove and Coyote Blue. That author is frickin' hilarious.[/QUOTE]

I think A Dirty Job is my favourite by him so far. I have Fool but I haven't read it yet; I want to re-read King Lear (as it is based on the misadventures of the Fool from the play).
I got the following

$15 gift card to WalMart
A 6 pack of Perrier water
Joker toy
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam (Xbox 360)
Donald and Goofy parachute toy (gag gift from my brother)
A donation made in my name
Bolt for Blu-Ray (Disc only)
Kung-fu panda for Blu-Ray (Disc only)
Mario Bros. Game & Watch

I am planning on going out and buying myself a game as a gift to myself.
Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Final Fantasy Dissidia
Bone Machine by Tom Waits
A bunch of Salman Rushdie novels
Men at Arms by Terry Pratchet
Warcraft shirt
Hellboy II
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Star Wars Original Trilogy (with the un-fucked with "bonus" discs)
A nice scarf
A new winter hat
Some new shirts
The Hangover
A new guitar strap
This battery charging pad
This cool vest
A starbucks gift card
And a new pea coat
My Christmas loot goes as so:

5-pound bar of chocolate
Xbox wireless adaptor
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for DS
Gamestop gift card

Iron Man, The Dark Knight, Wayne's World 1 & 2 Double Feature, and Transformers 2 (My dad didn't know any better, he meant well. :p)

-Planet Earth dvd box set
-Justice League/Justice League Unlimited box set
-Phantom of the Opera
-Jim Henson Collection (Labyrinth, Mirrormask and Dark Crystal)
-Dante's Divine Comedy
-Death of Superman
-The DC Encyclopedia
-Fahrenheit 451
-winter coat
-movie passes
-spa gift cert
-a steam cleaner
-bake wear
-clothing and general beauty supplies

It was a good take. :p
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